View Full Version : Paintball in the Olympics?

08-19-2004, 11:44 PM
One of my friends said to me that in 08 that the Olympics will have paintball, speed skating, and skateboarding. I was wondering if anyonehad herd this also. :confused:

08-20-2004, 12:11 AM
i've think i've heard something about skateboarding and BMX but paintball i dunno

08-20-2004, 12:13 AM
Not a chance in hell.

08-20-2004, 12:22 AM
OFFICIALLY it does qualify to be an olympic sport. The requirements are
1. played in at least 25 countries
2. at least 4 continents.
and paintball has that. i mean god damn, if beach vollyball and ping-pong are olympic sports, paintball could easily be one. there are probably more people who play large paintball tournaments then large vollyball tournaments.


Now we just need to get Texas Hold'em in as an olympic sport ...

08-20-2004, 12:23 AM
I had heard POSSIBLY, as an exhibition game, much like baseball used to be, and a number of other things.

I figure if beach volleyball and table tennis make it, paintball has a good a chance as any. :) (Not that I'm knocking beach volleyball... I do love me some beach volleyball... :dance: )

**edit** HOLY CRAP, me and RingOfScale just said basically the exact same thing... *shivers*

08-20-2004, 12:25 AM
It requires MUCH more than that. Let me dig up a few posts of mine from FoN and you'll see what I mean.

The main thing needed is a central governing body for our sport, otherwise known as an IFs.

Here is one of my posts from FoN concerning paintball and the Olympics. I have a few more on there, if I find them they will be posted.

Yes, soccer has been an olypmic sport for a while.

I think one main problem with this sport is everyone thinks it's so simple. Just shoot the other guy. Well we as paintball players know there is more to that. There's snap shooting, athletic ability, etc. But when you look at other sports such as basketball, all basketball is, is get a ball through a hoop. This is why X-Ball was created. It's more complicated, therefore it is somehow better for home viewing.

Another issue relating to why we havent gotten into the olympics is we have no major governing body. It is required by the Olympic Committee that each sport in the olympics must have one central governing body. Here is a direct quote from the PB2X article entitled " How can we get Paintball into the Olympics" by John Amodea.

"International Olympic Summer Sports Federations (IFs): IFs are non-governmental organizations responsible for the international administration of one or more sports. The IFs are responsible for developing their sports worldwide, enforcing the rules of their sports, establishing eligibility criteria, hosting international competitions, conducting their sports at the Olympic Games, and contributing to tge Olympic ideal in general."

Clearly we cannot even think about the olympics until we have an IFs. We currently have the NXL for easier home viewing, but that does not govern all of paintball, and is just a National league. It has been tried in the past to create an IFs for paintball, but they have all failed. European players have gotten the closest to getting an IFs, all they had to do was govern the rest of the world.

Here is another quote from the same article

" The International Olympic Committee (IOC) chooses the sports that are introduced into the Lympics. To have any shot to be included in the Olumpics, a sport must be widely practiced by men in at least 75 countries and on four continents, and by women in at least 40 countries and on 3 continents. Sports widely practiced in at least 25 countries and on 3 continents may be included (rarely) in the program of the Olympic Winter Games. In addition all sports must have a national/international governing body that runs events, develops the rules, etc. "

The host country of the games may choose one or two demonstrational exhibition sports. If people show enough interest in the demo sport, it may be added to the Olympic games in the future. Example- baseball and tennis were demo sports in 1984 in LA and they became medla sports in the 1988 games.

Another quote
" How close is paintball to meeting the criteria" We're getting there. Paintball is now being played competitively in more than 50 countries and certainly on 4 continents, The problem with paintball is that there currently isn't a "federation" governing the sport. ( See IFs) This is a must before any consideration will be given to including paintball in the Olympics, even a demo mode. "


08-20-2004, 12:55 AM
I used to think that paintball had no place in the olympics, and that it's place was in the x-games. However every sport in the x-games you can get seriously injured on just a minor slip up, paint ball is not that way. The reason that I thought that paintball had no place in the olympics is because we rely on batteries and alot of techknowlogy, also you do not need to be a top athlete to be a good paintballer. What changed my mind was watching sabers and sailing in the olympics today. Sailing does not have much need for athletic poweress. In sabres there are really complicated systems where if you touch something with your sword, it is electronically regitered. The argument could be made to that system of electronics is just there, so the blood would not need to be drawn. If you think about it, in paintball you shoot paint so that you don't need to be shot with a real gun to be marked. I really don't know where I was going with this, it's late.

08-20-2004, 01:14 AM
I was just thinking the same thing of getting paintball to the Olympics.
My wife was just looking at me like I was nuts.
Come on we've got teams that fly around the globe to play tournemnets,
All we need is a promoter to create an international series, and we'd be well on our way.

08-20-2004, 01:36 AM
my brother said that paintball was gonna be in the athens '04 but just missed by 1 vote.

08-20-2004, 08:58 AM
I don't remember where I saw that, but I remember reading that is missed '04 by one vote and would be in '08.

08-20-2004, 09:11 AM
http://popularmechanics.com/outdoors/outdoors/2002/10/color_my_world/index2.phtml says its true but http://www.aafla.org/10ap/SportsLetter-14-2/SLhome.html#st8 says its not

08-20-2004, 09:28 AM
I think that paintball should start off trying to get into the X-Games and recieve more reconigtion. Then we can shoot for the Olympics.

08-20-2004, 10:29 AM
Well, if we just get an IF we'd be in business. I think it'd be great starting out as a demo. Then we could move towards becoming an event. The problem is creating a central governing body. It could be like a counsel made up of 50 heads. Leaders in the sport, like TK, Bud Orr, Glen Palmer, Dennis Tippmann, Colin Thompson, etc. Basically the people that started the sport. The ones who've been in it from the beggining and who we'd trust to make the right decisions. And for those of you who might object to Tippmann being in there, he contributed as much to our sport as any other person. If not for Tippmann we wouldn't have screw-in tanks.

08-20-2004, 10:55 AM
i bet you that if paintball was in the olympics it would be the only no cheating BIG tournament ever. and it wiould also be watched more than most of the other summer games because i dont really know anyone that likes to watch the summer games

Chojin Man
08-20-2004, 11:13 AM
a tournament with no cheating? yeah right. olympics or not there is still going to be cheating in one way or another.

08-20-2004, 08:18 PM
a tournament with no cheating? yeah right. olympics or not there is still going to be cheating in one way or another.
You have to admit, it would be as hard as anything. I bet judges would peronally inspect every gun and chrono it to the exact before each game, only giving the player acess to it as they walk on the field to play. And with the the technology at the games it would be impossible to wipe.

Nevertheless, their would be at least one for of cheatin that I just can't think of right now.

08-20-2004, 08:32 PM
Thats actually not a bad idea.

Monitored area for each team (sorta a table zone) on the field. Marker is inspected, then placed in the area (which will have some basic surveilance). Player is then checked himself, and the last 2min before the match begins they have access to their markers.

The teams each have a canister holding a hopper full, exactly, of paint. That canister is placed w/ their marker (obviously covered for environmental reasons of paint melting).

That last minute when they're given access to their markers at which point they are able to load that hopper and get to their start point.

That would REALLY make it hard to cheat. But then again... they could have someone in the woods shooting players out :)

08-21-2004, 12:33 AM
still taking cracks at mr. salm i see, ehhhh ?

08-21-2004, 01:08 AM
i agreee that we should dhoot for the xgames first...get some good bunker shots to impress the crowd becasue u know thats what theyll want...get some recognition and maybe by 2012 we could get in...its possible i guess for 2008 i just dont see it happening tho

08-21-2004, 01:42 AM
I used to think that paintball had no place in the olympics, and that it's place was in the x-games. However every sport in the x-games you can get seriously injured on just a minor slip up, paint ball is not that way. The reason that I thought that paintball had no place in the olympics is because we rely on batteries and alot of techknowlogy, also you do not need to be a top athlete to be a good paintballer. What changed my mind was watching sabers and sailing in the olympics today. Sailing does not have much need for athletic poweress. In sabres there are really complicated systems where if you touch something with your sword, it is electronically regitered. The argument could be made to that system of electronics is just there, so the blood would not need to be drawn. If you think about it, in paintball you shoot paint so that you don't need to be shot with a real gun to be marked. I really don't know where I was going with this, it's late.

Better example is shooting. The small caliber guns are using electronic triggers even.

08-21-2004, 02:13 AM
theres no need for awesome althletic shape for pingpong...picture some ripepd guy like paul hamm or michael phelps up agians a realy puny azn guy, the azn guy would win beucase they own everyone at pingpong, or ateast al lthe ones i know so i can make the generalization.

08-21-2004, 02:50 AM
Not a chance in hell.

There is no way it will be in 08.. or even 12.. maybe 16 or 20 and thats a big maybe.

08-21-2004, 09:11 AM
I used to think that paintball had no place in the olympics, and that it's place was in the x-games. However every sport in the x-games you can get seriously injured on just a minor slip up, paint ball is not that way. The reason that I thought that paintball had no place in the olympics is because we rely on batteries and alot of techknowlogy, also you do not need to be a top athlete to be a good paintballer. What changed my mind was watching sabers and sailing in the olympics today. Sailing does not have much need for athletic poweress. In sabres there are really complicated systems where if you touch something with your sword, it is electronically regitered. The argument could be made to that system of electronics is just there, so the blood would not need to be drawn. If you think about it, in paintball you shoot paint so that you don't need to be shot with a real gun to be marked. I really don't know where I was going with this, it's late.

Oh man, no technology in the other Olympic sports? Some of the shoes the athletes wear have had more enginiering brain power spent on them than the car you drive.

08-21-2004, 11:22 AM
i know was talking to a NCAA official once at a tourney, and he said that if paintball became an olympic sport expect the NCAA to also pick it up. So i would like it to happen.

08-21-2004, 03:23 PM
I highly doubt the NCAA will ever make paintball a sanctioned sport. It would be extremly costly for a school. Imagine a school paying for transporation, fields, compressors, equipment, and of course, paint. Besides, travel to another far away school just to play a few games? Even XBall is to short. I can understand tournaments, but there will need to be a regular season and championships.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but a college cannot except anytype of sponsors for sports teams. Besides, alot of people find paintball to be a boring spectator sport. The school would make no money to help pay for the program.

Paintball is very very small in college. Very few schools have highly active teams.

08-21-2004, 04:37 PM
I highly doubt the NCAA will ever make paintball a sanctioned sport. It would be extremly costly for a school. Imagine a school paying for transporation, fields, compressors, equipment, and of course, paint. Besides, travel to another far away school just to play a few games? Even XBall is to short. I can understand tournaments, but there will need to be a regular season and championships.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but a college cannot except anytype of sponsors for sports teams. Besides, alot of people find paintball to be a boring spectator sport. The school would make no money to help pay for the program.

Paintball is very very small in college. Very few schools have highly active teams.

you wanta to bet. There are over 1000 colleges in the league. Purdue, Iowa State, Clemson, Michigan, Illinois are just a few. We all have sponsors. Iowa State has Smart Parts, Rat Guns, Top Stitch, Sever, APS.

We can play in tourneys all over the States, but we have regions in which we play in right now and we are setting up a Varsity and JV teams too. Some schools do give money to these clubs for transportation, and hotels. So we are making progress.

08-21-2004, 06:23 PM
Not a chance in hell.

virtual high five! I couldnt agree more..

Ok, I am guessing most of you have been to a PSP or NPPL event. How can what goes on there qualify it as a olympic sport/event? DO NOT GET ME WRONG, I would love for it to be an olympic event, but with players smoking (tobacco and other), most of the athletes not being athletic, wearing things like "we kill suckas", "muppet mower", etc etc.

Olympic athletes are just that.. athletes. paintball players are players. I am guessing there will be a day when you have to be athletic to play paintball, but I dont think you need to be now.. And Xball doesnt count, thats stamina...run a few miles a day and you are fine.

Paintball requires skills, dont get me wrong, but it isnt a olympic event, no matter how much we want it to be


08-21-2004, 06:51 PM
you wanta to bet. There are over 1000 colleges in the league. Purdue, Iowa State, Clemson, Michigan, Illinois are just a few. We all have sponsors. Iowa State has Smart Parts, Rat Guns, Top Stitch, Sever, APS.

We can play in tourneys all over the States, but we have regions in which we play in right now and we are setting up a Varsity and JV teams too. Some schools do give money to these clubs for transportation, and hotels. So we are making progress.

Obviously you dont get what I'm saying. Look on the NCPA website. See how many active teams are registered.

I know they do give money, but not fully funded. Also, like i said, I believe NCAA regulations would prohibit sponsoring of teams. I never said you didnt have sponsored. I'm saying i highly doubt it will become a sanctioned sport by the NCAA. You are making progress, but there is no standard format for play, such as field and style.

08-22-2004, 10:56 PM
true, guess i missed your point, sorry

08-22-2004, 11:08 PM
you wanta to bet. There are over 1000 colleges in the league. Purdue, Iowa State, Clemson, Michigan, Illinois are just a few. We all have sponsors. Iowa State has Smart Parts, Rat Guns, Top Stitch, Sever, APS.

We can play in tourneys all over the States, but we have regions in which we play in right now and we are setting up a Varsity and JV teams too. Some schools do give money to these clubs for transportation, and hotels. So we are making progress.

what other schools? i suppose i chould just start the club if there isnt already one whereever i decide to go (im a senior now, have a list of who im applying for)

08-23-2004, 12:13 AM
I'm going to try to start a club at UVM (I'll be a freshman). I just hope that they will give us some sort of support... I doubt there would be much funding in the first year. I do think that after the club expands, and im sure it will, the school may consider supporting us... I hope. By the time I'm an upperclassman, I believe there is hope that UVM can be atteding some tournements. I guess only time will tell.

I certainly agree that if paintball made it too the olympics, public view would change, and college leagues would begin to solidify and become much more organized. Although if paintball as a sport would need some sort of Infrastructure/Govorning body before it can be accepted into the olypics, that sort of organization in all leagues, including college, should happen before the olympics become a reality for paintball.

Overall I personally believe that paintball can make into the olympics... Maybe not 2008, but by 2012, the possibility is extremely high. It all depends on how seriously the Olympic comitee examines the sport. If they are any good at their jobs they should be able to begin at a neutral standpoint and see paintball for what it is, and not the common stereotypes....

.... I've though about this a few times as you can see. I could keep going, but I'm sure not many people would read it if it gets to long. Its nice to see some other people looking at olympic possibilities.

08-23-2004, 03:33 AM
For the College kids that want to start a club or team at their school pretty much all you need to do is get a staff member (preferablly someone somewhat high in ranking) to sponser you. Not sponser as in give you money but as in support your cause and look over things. It might seem hard but there are a few really cool professors that might join in on the cause especially the younger ones.

As to the person saying Olympic Athelets are just that "athelets" and are well conditioned, I really don't see how atheletic you need to be for the Archery or Shotting compitions and you certainly can medal in those. Pretty much that's all paintball is going to be. Archery/Shooting combined with tactics. So I would disagree with your comment based upon that.

Attention wise, if it did make the Olympics I do think it would hit big. Mainly because not many outside the sport know the concepts and it would be exciting, fun, and new for them.

08-23-2004, 06:35 AM
While I would love to see paintball in the Olympics (unlike things like "walking" & "trampoline", and even synchronized diving!!!), I doubt the IOC would vote it in due to its "military background."

Even tourney ball is too much like actual combat, and since the Olympics are supposed to be about peace & brotherhood of man type stuff, I would doubt that a majority of the voting members would be for its inclusion (especially since they can include things like skateboarding & other X-Game type events and capture the same demographic).

Sad but true.....

08-23-2004, 07:08 AM
For the College kids that want to start a club or team at their school pretty much all you need to do is get a staff member (preferablly someone somewhat high in ranking) to sponser you. Not sponser as in give you money but as in support your cause and look over things. It might seem hard but there are a few really cool professors that might join in on the cause especially the younger ones.

As to the person saying Olympic Athelets are just that "athelets" and are well conditioned, I really don't see how atheletic you need to be for the Archery or Shotting compitions and you certainly can medal in those. Pretty much that's all paintball is going to be. Archery/Shooting combined with tactics. So I would disagree with your comment based upon that.

Attention wise, if it did make the Olympics I do think it would hit big. Mainly because not many outside the sport know the concepts and it would be exciting, fun, and new for them.

Its definatly not easy to start a team. First you have to find a qualified facultly member. You don't just want to pick up a random faculty member that doesn't know jack about paintball. After that, depending on the school, you have to get all types of approvals, petitions, and other forms filled out. It definatly takes some time.

08-23-2004, 08:33 AM
Your telling me that the olympics, where all countries drop their weapons and come to peacefully compete will come to the olympics to play war-games. I don't think so.

08-23-2004, 10:13 AM
Your telling me that the olympics, where all countries drop their weapons and come to peacefully compete will come to the olympics to play war-games. I don't think so.


Paintball is slowly moving away from that image.

08-23-2004, 10:18 AM
Two words why paintball won't be in the Olympics...drug testing.

Now, I'm not saying every player is a drug nut but they test for everything. A gymnist last year was stripped of her medel because she had cold medicine in her system. You think players aren't going to go partying while they are out and about? I don't see any player not having a drink or dozen while they are in Athens. And some drugs are in your system for a month after you stop taking them.

Remember at the last winter Olympics when the US snowboarder was threatened with his medal because he tested positive for weed...and he didnt' even smoke it, just in the same room as someone who did.

Maybe we can get into the Xgames but i don't see us getting into the Olympics.

sorry, just my opinion

08-23-2004, 11:07 AM
As to the person saying Olympic Athelets are just that "athelets" and are well conditioned, I really don't see how atheletic you need to be for the Archery or Shotting compitions and you certainly can medal in those. Pretty much that's all paintball is going to be. Archery/Shooting combined with tactics. So I would disagree with your comment based upon that.

You are entitled to your opinion as am I.

But archery is not a new thing. Neither is paintball, but Im guessing if you check the books, archery goes way back..

But I totally agree with BradAGD. Drug testing would kill us. Our image would kill us.

Xgames here we come..we got a shot there

08-23-2004, 11:16 AM
Shooting and Archery do take some athletic skill. Try holding a 15 lb rifle to your shoulder for 50 shots. There's alot of mental prep too with those sports. I'll give those guys credit...now bowling? Any sport you get better at while being drunk...

08-23-2004, 12:06 PM
While I would love to see paintball in the Olympics (unlike things like "walking" & "trampoline", and even synchronized diving!!!), I doubt the IOC would vote it in due to its "military background."

Even tourney ball is too much like actual combat, and since the Olympics are supposed to be about peace & brotherhood of man type stuff, I would doubt that a majority of the voting members would be for its inclusion (especially since they can include things like skateboarding & other X-Game type events and capture the same demographic).

Sad but true.....

Umm, isn't wrestling, boxing, judo, kendo, ect all olypic sports??? And aren't those still based on some form of combat :rolleyes: I mean boxing is way more violent than paintball. I think if the image of paintball was cleaned up a bit we'd have a chance, but that's only going to happen if we get some kind of goverining body to step in a take some control.

edit: forgot to mention, skateboarding's image wasn't all that great a few years ago and now look at it, it's going to be an olypic sport. Like I said earlier, if we can get some positive exposure then I think it's possible and I think to start the x-games are what it's going to take.

08-23-2004, 12:11 PM
Shooting and Archery do take some athletic skill. Try holding a 15 lb rifle to your shoulder for 50 shots.

OK then if you feel you need to be atheletic to shoot that's cool, but you cannot deny that you need no atheletic ability at all for Equestrion (Horse Back Riding). I mean come on you sit on a horse and make different clicking noises with your mouth to tell a TRAINED horse (probably not even trained by the rider) what to do. Equestrion is not a sport at all. At best one may say it's an art form.

And seriosuly if they make a high school gym game like Handball an Olympic sport why not Paintball? And don't give me that drug testing crap cause seriously if you had the oppertunity to go I think you would stop using. OR better yet I am sure there are some really good players out there that are smart enough not to use in the first place.

08-23-2004, 12:27 PM
I was talking about this with a ref and he said the biggest problem is all the cheaters. So I'm thinking its gona be mech autocockers only.

08-23-2004, 12:28 PM
OK then if you feel you need to be atheletic to shoot that's cool, but you cannot deny that you need no atheletic ability at all for Equestrion (Horse Back Riding). I mean come on you sit on a horse and make different clicking noises with your mouth to tell a TRAINED horse (probably not even trained by the rider) what to do. Equestrion is not a sport at all. At best one may say it's an art form.

And seriosuly if they make a high school gym game like Handball an Olympic sport why not Paintball? And don't give me that drug testing crap cause seriously if you had the oppertunity to go I think you would stop using. OR better yet I am sure there are some really good players out there that are smart enough not to use in the first place.

I totally agree about the drug testing..

You know what, I play, dont use drugs and hardly drink (maybe 1 or 2 beers every 6 months).. Why? I dont need those things to be me.. I enjoy going and having a good time just like any one else.. I think there are a lot of players out there that would either stop using or not even use.. If you get Paintball in the O you will see new kids coming along that might just not use because they want to be there too..

As for being Atheletic to play? Oh I say it helps but I sure as heck hope that some of us BIG BOYS can get into the game too!! :cry: I would hate to see a large number of players left out just because they dont have a 6 pack and can run the space between bunkers in 3 seconds. Maybe it takes 4 and they would get shot, but who is to say they will need to until that time comes right? :)

Overall, I would love to see Paintball in the big O.. But hey, until then, I look forward to see every one out on the field, to be on either team would be a great honor! :)

08-23-2004, 12:36 PM
I was talking about this with a ref and he said the biggest problem is all the cheaters. So I'm thinking its gona be mech autocockers only.

Now this is what I see as being one of the worst parts for us..

Yes cheating is big in our sport, but again, what sport is it not??? Dont all sports have to deal with stuff like that? Sure they do, but because they have been at that level (NFL, NBA, NHL, Etc.) that the refs are trained and trained well on what to look for and what to do..

I have a friend who was a umpire for baseball here.. He spent 7 years training as a umpire and finally had the chance to umpire a major level tourney..

Is that what our sport needs? A Umpire/Referee federation to help bring some legitimacy to our sport? I think it would certainly help.. I agree that we need some one like the NPPL to step up to a World wide level or a new group to come along for this and once a new players federation comes along to help all over the world they can work hand in hand with a Referee federation to develope a list of rules.. I am sure that the rules are almost the same in every country.

I am sure we can all agree that paintball has a following and would be enjoyed in the big O, but maybe we need to show the Big O we are ready to come over and play in their back yard?

Just my 2 Canadian cents. :cool:

08-23-2004, 12:40 PM
I think the IOC (pretty much real old guys) would have a problem sanctioning an event where the competitors "shoot" at each other. In today's climate, with the threat of terrorism (and the perceptions there-of) I don't think you'll see any kind of gun-type combat allowed.

Not that things can't change, but until you get a younger generation get into the IOC leadership positions, Paintball is probably not on the table. X-Games, its a shoe-in, but the Olympics is going to judge the sport by the public's perception - which still is that paintball is a "war-game."

08-23-2004, 01:01 PM
OK then if you feel you need to be atheletic to shoot that's cool, but you cannot deny that you need no atheletic ability at all for Equestrion (Horse Back Riding). I mean come on you sit on a horse and make different clicking noises with your mouth to tell a TRAINED horse (probably not even trained by the rider) what to do. Equestrion is not a sport at all. At best one may say it's an art form.

And seriosuly if they make a high school gym game like Handball an Olympic sport why not Paintball? And don't give me that drug testing crap cause seriously if you had the oppertunity to go I think you would stop using. OR better yet I am sure there are some really good players out there that are smart enough not to use in the first place.

It is obvious that you have never done any serious horse back riding; anyone who truly has knows how physically demanding it is. I'm guessing you have no idea about the bad backs, bruised legs, bleedings knees, the list goes on. There are plenty of things if you screw up, you'll end up being seriously injured/hurt/mangled, no matter how good the horse. I've ridden a $2000 horse and a $150,000 horse, and sure the $150,000 is easier to ride, but I assure you that you will be extremely tired/sore after a full day of riding, if you can even stay on the horses' back for that long. Most people are lucky they can make it through just a morning ride. I've been a lot more sore from riding horses than I ever have from playing paintball.

You make it sound like as if Horse Back Riding requires no training whatsoever, but that fact that you even mentioned the clicking noises and visceral commands just shows that the rider has spent hours upon hours in the saddle training w/ the animal and developing a deep bond with the horse. You can't expect to jump in the saddle w/ any animal, no matter how trained and to have that type of communication.

08-23-2004, 01:53 PM
All great comments. I am sure bringing paintball to the O has been brought to the attention of the IOC. I dont think those men and women want a bunch of people shooting eachother. Screaming at eachother, throwing markers, etc etc in the olympic. Clean up the best of the best in the sport, strict guidlines to playing, strict rules, UNIFORM fields (nice job NXL). Other olympic events have exact specifications to make the playing level as even as can be. I just feel the paintball industry would be running around like a chicken with its head cut off if it got invited to the O. Some day it will wokr out though.. :tard:

My suggestion is do everything possible to get PB in some way shape or form into the xgames. I think that would give us players some leeway into a national spotlight. WOuld give us credibility and then make our way to olympics.

Paintball goin from where it is now to an olympic event in the next decade is like a toddler on a tricycle hoppin in a tractor trailer and driving that instead. I just dont think it is feasable.

maybe i am just horribly pessimistic, but I can voice my own opinion.

08-24-2004, 01:44 PM
I'm waiting on beer pong to be made an official olympic sport :headbang:

08-24-2004, 05:58 PM
I think it should be an olympic sport, just about everything else is. It would HAVE to be X ball though, since it is a much more mainstream way of playing and much more demanding on the athlete's body. ...I SHOULD be an olympic sport as the NXL has the nation cups. :clap:

Kaiser Bob
08-24-2004, 06:44 PM
I think the IOC (pretty much real old guys) would have a problem sanctioning an event where the competitors "shoot" at each other. In today's climate, with the threat of terrorism (and the perceptions there-of) I don't think you'll see any kind of gun-type combat allowed.

Not that things can't change, but until you get a younger generation get into the IOC leadership positions, Paintball is probably not on the table. X-Games, its a shoe-in, but the Olympics is going to judge the sport by the public's perception - which still is that paintball is a "war-game."

Hello? What about fencing? Definitely Olympic worthy, as it takes extreme dexterity, but why would a sport with its roots being hacking apart or stabbing your enemy to death be ok as opposed to a gun-type combat?

08-24-2004, 09:14 PM
Paintball wasnt and most likely not be considered as an olympic event anytime soon.

08-25-2004, 10:50 AM
I would love paintball to be an olympic sport and thing that it would be perfect for the olympics.

08-25-2004, 10:54 AM
Fencing has a long & storied past - it has definitive rules, an international governing body & lost its "combat" stigma a long, long time ago. It will be more than a little different with firearms/markers (especially having people shoot at each other).

In today's world, its going to take a lot to overcome the "wargame" idea that most people have of the sport (with all the uncertainty, instability, and terrorist threats right now too).

08-25-2004, 02:08 PM
Fencing has a long & storied past - it has definitive rules, an international governing body & lost its "combat" stigma a long, long time ago. It will be more than a little different with firearms/markers (especially having people shoot at each other).

In today's world, its going to take a lot to overcome the "wargame" idea that most people have of the sport (with all the uncertainty, instability, and terrorist threats right now too).

well said.. what i wanted to say but couldnt put word to it.


Evil Preacher
08-25-2004, 03:16 PM
With all the bad calls going on this year, it seems like they are ready to make paintball an event.

Come on people. Every 4 years this comes up. Every 4 years it is "we are being wronged because paintball isnt a event." or "next year paintball will be an event" chants.

I put this in the trash with all the paintball should be on TV because it is the greatest sport ever comments.

Yes paintball is a sport, but it wont draw the attention that it needs with all the negitive things that are associated with the game.

And for those that say that there wont be any cheating, DREAM ON

Unless you put 4 refs in for each player, someone is going to cheat and get away with it.

This is my rant... Now I will go back to under my rock