View Full Version : freestyle or devilmag?

08-20-2004, 02:09 PM
like the title says, throw down opinions here.
that said i love mags, but the freestyles look awesome
both are about 850
both have breakbeam eyes
freestyle > devmag in looks
devilmag has a slightly faster board, i think
i know mags operation, have had 2 before
devmag> freestyle in reliability
i use a qloader and a devilmag could have a warp breech, which would be nice
soon the devilmag will have a vert frame, which i like.
they are about equal in weight at about 1.8 lbs with a reg and barrel on the FS, maybe more but
both are super light
both are faily inefficient, but i dont really care
so all in all what do you guys think?

08-20-2004, 02:14 PM
Devilmag all the way. The freestyle tends to have a lot of probs and needs major tuning out of the box. Ive shot a few of them and didnt like them at all. Mags are by far more reliable as well. As for looks i think the freestyle is one fugly chunk of aluminum.

08-20-2004, 02:30 PM
well right now the polls are tied :eek:

08-20-2004, 03:11 PM
seems like u got most of the pros and cons. ide go devil mag looks are debateable but i really cant say the freestyle is appealing to me and seems like their fairly tied ide say the chocie is up to U. but for pure reliability ide go mag :cheers:

team unwanted
08-20-2004, 03:37 PM
I say devilmag becuase I like mags more then I llike freestlyes

08-20-2004, 03:57 PM
well, oddly enough the thread says devilmag but the poll says freestyle :confused:

08-20-2004, 03:58 PM
Go with a mag, they are way better than freestyles.

08-20-2004, 04:22 PM
freestyle voters speak up!
well the only edge i see that the mag has over the style is relibility (big plus)
the only advantage i see that the FS has over the mag is its quieter, and looks better (2 small plusses), at least better than that fugly devilmag in the vids and pics, but if i sent in a logicrail, got the vert frame thats pending, and got it with matching blue warp ule and xvalve, it would probably look just as good as the style, and might be lighter
im leaning towards the mag if none of the style voters can convince me otherwise
there is a 4 week or so waiting list for the devilmags though but thats not THAT bad

08-20-2004, 04:32 PM
I almost bought both these guns before I saw the light and bought my Viking ;) . Anyway, I'd go with the DevilMag. You have most of the pros and cons down except for 2 major ones(at least major to me), the DevilMag comes stock with a kick arse aftermarket board and a super light switch, this would make it easier to shoot faster out of the box. For the older Freestyles you can get the Chaos board, but for the newer ones they changed em a bit and as of now there is no aftermarket board available and we all know that aftermarket boards are always better than stock. You can get a lighter switch for the Freestyles also. So you will have to spend the extra money for an aftermarket board and lighter switch for the Freestyle if you want it at the level of ease of getting speed that the DevilMag is at. Was that long enough?

08-20-2004, 04:42 PM
"both have breakbeam eyes " (matt-O)

Can a warp ULE body have break beam eyes? To my understanding, Break beam eyes require an eye/receiver on each side of the breach. But with the warp feedneck coming out one of those sides....where would the other half of the eye system go?

I may be wrong, just trying to bring it to your attention in case it is a deciding factor in your purchase.

Anyway, I say rock the devilmag :headbang:

08-20-2004, 04:53 PM
"both have breakbeam eyes " (matt-O)

Can a warp ULE body have break beam eyes? To my understanding, Break beam eyes require an eye/receiver on each side of the breach. But with the warp feedneck coming out one of those sides....where would the other half of the eye system go?

I may be wrong, just trying to bring it to your attention in case it is a deciding factor in your purchase.

Anyway, I say rock the devilmag :headbang:
You are correct, with a warp breech you couldn't run breakbeam unless you did some serious modding.

08-21-2004, 02:30 PM
i was informed by ga devil that it could be done, dont ask how, im assuming one would be mounted like on an xmag then one would be on top, but more cord would be hanging off of the body, i havnt seen one but was informed by him its possible

08-21-2004, 02:41 PM
You know what my vote is for :D

DevilMag baaaaaaaaaaaaby!

08-21-2004, 04:01 PM
hah, yeah frag. thanks for the offer on those parts too

08-21-2004, 07:42 PM
You know what my vote is for :D

DevilMag baaaaaaaaaaaaby!

i could have sworn he was going to say just save money and get a frag mag...

my vote is also DM


08-21-2004, 08:36 PM

Electronics and mags don't mix at all..

Freestyle has the same lvl 10 type setup as a mag so virtually no chopping.. Freestyles are insanly fast once you get ripping on them.. Freestyle feels better to hold (i've held my friends and a mag, and personally I don't like the feel of mags to much).. Freestyle is reliable, just lube it.. My mag would never work when I put an electro frame on it, maybe the deven is better, but hyperframes such for sure..

I just like freestyles better then mags I guess.. Try and shoot a freestyle though, and if you have a way a devilmag, but I doubt that would be possible, but I guess you should know how it shoots as it's just a mag with a predator board.

08-21-2004, 08:53 PM
i could have sworn he was going to say just save money and get a frag mag...

my vote is also DM


Oh yeah you could do that too :)

08-21-2004, 09:07 PM
FREESTYLE MANMy mag would never work when I put an electro frame on it, maybe the deven is better, but hyperframes such for sure..
Maybe you just diddnt install it correctly. ;)
I have two fully functional hyper mags that rip great, and I've had 0 problems with either of them.
I just need some extra $$ so I can upgrade them to 20 bps boards :D

08-21-2004, 10:34 PM
id have to go with the freestyle, even though i'm quite partial to mags

08-21-2004, 10:56 PM
Free style looks much better, the devil mag looks like piece of scrap metal and probably bounches.

08-22-2004, 12:33 AM
predator has debounce modes, so im not worried about bounce to the people that say hyperframes suck, im getting the vert frme when its out, so no hyperframe anyways, and the devilmag i would have if according to plan would be ery nice lookin no matter what, as fragtek and coolhand would probably agree with.

well depending on my cash flow, ive decided on devilmag

08-22-2004, 01:17 AM
well depending on my cash flow, ive decided on devilmag

Heck yeah. If I ever sell my Viking I'll be getting one also, unless by that time AGD has their own new electro wonder machine gun out.

08-22-2004, 08:03 AM
I ordered a DevilMag myself recently, black ule body and a vert frame.....can't wait for it to arrive so I can pet it.


08-22-2004, 12:53 PM
Maybe you just diddnt install it correctly. ;)
I have two fully functional hyper mags that rip great, and I've had 0 problems with either of them.
I just need some extra $$ so I can upgrade them to 20 bps boards :D

Honestly I probablly did.. But I fiddled with that thing for god knows how long.. It wasn't a good experience for me at all lol..

Plus mags are to small to me haha.

08-22-2004, 01:00 PM
wow the polls are neck and neck

08-22-2004, 01:12 PM
Yeah, the thing is is that some people vote for what they hear or think is the better of the two even if they have never shot or maybe seen the two markers. Im sure the pole would be more one sided if the only people who voted were people who have tried both.

O yeah. cockermongol, that link in your sig is invalid so i thought id let ya know.

08-22-2004, 01:20 PM
Having not tried either, I'd almost lean toward the Freestyle... reason being if they can get an on/off in the valve assembly, the efficiency should go up a bit. Other than that, they both have their pros/cons

08-22-2004, 01:29 PM
i was shooting a freestyle yesterday..and that sucker RIPPED...

it just has an all around even feel to it,

very consistent,

the newer versions are getting better on effiecntcy..but you realise your asking for this on a mag forum (yeah i know some members dont have mags, but still)

now you may wanna ask this on a place like ICDO (http://www.ICD-onwers.com)

now go and get a freestyle

08-22-2004, 01:47 PM
well the thing is, i cant see anything special about the freestyle over the deilmag, its quieter, but thats it, the devilmag has a better board, more reliable internals, warp body, which is good for me, a ert frame soon, and all those kinds of goodies

08-22-2004, 02:22 PM
I would go for the Freestyle all the way just beacause of the service that ICD provides, when I first got my B2K4 I misread part of the manual and was worried I needed a LP tank and I called ICD and the guy nicely pointed out that I had misread a sentance. Also I think the DevilMag looks like its from a guys basement that used a hack saw and some Gorilla Glue for the eyes (no offence to the creator). ICD= :headbang:

08-22-2004, 05:17 PM
well, ive shot neither, but i just bought the prototype hyperframe that has the 20 bps board and light as hell switch that Prezents was selling......it RIPSSSS fastest gun ive ever held in my hands...

GA Devil
08-30-2004, 08:04 AM
im not voting cause it would be bias of course but I would like to mention something. People knock the looks of the DevilMAG here on AO but its a ULE mag with eyes from the outside view. So how is that any different then other ULE mags now? Yeah the frame isnt the prettiest out but the 90* is ;)

08-30-2004, 08:09 AM
im not voting cause it would be bias of course but I would like to mention something. People knock the looks of the DevilMAG here on AO but its a ULE mag with eyes from the outside view. So how is that any different then other ULE mags now? Yeah the frame isnt the prettiest out but the 90* is ;)

Cheers to the 90* frame! :cheers:

08-30-2004, 09:38 AM
are there any pics with the 90 frame?

GA Devil
08-30-2004, 10:00 AM
not yet but soon