View Full Version : BlackCat 24 hour scenario in Ohio

08-24-2004, 11:34 AM
BlackCat Paintball Productions, known for putting on fun, safe, and well organized scenario events, would like to invite everyone to attend our 24 hour scenario game at our new home field, Professor Lumpy's Paintball Academy near Smithfield, Ohio. the field is located just 40 minutes west of Pittsburg, 12 miles from Stuebenville, OH, 2.5 hours from Columbus, 2 hours from Cleveland. Hundreds of players!!!!

Price is $40 pre-registered. Pre-register in time and receive $5 off a case of event paint. Game date: October 8-10, 2004.

Price includes:
embroidered event patch
steak and chicken BBQ Friday night
player ID
entrance into a prize package valued at $6,000!

Come help us celebrate our FIRST 24 hour scenario game at our NEW home field!

For more information visit our website at:

The game, The Looney Bin:

The cool air-conditioned atmosphere inside the Oval Office was a stark contrast to the Indian Summer that the rest of the District of Columbia was enjoying as Agent B. Bunny walked inside. The last time that Agent Bunny had been called here it was the beginning of one Toon’s Hell that he had been trying to forget ever since. Now, he had been called here again, and he was not excited.

The president greeted him warmly with a handshake and a pat on the furry shoulder as he made his entrance. “Agent Bunny, great to see you again. I never got a chance to thank you for what you did for us last year, what with cleaning up Ohio and all.”

“Don’t mention it, Doc.” B. Bunny said from the corner of his mouth.

“I’m afraid that I have another such assignment for you this time, old friend.” The President sat on the corner of his desk and motioned to a thick chair before him.

B. Bunny sat down heavily and pulled out a carrot. “May I chomp?”

“Please. We’ve got a bit of a… situation, I’m afraid. It’s Duffy Duck.”

Agent Bunny looked up suddenly. “Duffy?! But I thought that he was in the
Toon Town Penitentiary breaking rocks with ridiculously large hammers.”

“He was,” the President said sadly, “but we… made him a deal.”

“Oh, I can’t wait to hear this,” Agent Bunny said sarcastically.

“We had Duffy running some Black Duck Ops in Asia for us. In return he would receive a full pardon.”

“And let me guess, he ducked out on you.”

“Precisely. It looks like he’s hooked up with some Anime types from Japan and started his own cartel with them. We need you and your IDIOTT team again, Agent Bunny. We need the Inerasables.”

“Well,” Agent Bunny said, winking into an invisible camera lens, “here we go again!”

09-10-2004, 02:30 PM
What kind of field is Professor Lumpy's Paintball Academy?

Do they have a website? - I like to check out the field before I make a commitment to go.

09-14-2004, 09:18 AM
I am debating on playing in this game, I know a few of my friends are. I am curious if anyone from AO is planning on making a showing in this game? If there are it might sway me into playing ...

09-17-2004, 01:30 PM
thinking about it...need to get more specifics though as this would be my first scenario game...

09-19-2004, 06:03 PM
I went to the last Blackcat game at Three Rivers. It was a blast! If I can get the time off of work I plan to attend. Never been to Prof. lumpy's.

Cilio - Knightmare Tango
09-20-2004, 05:48 AM
We went to our first Black Cat game this year. I must say that it was very enjoyable, reffing was very good, good turn out, players were very honest and the game well run. If the VA game was any indication on how his events typically are, I'd say it's worth you making the trip.

09-20-2004, 08:04 AM
Anyone know what kind of paint or how much a case for this game?

I looked all over Black Cat's site and didn't find any info regarding paint.

09-20-2004, 04:12 PM
The Looney Bin flyer that I got at the last game says: $75 per case of 2000 competition grade paintballs. $65 per case of 2000 recreation grade.

At the three rivers game the paint was Draxxus. Blaze was the one I used. People told me at the game that it changes from time to time. I had no problems with the paint.