View Full Version : More Embarrassing Than Shooting Pink Paint

08-23-2004, 01:37 PM
When I went to buy paint, the local paintball store only had Pink and Red paint. I have not seen Red paint in a really long time but that is another story. Anyway, I thought I was too tough to use Pink paint so I went with the Red.

Well, one game I was trying to assault a bunker with 3 guys in it when I got caught in no mans land. They lit me up (which was probable my own fault). As I was walking off the field I noticed that I was now covered in Pink. I guess those guys didn’t have any hang ups with shooting Pink paint.

I now know what is more embarrassing than shooting Pink paint and that is getting shot with Pink paint. Next time I go to buy paint I won’t be afraid of the Pink. Maybe I can return the favor and cover somebody else with Pink.

08-23-2004, 01:40 PM
Whats embaressing about shooting pink paint? Im also surprised you found red paint because most fields dont allow it, nor do like many companies make it. Anyway, i dont see how its embaressing using or getting shot by pink paint. Its just like any other paint but a diff color.

08-23-2004, 01:40 PM
pink is great because of high visibility. The color isnt embarassing at all. The only problem I have with pink paint is some pink fills like to stain your jersey

08-23-2004, 01:41 PM
Red paint is almost impossible to find. Or do you just mean shells?
Anyways, I'd choose Hot Pink over anything else anyday. Hell I have 3 cases in the garage right now :shooting: Just for AO day :shooting:

08-23-2004, 01:44 PM
my favorite is orange, but pink is good too

08-23-2004, 01:44 PM
black balls w/ white fills are awsome ppl don't see em comein till it hits em

08-23-2004, 01:46 PM
my team always shot pink paint because of just that.... "What sucks more than getting shot? Getting shot with pink paint!" Hey, we made them feel like little girls...

08-23-2004, 01:47 PM
I have seen some red fill lately (i thought it was illegal?). I think it was zap or menace, one of those cheaper brands. I also found some magenta marbs that looked a bit redder sometimes.

08-23-2004, 01:49 PM
Red is illegal in most tournys cus it looks to much like blood or somethin. Personally my fave color of paint to shoot is orange or pink. I hate gettin shot with green, idk why i guess i just dont like the color lol.

08-23-2004, 02:11 PM
There is nothing wrong with Pink paint, it was just me. But after last Saturday I think Pink will be my first choice.

As for Red paint, I was amazed to see it too. Like I said I have not seen Red paint in a long time. Last time I saw Red paint was back in the days of PGPs and I was saving up to buy a Nightmare. The local paintball store was selling Red paint so they had to allow it. I did get a couple of comments from other players like "I thought Red paint was illegal". I do see how Red paint could be a safety issue. However, given the same choice of Pink and Red I'm going with Pink so it won't be an issue any more.

08-23-2004, 02:13 PM
There is nothing wrong with Pink paint, it was just me. But after last Saturday I think Pink will be my first choice.

As for Red paint, I was amazed to see it too. Like I said I have not seen Red paint in a long time. Last time I saw Red paint was back in the days of PGPs and I was saving up to buy a Nightmare. The local paintball store was selling Red paint so they had to allow it. I did get a couple of comments from other players like "I thought Red paint was illegal". I do see how Red paint could be a safety issue. However, given the same choice of Pink and Red I'm going with Pink so it won't be an issue any more.
Red is discoraged because a hit could look like an injury.

08-23-2004, 02:28 PM
I read on some message board, can't remember which one, that the NXL is going to ban pink fill. I am not sure if this was just in the NXL or in the paintball industry. It has something to do with the staining properties found in that color...that is also one of the reasons that red is no longer used...something about red dye that is just bad. Remember how eating the red M&M's was bad!!

08-23-2004, 02:35 PM
So Pink and Red paint stain and the only colors the store was selling was Pink and Red.

Hmmmm. I wonder if the owners are trying to open up a clothing store or mabye a dry cleaning business.

08-23-2004, 02:53 PM
hey, i like shooting pink paint...

and there is nothing embarrasing about getting shot by pink paint. the only thing that is embarrassing is getting shot by white paint near your crotch. which reminds me of a story...

i used to have an outlaw ball field in the woods near a lacrosse field, and i was playing there with some of my friends. i had recently called one of my friends to see if he could come, but he couldnt because he had lacrosse practice. during practice, he told his coach that he had to go to the bathroom, and headed off to the woods, and then played a few games with us, during one of which i shot him with white paint near his crotch. he returned to lacrosse practice, and forgot to wipe the hit. so everyone on his team saw that he spent about half an hour "going to the bathroom" and returned with a white gooey substance on his shorts. now THATS worse than getting hit by pink paint.

08-23-2004, 02:56 PM
I shoot pink whenever I have a chance. I love shooting people with pink. Its more satisfying than you're standard yellow or orange.

Its a subtle way of rubbing it in, its like I just shot you, and on top of that now you are pink :)

08-23-2004, 03:36 PM
hey, i like shooting pink paint...

and there is nothing embarrasing about getting shot by pink paint. the only thing that is embarrassing is getting shot by white paint near your crotch. which reminds me of a story...

i used to have an outlaw ball field in the woods near a lacrosse field, and i was playing there with some of my friends. i had recently called one of my friends to see if he could come, but he couldnt because he had lacrosse practice. during practice, he told his coach that he had to go to the bathroom, and headed off to the woods, and then played a few games with us, during one of which i shot him with white paint near his crotch. he returned to lacrosse practice, and forgot to wipe the hit. so everyone on his team saw that he spent about half an hour "going to the bathroom" and returned with a white gooey substance on his shorts. now THATS worse than getting hit by pink paint.

Thats friggin hilarious! :rofl:

08-23-2004, 04:26 PM
If your easily embarrassed by being shot with pink paint then you need to attend some self esteem seminars or something. *rollseyes*

08-23-2004, 04:33 PM
Yeah seriously who cares what color paint you have on you or are shooting at people.

08-23-2004, 04:40 PM
What are you talking about? Pink is the most manly color of them all :cool: