View Full Version : New to automags, gun leaks

08-14-2004, 08:21 PM
Hi everyone I have an Automag RT Pro, but when I screw in my tank, I can hear gas leaking out of the vertical feed. As i said im very new to Automags (1 week) and this is the first time I had a chance to shoot it. I took apart the gun and checked the o-rings, they seem alright. But some of the o-rings arent circular, but flat. Is that normal? Can anyone help me? I have a game tomorrow to go to so I need help fast.

08-14-2004, 08:27 PM
replace the orings and then oil everything in the valve...problem solved ..o ya make sure you oil the on/off to

08-14-2004, 09:27 PM
Ummm what if I don't have any extra o-rings? It's definatly the valve that leaks.

08-14-2004, 11:05 PM
If it is leaking out of the barrel/feed neck pull and hold the trigger if it keeps leaking the leak is in the on/off [the little brass chunk in the bottom] if it stops leaking when you hold the trigger, the leak is in the power tube[behind the bolt].

If you don’t have o-rings go to a proshop and get a kit, if time does not allow for a trip to the shop you can submerge the o-rings in HOT water and they may come back just oil the crap out of them.

As for flat o-rings some are I would need to know where the flat ones are to tell if they where a problem.

good luck

08-24-2004, 04:05 PM
Also an other thing to check is if you have a level 10 that the right brass spacer and the o-ring in the spacer is still good.

trains are bad
08-24-2004, 04:29 PM
you most likely need to go to a one size smaller LX carrier.

Also soaking orings in ATF does wonders sometimes.

08-24-2004, 05:58 PM
yep i got a automag RT as well and i have exactly the same problem as you do. Level 10 was just installed recently by the previous owner of the gun. I also had leaking from the asa but a little plumbers tape solved the leaking out of the screw. Now my leaking is coming from the vertical feed as well. I am going to try the above suggestions tonight and see if they work for me.

(scruffy579) - well it turned out my gun was leaking because the level 10 was missing some shims a good friend at work helped me out and its working great now :)