View Full Version : Accuracy problems

10-23-2001, 03:46 PM
Ok, I don't know if this is an accuracy problem or not, but I heard that one guy was getting ball-on-ball shots from 150 ft. away, I dunno, but here is whats up:

I got a new barrel for my automag. I wanted to test the accuracy, so I setup a board against a tree trunk. The board was about 1X1 ft. I sat about 50-75 ft. away, and aimed very carefully, held my breath. The pattern seemed to go something like, shot, shot same place, shot same place, shot down 8 inches, shot same place, shot 8 inches to the right, shot 8 inches to the right, shot same place, shot same place.

I don't know if this is my fault, but I was holding the gun very very still. Here is what is on there:

Dye Excel 14" , setup with fresh o-rings and nubbin
PMI premium paint
stock bolt
3000 psi Pure energy 68 steel tank, at about 1000 psi

This gun a small difference from the stock barrel, but not much at all. I heard the stock barrel was not accurate at all.
If anyone can help, thanks. Rob, after you get back from world cup, maybe I can show you how it shoots or something, since I got it at Pev's:)


10-23-2001, 04:15 PM
i guarantee you that guy did not get anything near accurate shots at 150ft away.

10-23-2001, 04:25 PM
the 150 feet thing is not true, your accuracy seems ok to me, remember that in paintball accuracy will never be perfect. There are too many variables like wind, not perfect paint, gun consistancy, and a ton more.