View Full Version : 2 questions concerning the Automag's History

10-23-2001, 08:02 AM
1. Why the name Automag? Has that anything to do with the .44 Automatic Magnum Pistol aka .44 Automag as seen in one of the Dirty Harry movies?<br><br>2. What happened to that European company that made an exact copy of the Minimag that was sold by the name "Colonial" in '94? Did TK kick their butts?

10-23-2001, 08:17 AM
Yes and Yes...

The name was to capitalize on the popularity of the buzzword from the firearm.

And AGD cut their prices so low that the european company folded...

Bad Dave
10-23-2001, 08:40 AM
I wouldn't be too sure about that second point webby. Although the guys making the colonial may have folded European Paintball Supplies sold colonials until 1998 I think. They also sold a gun called the headhunter, basically a ripped off mag but with an ally body that took cocker threads, they were pretty sweet.

Rafe Farmer used to shoot them with the Eagles and he later captained Storm UK the AGD factory team.

EPS was run by Mick Holdaway for some if not all of its life and he brought about arenaball I believe.

10-23-2001, 09:27 AM
Its possible EPS bought up all of the guys left over stock when he folded...and then sat on it until AGD raised thier prices - or bought it so cheap they could compete with the AGD prices...

Bad Dave
10-23-2001, 10:35 AM
That may be true for the colonial but the headhunter was still being sold by them in 1998-1999, I looked into buying one and basically whatever question i asked the answer was like a mag.

how fast is it? like a mag

It was a pretty cool gun though and wouldn't mind getting my hands on one.

10-23-2001, 05:47 PM
Anyone know where i could find a pic of the headhunter. I'd love to see it.

Bad Dave
10-24-2001, 04:45 AM
Looks pretty identical to a micro mag. has cocker threads, powerfeed etc etc. has a rail and a body assembly in one i think.