View Full Version : Ok I guess I'm not understanding basic maintenence...

08-16-2004, 08:48 PM
So, I got home planning on taking my ULE custom apart, to oil it etc, took off the screw on the frame, and that's as far as I got. I thought the valve would just pop out but no... a video wasn't included with my gun, all I have is the 8 page instruction manual which really doesn't tell you a damn thing about the internals. Don't I need to take this apart regularly to lube the bolt, o-rings, etc? Or is 6 drops in the ASA sufficient? Damn thing even took me 5 minutes to try and get the frame screw back in, worrying the whole time I was stripping it. *sigh*

08-16-2004, 09:01 PM
There are 2 screws you need to take out. The silver thumb screw on the back of the grip frame and the little black one inside the trigger guard. the whole gun should fall apart then. All you should do is oil the bolt, power tube, and on/off on the valve. Otherwise, just clean any paint off the rail, body and trigger you can and you should be set.

08-16-2004, 09:08 PM
ahhh i thought it was just the 1 screw.. no wonder :mad: Thanks!

08-16-2004, 09:14 PM
dont oil the bolt or spring. It will just get all gummy over time. ;)

08-16-2004, 09:34 PM
You don't need to take the front screw out to remove the valve! What you are probly missing is pulling the trigger. Make sure the trigger is pulled back before you take the field strip screw out. The valve will pop right out. Make sure you remove the air hose first and let any pressure left inside vent.

08-16-2004, 09:54 PM
Hmmm yea I gassed it up again, fired some shots, then unscrewed the back frame screw and the valve popped out further this time... I probably could have unscrewed it without doing the front screw too but I wanted to see the whole inside so I took it all out. So its all good now, just needed to break it in to loosen it a bit. I do wish they had sent the video, I am a total mag newb, it would have helped a lot..

Carbon Blue
08-16-2004, 10:36 PM
dont oil the bolt or spring. It will just get all gummy over time. ;)

really? i oil the bolt and spring but constantly clean it all off after a days worth of play.should i stop?

08-16-2004, 10:58 PM
really? i oil the bolt and spring but constantly clean it all off after a days worth of play.should i stop?It will slow the marker down after getting gummy.. I don't recommend it. I have never seen a bolt or spring wear because of no oil. TK designed the parts using the materials that work very well together. ;)