View Full Version : Micro Spyder

08-19-2004, 02:54 PM
Well I had a great idea where most great ideas are hatched (while sitting on the john). Well anyway I noticed that spyders have a ton of extra length that is not needed, all you'd need to do is redrill the feedcup hole, reposition the valve, measure measure measure and cut the bolt to fit the new feed and valve placement and then make a new hole in the hammer to compensate for the new bolt/valve position. Well and cut the body but I figured it was assumed. Any ideas/imput?

10-15-2004, 06:09 PM
I had a simalar plan to shorten the bolt travel distance on a spyder, in turn making the whole thing shorter, and it should work, but im not going to cut the crap out of a perfectly fine spyder just to try. As long as your main spring was a litle stiffer so compinsate(sp?) for the shoter body, and made sure the hammer wouldnt smack into the valve because it was still tring to go the "old" distance. IM sure if you messed with it it could be done. Good luck!

10-15-2004, 11:37 PM
Wont work. If you make the hammer tube shorter, then the bolt wont travel the distance that it needs to in order to load a ball and fire it without horrible blowback..

10-16-2004, 12:00 AM
seen something like that on a spyder pistol conversion, just not into so much depth. and the lpr was rethreaded for 12 gram holder, pretty cool stuff

10-19-2004, 05:46 PM
u would need a very stiff spring or maybe you could use magnets like the 03 shocker u could prolly make a half block spyder easily tho

11-17-2004, 03:54 PM
A Spyder already has a pretty hefty kick. If you use a stronger spring it'll take a correspondingly higher pressure to blow the hammer back. WAY more kick.

03-01-2005, 02:24 PM
Well, computers in the 1960's were huge, and could add and subtact. They put them through several differnt stages, no a calculator for 1.00$ does the same thing. SO if you take a spyder, and make everything smaller through some sort of fraction 2:1 etc, I don't see why it wouldn't.. And for the tighetr spring recoil, yeah use magnets...Ithink it could be done.

03-01-2005, 02:39 PM
Well, computers in the 1960's were huge, and could add and subtact. They put them through several differnt stages, no a calculator for 1.00$ does the same thing. SO if you take a spyder, and make everything smaller through some sort of fraction 2:1 etc, I don't see why it wouldn't.. And for the tighetr spring recoil, yeah use magnets...Ithink it could be done.

1) comparing a computer system to a pneumatic device is not a productive line of thought.

2) There is no way you're going to come up with magnets that will produce the force nessasary to open a Spyder's valve. Iven if you did, you'd still need just as strong a blowback force to re-cock. Perhaps some sort of electro magnet that could be shut off during re-cock but now you've got to deal with size and power supply.

03-01-2005, 03:20 PM
yea not a good comparison.. that is like saying "if i reduce the size of my mag's body by 50%, the paintball should still fit through thw hole right?" :tard:

03-27-2005, 11:21 PM
i don't see why you could do it with a lower strength spring by adding in a Regulator, making hte gun low preasure. The spring has to be so stiff so it can over comethe force of a full preasure CO2 behind the cupseal. Lower the input preasure, soften the spring and lighten the hammer. doesn't do anything for physical size but opens up other venues to gettting there

Target Practice
03-27-2005, 11:54 PM
Holy thread ressurection, Batman! Moron.

03-28-2005, 04:08 AM
Well, computers in the 1960's were huge, and could add and subtact. They put them through several differnt stages, no a calculator for 1.00$ does the same thing. SO if you take a spyder, and make everything smaller through some sort of fraction 2:1 etc, I don't see why it wouldn't.. And for the tighetr spring recoil, yeah use magnets...Ithink it could be done.

i didnt get wat he said :tard:

03-28-2005, 02:29 PM
i didnt get wat he said :tard:
That's because it didn't make any sense.

03-28-2005, 04:34 PM
I think if they put something resmbling a 2k5 timmy frame it would make the gun feel smaller.

03-28-2005, 04:50 PM
I think I was right when I said if you made the spyder any smaller, the bolt wouldnt have any room to make complete cycles. You would either have alot of blowback or the ball wouldnt load all the way..

03-28-2005, 08:53 PM
i really like the idea of using magnets going against eachother instead of springs

04-12-2005, 01:51 PM
Well I had a great idea where most great ideas are hatched (while sitting on the john). Well anyway I noticed that spyders have a ton of extra length that is not needed, all you'd need to do is redrill the feedcup hole, reposition the valve, measure measure measure and cut the bolt to fit the new feed and valve placement and then make a new hole in the hammer to compensate for the new bolt/valve position. Well and cut the body but I figured it was assumed. Any ideas/imput?
otterscustoms made a pistol spyder.

04-12-2005, 01:58 PM
i really like the idea of using magnets going against eachother instead of springs

It wouldn't work without a strong electro magnet and that would require a large power supply perhaps larger than the E-Mag battery.

04-15-2005, 06:58 AM
It wouldn't work without a strong electro magnet and that would require a large power supply perhaps larger than the E-Mag battery.

neodymium magnets paired with electromagnets. Doesn't require a huge power supply because of the neodymium. I have plans for an autococker that uses these to move the ram with a small board and imput from an electro trigger. Neodymium magnets are what is used to spin hard drives... and are so powerful you can't put them near credit cards without wiping them. The best part is that they are a natural magnet.. no power required. As for whether or not it will work... it all depends on the amount of imagination and $$ you have. Using the correct products it is possible to easily cycle the backblock of an autococker.. as for a spyder, it could at least be used in combination with a lighter spring to help.
Good luck.. it's a good idea.