View Full Version : it gives you rocket boosters!

08-14-2004, 06:56 PM
rockstar energy drink makes red bull feel like sugar water. holy crap. good heavens.

08-14-2004, 08:12 PM
Nothing beats Rooster Booster or Donkey Kick. NOTHING!!!!!!!

08-14-2004, 10:06 PM
nothing beats my energy drink...

its a magic combination

of many things

08-14-2004, 10:11 PM
rockstar energy drink makes red bull feel like sugar water. holy crap. good heavens.

you think so, huh??

it didn't seem to have that big of an effect on me.
it tastes kinda funny to me too.
i prefer amped

08-14-2004, 10:39 PM
ahh, amped and that sobe adrenaline stuff suck. its either redbull or that rockstar stuff. and they dont have much an affect on me except that time goes 2x as fast. makes work alot better.

08-14-2004, 10:43 PM
You dont know the true power of Monster or Bawls. go to thinkgeek.com and finsd out

08-15-2004, 12:18 AM
I plan on purchising the caffine water form thinkgeek. 250 mg per a botttle the most potent cafinated beverage on ther planet acording to them. Thats bout the equivelent of 4+ dews. Now that is gonna rock.

08-15-2004, 12:24 AM
I want to get a case of Bawls from Thinkgeek but I don't wanna blow 30 bucks just in case I don't like it... :(

08-15-2004, 01:13 AM
Nothing beats smack!!....and I did'nt mean to shoot that 7-11 clerk in Texas but what can I say, its a helluva' drug. :dance:

08-15-2004, 02:22 AM
red bull sucks. Its all about Wired X3000. Its got 3000 mg of taurine, its beautiful. Most energy drinks don't really do much for me anymore, because ive consumed WAY too much. It drank 2 flats, or 48-20oz. bottles of Wired in about a week. That went on for about 3 weeks or so... But now, Ill usually just get a rockstar or X3000 when im tired in the morning, or i need a boost to jam for a long time. Energy drink are a beautiful thing though.


08-15-2004, 02:46 AM
ah yes.. caffiene dependancy.. i remember that.

08-15-2004, 03:50 AM
ah yes.. caffiene dependancy.. i remember that.
Hey, its not caffiene dependency, its taurine, among many other energy enhancing substances. mmm, taurine how much i love you.

08-15-2004, 09:38 AM
Ever think about getting jolt gum? Man is that stuff powerful.

08-15-2004, 09:47 AM
All of those drinks are sugar water. Some have mild stimulants but overall, they are full of simple sugars and caffine, which will only effect the user for about 2 hours max (100mg of caffine has a half like of about an hour or two inside the body).

08-15-2004, 10:18 AM
I like Bawls Guarana just because thats what they have at the gaming centers I go to, I chug that stuff down, but then this one time i saw a guy get 10 bottles, drink them in less than 10 minutes, then go up and get 10 more! these things cost 2$ a bottle, sometimes 3$!!!!

08-15-2004, 11:11 AM
try drinking a few rockstars and playing a slap card game... dont break your fingers though

08-15-2004, 11:28 AM
I prefer downing a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew, or Mountain Dew Code Red

08-15-2004, 11:59 AM
bloo powerade ;)

08-15-2004, 01:44 PM
powerade/gatorade... now thats sugar water. at least energy drinks have alot more bvitamins and some other crap. powerade tastes like crap anyways.

08-15-2004, 02:12 PM
powerade/gatorade... now thats sugar water. at least energy drinks have alot more bvitamins and some other crap. powerade tastes like crap anyways.

Ok here we go:

Powerade/gatorade are drinks designed for a purpose. They replenish minerals that are used in the body for chemical reactions to take place. Specifically Na+, K+ and Cl- (Sodium, potassium and chloride), aka "Electrolytes". These are used in great abundance during physical activity because they are what make nerve impulses, muscle contractions and maintaining water balance inside the body possible. They also contain carbohydrates and sugars to provide the body with some fuel to use. These drinks are designed with a purpose to fuel athletes. Not supply people with a quick fix of energy. They are not "sugar water" by ANY means and what you think they are is greatly misconstruded. Gatorade and Powerade are not "energy" drinks either. Again, what they do is supply the body with what it needs most during long periods of physical activity.

Now these so called "energy" drinks like Bawls and Red Bull, etc. contain stimulants. These stimulants are catalysts which increase the rate at which chemical reactions occure in the body. They also play hell with your Hypothalamus (the control center for hormone production in the body as well as a host of other functions) and cause it to go haywire. It see's these chemicals that you've just pumped into your body and starts releasing what it THINKS it has to do to maintain homeostasis. For example, when it see's Synephrine it releases testosterone to counteract it. Thus, you get this feeling of being pumped up and ready to rock out.

Taurine, which is found in many of the drinks, is the second most abundant amino acid in the body. It's found throughout the body, but chiefly in nerve tissue and muscle. It is thought to help regulate heartbeat and muscle contractions, water balance, energy levels and levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. Whether or not taurine offers any direct performance enhancement with regard to athletic activities is debatable. Since the body can manufacture it out of vitamin B6 it's supplementation in popular energy drinks is a mute point.

If you enjoy being dehydrated then keep drinking these drinks. While Taurine promotes hydration of cells, the caffine in these drinks does just the opposite. It is a diuretic - meaning your body loses its most essential nutrient, water. Research shows a lost of just 1 to 2% of water in the body causes a 10% reduction in physical performance. It is also quite addictive which is why they put it in soda.

08-15-2004, 02:25 PM
Thank you Bill Nye. the Science Guy

08-15-2004, 05:59 PM
Thank you Bill Nye. the Science Guy
:ninja: cold :ninja:

A friend of mine drank 4 Rockstars in 15 minutes one time when I was on a school trip and we stopped to get drinks at a WaWa. Darn if he wans't good at Egyptian Ratscrew.

08-15-2004, 06:04 PM
Ok here we go:

Powerade/gatorade are drinks designed for a purpose. They replenish minerals that are used in the body for chemical reactions to take place. Specifically Na+, K+ and Cl- (Sodium, potassium and chloride), aka "Electrolytes". These are used in great abundance during physical activity because they are what make nerve impulses, muscle contractions and maintaining water balance inside the body possible. They also contain carbohydrates and sugars to provide the body with some fuel to use. These drinks are designed with a purpose to fuel athletes. Not supply people with a quick fix of energy. They are not "sugar water" by ANY means and what you think they are is greatly misconstruded. Gatorade and Powerade are not "energy" drinks either. Again, what they do is supply the body with what it needs most during long periods of physical activity.

Now these so called "energy" drinks like Bawls and Red Bull, etc. contain stimulants. These stimulants are catalysts which increase the rate at which chemical reactions occure in the body. They also play hell with your Hypothalamus (the control center for hormone production in the body as well as a host of other functions) and cause it to go haywire. It see's these chemicals that you've just pumped into your body and starts releasing what it THINKS it has to do to maintain homeostasis. For example, when it see's Synephrine it releases testosterone to counteract it. Thus, you get this feeling of being pumped up and ready to rock out.

Taurine, which is found in many of the drinks, is the second most abundant amino acid in the body. It's found throughout the body, but chiefly in nerve tissue and muscle. It is thought to help regulate heartbeat and muscle contractions, water balance, energy levels and levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. Whether or not taurine offers any direct performance enhancement with regard to athletic activities is debatable. Since the body can manufacture it out of vitamin B6 it's supplementation in popular energy drinks is a mute point.

If you enjoy being dehydrated then keep drinking these drinks. While Taurine promotes hydration of cells, the caffine in these drinks does just the opposite. It is a diuretic - meaning your body loses its most essential nutrient, water. Research shows a lost of just 1 to 2% of water in the body causes a 10% reduction in physical performance. It is also quite addictive which is why they put it in soda.

i actually found this useful... i mean i always knew about this, and how those energy drinks just dehydrate you. i just never bothered to take the time to really understand how, although not extremely indepth, it give me a better idea of what is going on


08-15-2004, 07:03 PM

08-15-2004, 07:14 PM
Back in the day Anheuser-Busch came out with an energy drink called "180", it wasnt good but gave you a kick. I remember my uncle owned a resturant in NC he got a free truckload to give out due to his Bud sponser, me and my cousin took down like a case in 24 hours and couldnt go to sleep........it was awesome. I dont know if they make it anymore but my drink of choice now is Amp by Pepsi because its based on the flavor of Mt dew, still over all of these drinks Ill take a cookies and creme powerbar anyday :ninja:

08-15-2004, 08:25 PM
hot damn mango

energy drinks still pass time twice as fast; so, the faster work goes, the happier i am :)

08-16-2004, 12:28 AM
Back in the day Anheuser-Busch came out with an energy drink called "180", it wasnt good but gave you a kick. I remember my uncle owned a resturant in NC he got a free truckload to give out due to his Bud sponser, me and my cousin took down like a case in 24 hours and couldnt go to sleep........it was awesome. I dont know if they make it anymore but my drink of choice now is Amp by Pepsi because its based on the flavor of Mt dew, still over all of these drinks Ill take a cookies and creme powerbar anyday :ninja:
I didnt really like 180, it just didnt do anything at all for me. It had an alright taste, just kinda like orange soda(which is my fave), but it just didnt have anything going for it. Energy drinks dont really do anything for me anymore though, I just like the taste. Thats usually why i drink them. And I usually get free ones from the 7-11, ahh the beauty of knowing people.

Man, energy drinks are awesome. I dont care what anyone says, I like that bitter taste of tuarine and milk thistle(in rockstar)

08-16-2004, 12:36 AM
Mango, during a day of play on a field built on the side of a hill, in 100 degree weather, is drinking 3-4 gatorades over a day of play too much?

Either way, im happy to know that the drinks are better than I had feared. BUT, are the propel waters any better?

08-16-2004, 01:15 AM
Not to be the voice of the mothering parent type, but I've been addicted to energy drinks, and it ain't pretty.

It only took a good solid week (my first finals week in college, 12 years ago) of not sleeping and drinking lots of Dew and... jolt? (whatever the energy drink du jour was).

I couldn't sleep unless I drank a couple of Dews.

When i realized it was bad, and I had to stop, I did it cold-turkey, and I couldn't stop my hands shaking for a full day.

I didn't sleep right for about 2 weeks after that.

The drinks are not soft-drinks, and they are not recreational drinks. You kids are really too young to be screwing up your bodies with this crap

08-16-2004, 01:40 AM
it's all about the 211...