View Full Version : Sad and confused

08-13-2004, 10:41 PM
OK guys lately my mag hasn't been in perfect working order. :cry: Its allways had a problem ever since the begining of the year. So, I've come down to desprate measures I've been thinking about selling it and buying a Matrix or somethang. Now ever since I've thought about selling it I've been a little sick to my stomic and I don't know what to do. AO help me out :(

08-13-2004, 10:44 PM
send it to tuna

08-13-2004, 10:44 PM
Nobody can help if you dont describe the problem :argh:

So what exactly is wrong with it? Im sure somebody here can help you out. :headbang:

08-13-2004, 10:50 PM
ok going from beginging of the year


Flatline purchesed and found it needed 3 rebuilds and it still leaks

then got the ULT=more bounceing and start of short stokeing

now i have my e-mag lowers and my seloinde is craped out(i didn't break it i swear!!)

Still running a classic now with the e-mag onoff thus slower rechrge and not getting the speed i so despritly need

curently i can not afford an X valve till i sell my valve and intell and some other crap

so i gotta play tomarrow so i'll have to run all mech witch pisses me off and i gotta send it into AGD and i can only hope for the best.

08-13-2004, 10:51 PM
just words of advice, if you cant maintain a mag, dont go for the trix, not that there bad, but you do have to know how to change orings, (which is more complicated than mag)

08-13-2004, 10:56 PM
i've kep it whell maintained oilded it onces ever 2 weeks oiled it before and after a day of play no matter if it was a horrable day or a good day. I've replaces all orings and its really come down to a devil mag or a trix

08-13-2004, 11:01 PM
Try something new and get a matrix, they aren't really that hard. Lots of orings, have a spare kit on hand, lube it a lot, and just change orings when you feel they are not looking good. Basically all that can go wrong on a trix is something with your regs, or its leaking.

08-13-2004, 11:12 PM
Can't help with too much since I dont have an e-mag but why put the ULT in an e-mag? Unless Im reading it wrong and the ULT is in your mech mag. If the ULT is in the emag, I'd go back to stock and try to get rid of any bounce issues you have w\o the ULT.

ok going from beginging of the year


Flatline purchesed and found it needed 3 rebuilds and it still leaks

then got the ULT=more bounceing and start of short stokeing

now i have my e-mag lowers and my seloinde is craped out(i didn't break it i swear!!)

Still running a classic now with the e-mag onoff thus slower rechrge and not getting the speed i so despritly need

curently i can not afford an X valve till i sell my valve and intell and some other crap

so i gotta play tomarrow so i'll have to run all mech witch pisses me off and i gotta send it into AGD and i can only hope for the best.

08-14-2004, 01:49 AM
the ULT is currently out and i have a E-mag onoff assy in it now

08-14-2004, 01:52 AM
Yeah dude seriously if you cannot keep a mag running your asking for trouble buying a trix...

08-14-2004, 02:15 AM
what i do believe is my main problem is all in the valve because of the on/off with the tolorances and i'll take a look at my tank tomarrow but i dunno.

Chojin Man
08-14-2004, 05:30 AM
have you sent in into agd? i would send it there or to havoc online. my mag was totally messed up; he put his magic touch on it. now it shoots great.