View Full Version : Modding the twistlock barrel - Stingray pull-pins?

08-16-2004, 03:09 PM
Here is problem number 2 out of the thousands on my mag project: codenamed "Belgian Waffles"

I won't be able to use the standard twist lock assembly, but it has to use the old style twistlock barrel (the breech has to be part of the barrel itself).

Now to do this I was thinking of holding the barrel in place with the old stingray pull pins! For those of you who are "stingers" or were ;) They are pins on a ring that slide through a hole in the body of the gun, into a groove cut into the barrel, then pop out the other side of the body (actually 2 pins, one upper and lower).


Do you think this would work out alright? I'm hoping there is enough meat in the twist lock area to do this on a mag barrel. Also I'm hoping the barrel won't wobble.

If you guys have any other ideas, shoot them out (might be hard with my lack of information). Like does any of you have experience with JB weld? Could i put a bit of JB weld inside the body, and slide the twist lock thing into that just as if it were the twist lock pin?

Does anyone have 2 of these pullpins they could envelope to me?

08-16-2004, 03:24 PM
I don't know the extent of your project, but unless you have something else to prevent the barrel from rotating you'll run into alingment problems.

At least that's what I remember from the Ray that's been in my closet for years.

08-16-2004, 03:35 PM

I don't think it can rotate with an upper and lower pin in there. But then again I never owned a ray. I'll have to talk to my experienced stingray modder friend. He used to be crazy about them, as you can see by his website --> http://web.umr.edu/~ikellogg/pballsold.html

08-16-2004, 04:20 PM
hmmm. sounds interesting...

i dont have any pins with rings but ill sendya some of the stock ones w/o rings if you want to send me your address.

if you neeeed rings- try the beog forums and if all else fails-


theyre 2 bucks a set but itll cost ya more to ship em probably...

08-16-2004, 04:34 PM
Yea, i was hoping walmart would still have them but I don't think our local one does.

do the stock ones work the same way? how do you take them out?

I'll pm you with my address, thanks! :)

08-16-2004, 04:53 PM

I don't think it can rotate with an upper and lower pin in there. But then again I never owned a ray. I'll have to talk to my experienced stingray modder friend. He used to be crazy about them, as you can see by his website --> http://web.umr.edu/~ikellogg/pballsold.html

Well my ray is one of the 1st gen ones and my SP Progressive barrel I have for it can spin while the pins are in. All the pins do is keep it from moving forward and backward, they don't stop rotation.

08-16-2004, 05:01 PM
are the grooves for the pins done in like a circle all the way around the barrel (kinda like how the oring grooves are on a twistlock barrel)?

the stingray barrels i have seen have just a flat groove cut into the top and bottom of the barrel, so you have to put the barrel in a certain way to line the grooves up with the wholes in the body.

its kinda hard to see but i was going to do it like this pic:

I didn't think it could really spin like that but I very well could be wrong. If it does thats another problem :(

08-16-2004, 05:05 PM
Eh you're right I forgot about that.

My stock barrel just has the two grooves, but the SP one has a groove around the whole barrel.


08-16-2004, 05:27 PM
the pins keep the barrel from moving. the stock barrel wiggles but i had a jj ceramic and it wouldnt budge unless you really pulled/twisted

the stock pins are identical, except they dont have the rings. to get them off is a lil harder but no biggie. u still want them n how many do you need?

08-16-2004, 07:14 PM
Alls I need are 2 really.

I pm'ed you.