View Full Version : Correction - site will be down TODAY 10/24 - around noon EST

10-23-2001, 01:50 PM
Rick had something come up - tonight at 12 am EST he will be doing a server upgrade, taking the site down.


10-23-2001, 03:03 PM
OK! I was wondering why everything was still up!


10-23-2001, 03:09 PM
Will this involve more than the usual? In other words, barring any complications it should be up an running long before we get up in the morning, right?

10-24-2001, 08:28 AM

Rich is sick and he didnt stay up to do it last night. He will be doing it TODAY - the 24th around noon. He is just upgrading some server admin software and putting in our spell checker. You are looking at a couple hours down time at the most - knock on wood - I am not going to tempt the server gods into making this simple upgrade into a fubar...

10-24-2001, 08:29 AM
Just make sure the backups work this time and everything should be cool. Is he going to at least back up the database(s) before he does the upgrade?

10-24-2001, 08:48 AM
Yep, the forums database will be backed up. It won't actually be touched, but I'm backing it up anyways just to be safe ;)

10-24-2001, 08:50 AM
Thanks. :D

10-24-2001, 10:18 AM
Rich and the gang at Delaware.net know there stuff. The only data we have ever lost since switching to them was the Deep Blue posts - and that was some glitch with it being unable to be ported over from the old forum.

These guys are pros - unlike the jack-blankity-blanks at CIHOST.com

10-24-2001, 10:21 AM
And it looks like Rich is done with the upgrades - and we now have spell check again - no excuses now for looking like a hooked on phonics failure.

10-24-2001, 01:43 PM
Knock Knock.....Who's there?....Ben...Ben Who?...BEN PLAYING THE PHONICS GAME, NOW I LOVE TO READ!
By the way, I don't see a spell check feature...Whads op wits dat?


10-24-2001, 01:49 PM
When you do Post reply it will be the second button on your right from the Submit Reply button.

10-24-2001, 01:55 PM
OOOH! I see! Thanx cphilip! I thought it'd be one of those top buttons I never use.


10-24-2001, 02:00 PM
Actually... it is the button on the left of the Preview Reply button as it looks at US!

You know they do.. don't you? ;)

10-24-2001, 02:08 PM

10-24-2001, 02:11 PM
Yes they look at me all the time!!! And I can hear them talking!...the corn has ears...!!! Never turn your back! AND DON'T SLEEP!...Because THATS when they getcha! When you sleep and when you blink! Gotta stop blinking and sleeping! And...the lettuce has heads...!!! Those buttons are in cahoots with the people who live in the TV! Im watching those buttons!