View Full Version : One of those weeks...

08-15-2004, 04:02 PM
Man Ive just had the worst past few days ever. Wenesday my best friend left for college ( st louis uniersity so not even close) thursday a good friend of mine and all american high school football player was shot and killed ( this is what has me most upset, im sad for his death and very pissed that people took away from us one of the best athletes college football would yet to see) He had a full ride to univ of oregon. friday spent the day bummed, took it out on the gf, and she kinda just ended things there ( not the biggest deal, but just adds to it you know?) and yesterday after a decent day of balling to get my head clear, my tire blows out and i crash my car into an embankment. Im not leaving my room today. Tomorrow i have to get a filling ( and i HATE the dentist) Has any one had just one of those weeks from hell? if every thing was spread out it would be way more managable. And please dont think im looking for sympathy, there really isnt anything that can be done (unless you know a good car body place in the bay area)

08-15-2004, 04:51 PM
I've had some bad weeks, but nothing as bad as that. Sorry about your friend. I hope that all turns out well for you.

08-15-2004, 05:10 PM
WHy did your friend get shot? It's not everyday that an All-American hs football player gets shot and killed...

I sort-of know what you're feeling, though not as extreme. My really close group of friends just split up. Colleges, girlfriends, etc. It's weird how fast things change, one second you're hanging out every other day and the next you're not even talking anymore. I guess it would have happened sooner or later, but I just didn't expect it to happen so fast. Oh well, things change.

08-15-2004, 05:27 PM
They think he was shot out of jealousy. They made an arrest. It just saddens me that someone who had a legit shot at making something for his family, first to go to college, was killed.

08-15-2004, 09:08 PM
I know how those weeks go. A few months ago, A friend of mine died from lung failure and complications, my cat that i had had my entire life died, i failed a major test, and the girl i really, really liked turned me down. So i know where you're comin from. All i can say is, Things get better eventually, you just have to look for positive things, and not dwell on the negatives. Its hard, and i know it sucks. I wish the best to you.

08-15-2004, 09:55 PM
I do tend to have really rough weeks at times, but I am happy none have dealt with death. This past year I was in a real tough situation and nearly had an anxiety attack. As a junior I was taking 6 AP Classes, a show choir (time consuming), and was on the varsity fball team (Regional Champs :D). Basically all my teachers decided to throw everything at me all at once. By mid week I had barely survived two all-nighters and was planning on a third to get more work done when my teachers added even more projects. I've never been that stressed out before. I didn't really realize what was happening either until one of my teachers pulled me aside because she was worried about me. That week was horrible. I managed to get some things spread out a few days and managed to finish.

Other than that, the bad weeks are always the two-a-day weeks for football. 11 practices in less than a week + work in between practices is torture. All you think about during the week is that you have to go back for another practice. By the way.... last week was this year's two-a-day week. All I can say is that I'm VERY much enjoying not having practice today.

08-16-2004, 12:44 AM
gotta stop living the past. livelife to the greatest

we all have bad weeks and days

but yeah.. RIP sorry to hear about your friend

08-16-2004, 03:43 AM