View Full Version : Sydarm Trouble

08-23-2004, 08:08 PM
I just bought my sydarm last weekend and when it got here i aired it up right away and i was very impressed with it. I shot two twelve grams through it then i decided to call it a night. When i went to put a twelve gram in the the next day, it pressurised just fine but for some reason the trigger wouldn't set. It seemed to me like the sear wasn't setting right on the bolt or something so i tore it down and realised that the rail appears to have been drilled wrong and when i put it all back together the way it is supposed to the screw holes for the screw that goes in the grip wontline up. So i just put everything back together except that screw and it was all flush and looked good so i threw a 12 gram in and got three solid shots out of it before it did the same thing. It looks to me like the valve is moving back with every shot and by the time it doesn't shoot there is a good 16th of an inch gap between where the valve is supposed to sit and where it is. I would really appreciate any help here and I hope I was able to be clear enough for everyone to understand the problem. thanks

08-23-2004, 08:17 PM
The hole for the field strip screw won't line or the one for the front frame screw? Or both? I guess the rail is bad in all cases.

08-23-2004, 08:30 PM
Do Sydarms have rail bushings? :)

08-23-2004, 11:26 PM
Put it all back together and air it up. If the trigger still feels like it's not reseting, try pushing the front bolt in with a stick sqeegie or pencil. If it clicks in and then shoots (remove item you used to push in first) then you have bolt stick. My Sydarm did that out of the box. I put a level 10 spacer in my power tube with the spacer already in the sydarm and it works great now.
Also if you turn the velocity up around 260fps your only gonna get about 6-8 good shots. I leave mine about 220fps and I can get around 16 decent shots over 200fps.
When I first got mine and fixed the bolt stick, I cranked it way up just for kicks. I got 2 shots at 400+fps per 12 gram. I dont recomend trying that. Hope that helps.

08-24-2004, 11:16 PM
Thanks for all your help guys. If i hadn't used up all my 12 grams i would have tried that today. Guess i'll have to wait till tommorrow.