View Full Version : Virtual Paintball - No Pain, No Stain

10-23-2001, 06:13 PM
And also NO PAINT. There's another commercial for yet another paintball rip-off game, but this time there's not even paint. It's just lasertag and for some odd reason they're calling it virtual paintball... How pointless and stupid...

10-23-2001, 06:21 PM
havent seen this 1 yet. doesnt surprise me though

10-23-2001, 09:56 PM
i worked on halflife paintball mod for like a week just before they disappeared. i dont even know where they went, it was like ok ill do a few models then boom its gone! its really retarded :mad:

10-24-2001, 02:11 AM
Just saw the virtual paintball commercial tonight. The equipment looks even cheesier than regular lazer tag. The only redeeming feature was that the guy in the very beginning was wearing proper protective gear.

10-24-2001, 11:15 AM
That advert has been doing the rounds over here in the UK.
Small boys, holding rather stupid looking plastic guns.

How much fun.............i think not.

10-24-2001, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by Burb
That advert has been doing the rounds over here in the UK.
Small boys, holding rather stupid looking plastic guns.

How much fun.............i think not.

LOL! For some reason that just came off so hilarious to me! You Brits sure gotta way of cuttin to the chase. I love it. Thanks for the laugh Burb.

10-24-2001, 02:15 PM
LOL! Saw that yesterday, and ALMOST made a post on it today! Good thing I didn't or Id be like those 3 people who copied me :)hehe. YES! My Mom is like "look! Virtual paintball!" And im like "Thats lasertag! WHY IN THE WORLD ARE THEY CALLING IT VIRTUAL PAINTBALL!?" some little kid goes to a paintball field and trys to use his virtual paintball thing thinking "Oh yeah, I play paintball all the time!", then gets lit up when he tries to shoot someone with a laser gun. STUPID COMPANIES! STOP MILKING IT!


10-24-2001, 02:21 PM
Hey sounds like a GREAT idea to me!

And we can all pay for it with our Virtual Money! ;)

10-24-2001, 02:31 PM
wtf, you stupids!

Its paintball because it leaves an LED splat on the peice of plastic that you strap to your chest!

10-24-2001, 02:52 PM
Good way to make friends... who is stupid now? ;)

That would STILL make it Lazer Tag... only with a stupid LED splat. :D

oops... Sorry.. I don't mean to upset an L33t Hax0r.

(oops had a spelling error.. I had "is" and not "it". HeeHee)

10-24-2001, 03:11 PM
I loved Lazer Tag when it was out. Of course that was more then 10 years ago. Granted, you can't compare it to paintball but I loved being able to play in the house and not have to worry about as many saftey issues. I'm supprized it stopped being popular.

10-24-2001, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by shartley
Good way to make friends... who is stupid now? ;)

That would STILL make it Lazer Tag... only with a stupid LED splat. :D

oops... Sorry.. I don't mean to upset an L33t Hax0r.

(oops had a spelling error.. I had "is" and not "it". HeeHee)

shouldn't that be h4x0r ?

10-24-2001, 03:27 PM
oh that! It's a laser tag gun, i just bought a few of em to play with my friends.

10-24-2001, 03:29 PM
I don't know...

But you know me, I don't know anything about that kind of stuff. ;)

I was just took what he wrote in his profile. Scary!

10-24-2001, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by shartley
I don't know...

But you know me, I don't know anything about that kind of stuff. ;)

I was just took what he wrote in his profile. Scary!

hahaha gotcha! :)

N0t +O be 4 meany OR @NYTHIn9 BUT....P05ER!

10-24-2001, 03:40 PM
It's just a stupid way for those capitalists to make money. People will buy anything these days, and those companies will make lots of money off this stuff.

<b>Workers of the world, UNITE!</b>


10-24-2001, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by beam

hahaha gotcha! :)

N0t +O be 4 meany OR @NYTHIn9 BUT....P05ER!

H4x t3h P14n37!

W3rd :D

10-24-2001, 04:55 PM
if you can't speak l337 then sshh! :p

1 = I
2 = Z
3 = E
4 = A
5 = S
6 = G
7 = T
8 = B
9 = P
0 = O

i was playing Q2 when l337 was first invented, so think of me as a l337 elder hahahha:D

btw this is not l337:

N0t +O be 4 meany OR @NYTHIn9 BUT....P05ER!

thats like... um... the writings of a person who knows not of l337! yes... thats it... (what am i on today?:confused: )

10-24-2001, 05:02 PM
"G" you all sure got me so confused. I wish I wuz a kool hacker too! Could you teach me? ;)

10-24-2001, 05:45 PM
I am not a moderator, but I do wish to express my opinion on the childish flaming that is going on in this post. It is ridiculous and a moderator should close this down. I read AO posts because I don't want to wade through everyone's ego trips and temper tantraums. This appears uncharacteristic of the friendly banter that I normally see.

10-24-2001, 05:54 PM
I did not take it as anyone being flamed. I also did not take it as anyone getting upset. It started out as a little slap because of a harsh post, but soon turned into a light hearted joke about subculture.

If you took offense, I am sorry. I don't think that was anyone's intent. I took it as more of a side trip from the main topic.

10-24-2001, 06:01 PM
Thank you for the clarification. I must say, things can become misconstrued very quickly, and I appreciate someone taking the time to inform me of the intent of such posts.

10-24-2001, 07:21 PM
I am a Moderator and other than the Idiot thing I don't see a darn thing wrong with this exchange. Course it might change? Nope not...

10-24-2001, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by CESF_Specter

i was playing Q2 when l337 was first invented, so think of me as a l337 elder hahahha:D

I might be wrong but I thought 1337 was invented on dail up BBS's way before Q2, and that it just it hit gaming scene around that time.

10-24-2001, 11:15 PM
1337 5p33|< ('leet speak) was created in the BBS scene sometime around '85 as far as anyone can tell. It came into real popularity around '87 as a way to defeat chat room filters on AOL and Prodigy (back when both were still basically glorified BBSs). It gained a large audience on IRC in the early '90s. 'leet speak hit the gaming scene in '96 with DWANGO (who remembers that?) and has been with internet gaming since internet gaming came into existance with Quake (1). ( I don't know whether it was ever used on Kali in DARPAnet days since I didn't have net access until '94)

10-25-2001, 06:38 AM
No... Close, but not quite correct.

It was used to gain access to secret areas of the BBS used for the pirating of software (yes in the mid 80's). Form there it has been used by every "wanna be" to look "high-tech". It really has little to do with Hacking, Cracking, or Warez d00ds.

The gaming subculture uses it to look cool, nothing more, and they did not invent it.

As for the AOL thing.. sure it is used to get around chat room filters, but your dates are a bit off. Check for yourself, AOL did not even exist in 87.
So many misconceptions and misinformation going around.

As for all the other "Internet" stuff, I see the same thing. People take what they THINK, or hear in some chat room, by some kid claiming to be some sort of Guru, and pass it on as Historical Fact.... but the facts are often far from what people think.

Please feel free to take a look at some of the REAL facts concerning this stuff. I am sure many of you will have some good weapons to use on those "Guru's" the next time they pop up. WARNING... it may however shatter your beliefs about things. ;)


There are many more, but those three will keep you busy for some time. I hope this helps!

And for those who get into that 1337 stuff......

DUD3! 7H1$ 4ND $2.00 W111 G37 YOU 4 CUP OF COFF33. 17 1$ COO1 4 G4M3$ BU7 H4$ 117713 U$3 1N 7H3 R341 WOR1D. BU7 H4V3 FUN! :D

10-25-2001, 08:16 AM
I think everyone is looking at this virtual paintball thing all wrong. Sure, it's lame. But think of the intended audience: Those too young to play the real thing. What happens to young people? They grow up.

This could actually help to improve the sport we all love soooo much! This could be the catalyst to upstart young players. When little 5 year old Johnny wants a paintball gun for xmas, mom says "No, They're too dangerous!" Johnny gets Virtual PB instead. Now, when he gets older, he would be more likely to buy the real thing and start playing the real thing.

No Arguement, It's LAME! But you have to think of it in a positive manner.

10-25-2001, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by shartley
No... Close, but not quite correct.

It was used to gain access to secret areas of the BBS used for the pirating of software (yes in the mid 80's). Form there it has been used by every "wanna be" to look "high-tech". It really has little to do with Hacking, Cracking, or Warez d00ds.

Blah Blah Blah

DUD3! 7H1$ 4ND $2.00 W111 G37 YOU 4 CUP OF COFF33. 17 1$ COO1 4 G4M3$ BU7 H4$ 117713 U$3 1N 7H3 R341 WOR1D. BU7 H4V3 FUN! :D

Acutally, if memory serves correct, l33t was introduced towards the end of the QuakeWorld era, when one teenaged player after a string of rather nice kills proclaimed himself to '0wn j00' and be 'l33t'

Anyway, enough of this stupid hijack, why must people look at my damn profile? its happened twice now and got me into trouble.

10-25-2001, 12:24 PM
I saw that commercial too!!! i was rolling on the floor laughing when I saw the cheesy little guns :cool: