View Full Version : Some Advice...

10-22-2001, 09:59 PM
Can anyone give me some tips, I am still kinda new to paint ball and I got a minimag, I really dislike the accuaracy on it, and I froze it once (I looked at the bolt and saw frost on it, hehe) I dont know what would improve the gun the most: Barrels, N2, That venturi bolt, a revolution? Ahh please help me! I dont have too much to spend, $200 or so. Tips would be apreaciated very much!

I got the mini mag for $340 used from a friend with 12oz co2 and hopper and oil and that video with the Minibox.

10-22-2001, 10:08 PM
Nitro would be a great upgrade. You can pick up small 47/3000 and 68/3000 steel and aluminum tanks for right around $100. That would fix the freezing problem. And as for accuracy, I recommend a either a Lapco Bigshot or a CP one piece. Both are great.... GREAT barrels for a relatively low price (about $50). If you shoot really fast, you might want a revvy, but if you dont let 'er rip, a non-agitated loader should work just fine till you get some more money. Stay away from aftermarket bolts and internals.... they just tend to screw stuff up in the long run. Good luck and welcome to AO!

10-22-2001, 10:21 PM
With careful shopping, you can get a 68ci 300psi Nitro tank and a revvy for $200. These alone will get your gun up and running well.

Or, if you are staying with Co2, get a bottomline kit and replace the foregrip with an expansion chamber. Keep your rate of fire down to 3-5 shot bursts and you won't freeze anything.

No aftermarket part will get you better performance from your 'Mag than the stock internals, and may in fact create problems.

10-22-2001, 11:06 PM
He's got it. A revvy and nitro. That will be perfect. You can probably find them for 200 bucks somewhere. And if you want to stay with Co2 then get an expansion chamber. Army said it all perfectly.

10-23-2001, 06:52 AM
Thx guys, but what kinda of nitro is right for me? I see 3000psi 4500psi, preset? on my minimags valve it says rated 3000psi and has 4 stars. I mainly want accuaracy (use less paint right?)

10-23-2001, 07:02 AM
Any of the cheap 3000psi preset systems is what your looking for.
4500 psi just hold more air, and you won't need an adjustable with your mini-mags AIR valve.

Have fun with it.


10-23-2001, 08:45 AM
The AIR reg is rated to handle 3000psi as a safety precaution, but NO tank puts out that high of pressure, they are all regulated to a degree.
The (Pure Energy brand) 68ci 3000psi tank I mentioned is preset at 800-850psi output and will be fine. It's small, keeping with the nature of the Minimag.
Others have an on-tank, adjustable regulator, enabling you to set the output up to 1000psi.

Accuracy is 99.9% paint to barrel fit. If the bore is too large for the paintball, it will not be stabilized. If it is too small, the paint can be broken inside easily. You want the ball to be just snug enough to not roll through, but can be blown out like a spitwad through a straw.

Low pressure guns need more air volume to push the ball to playing speeds, so you will not save money going that route. High pressure guns are very violent to the ball during the firing phase, paint to barrel fit is an absolute and hard to achieve. Automags are mid-range in pressure and are very consistant in air usage:cool: