View Full Version : my little brothers mistake

08-24-2004, 11:43 AM
well he is living here..and everything he doesnt like...he calls my mom about

hes now 16..and able to drive...

Now, i am his legal guardian...im supposed to care for him

well the other night "he goes to a freinds house" and when hje gets back..4:30 in the morn...he reaks of bad whiskey..

and he DROVE him in my car...

and i have no way to teach him this is wrong

then i found some valuum, vicoden, and marijuana in his room....

then in the car a bottle of xanax

i am showing him less than zero for the drugs...(let him see that)...

i am trying to show him this is wrong, ive taken away his liscence, his car key, his house key (someone is usually home to let him in..unless they are asleep..IE at about 5 in the mornin")
no more computer, tv, or music....he is let out of the house only when an adult is with him..

08-24-2004, 12:17 PM
if he gets worse you can send him to the desert out in western USa..my friend was very defiant with his parents...so they sent him out to the desert to fend for him self..he had to **** in a hole he dug...eat whatever they gave him...take 10 mile hikes in the sun...build your own shelter..basically he's supervised by some mormons...so they dont commit suicide...and they fend for themselves without life's amenities....you have to spring for a large amount of money to do this..but its worth it...my friend came back a bit more humbled...

08-24-2004, 12:54 PM
Nothing says "I love you now stop being a retard" like a good *** kicking.

Or if all else fails turn him over the cops for the drugs. I would check on manditory minimum senteces and what not before hand but it would definately scare some sense into him. There is a place that all this should be done and it's called college. That's just my opinion

08-24-2004, 12:54 PM
It must just be me, but if I had pulled any one of those stunts my dad would have beat me within an inch of my life. :nono: It may take you calling the cops on him. Hand over his drugs and him to the law. Make him understand that there are indeed consequences to his actions.

This may sound morbid but a friend of mine had this used on him by his parents. They purchased a grave site at the local graveyard, put up a head stone with his name on it, and then took him there to show him. His dad handed him a shovel and told him that if he kept up with the lifestyle he was currently living he would need a head start. It scared him so bad he went to rehab the next day.

Just my $.02.

08-24-2004, 12:58 PM
wow...id so do that to my kid if i had one...that's a great ploy

08-24-2004, 01:14 PM
well right now, i know i cant buy a headstone and everything....

damn....im trying to minimoze costs

as for th drugs...i do marijuana, i can admt that, then he tried to justify using it by saying i do

well im responsible when i use it

and i dont pop pills

08-24-2004, 01:44 PM
I'll start by saying I like the ganja myself.

That said being his leagal guardian you have a responsibility to set a good example. If that means no more bong hits then so be it. I'm really not trying to be preachy but bear with me. He sees you do it and figures that it hasn't caused a problem for you why can't he keep doing it.

Unfortunately weed does lead to other things for some people. Maybe should have a serious talk (I'm sure you've done this) with him but tell him you realize you may have been a bad example and offer to quit TOGETHER. This way he has someone to lean on and help him with his issues. I'm not suggesting that you never ever smoke the boo again but while you help him through this trying time for both of you it may be a good base to build a solid decision making future on for him. I don't know you or your brother so these suggestions may not work they may have already been tried but if not give it a whirl. The important thing is that your brother gets his stuff together.

08-24-2004, 02:18 PM
well, if it means that i can do that..for awhile...i mean ive been doing it since i was younger than him (he doesnt know that)

but i will quit with him...untill he is all clean and sober...

hes being forced to watch less than zero right now

08-24-2004, 02:36 PM
i like the gravestone idea i would be liek ahhh and run around in circles :cuss: i am a pirate :argh: or you can make him wlak the plank or you can rent a helicopter and fly over water and puch him into it that would be fun

08-24-2004, 03:19 PM
well, if it means that i can do that..for awhile...i mean ive been doing it since i was younger than him (he doesnt know that)

but i will quit with him...untill he is all clean and sober...

hes being forced to watch less than zero right now

using "do as i say, not as i do" tactics will never work. if you want him to stay away from drugs, you have to stay away from them too. otherwise he will always have a justified reason to use them.

if you use them yourself, i dont understand why you dont want him using them? any reason for him must be good enough a reason for you as well....

08-24-2004, 03:41 PM
well first off,

im not popping pills,


he smokes more than i do


i am responsible when i do it...he goes for a drive when he does

anyway i am an adult, who likes to treat himself to a nice big bowl once and awhile

08-24-2004, 04:12 PM
hmm howabout every time he comes home drunk or whatever and passes out u get a perm marker and highlight all over his face, that should teach him

On a serious note, it is pretty hard to ask someone to stop doing something that u do. So i think u should try the whole quitting toegeather thing.

08-24-2004, 04:15 PM
well we are quitting together...

but my problem is, i cant trust him AT ALL..hes been lying to me like this for awhile now

08-24-2004, 06:54 PM
Get him some help at a drug treatment program or maybe some counseling. Alot of kids experiment wiht booze and marijuana, but the combination of all the things you found would really worry me. More than likely the people he surrounds himself with are not helping the situation. Just my 2 cents - good luck.

08-24-2004, 07:37 PM
Does he like paintball? A teammate of mine WAS a big time drug addict. Paintball has helped him turn straight. Point is he needs to be free of that environment and those piss ant friends. Activities that doesn't include those same friends and places will help greatly. Although he is going to need firm support by you, family and close friends. But you and bro is going to have to want to change. That is the hardest part. You need to set the example. He needs to find self-reliance, self-worth, self-respect, and some pride then he will be cured. You need to find that together. Good luck friend in your quest.

08-24-2004, 08:43 PM
he plays once and awhille...but he doesnt get into it..even when hes sober

08-24-2004, 08:48 PM
Get him some help at a drug treatment program or maybe some counseling. Alot of kids experiment wiht booze and marijuana, but the combination of all the things you found would really worry me. More than likely the people he surrounds himself with are not helping the situation. Just my 2 cents - good luck.


this prolly isn't something you can do on your own. you should be able to talk with a counciling center or something and get him into a program. FORCE him to go to it. He needs help

08-24-2004, 09:15 PM
I'm only 17 myself... But if I ever had a kid or minor under my control and I caught them doing that... Well it's off to rehab/military school.

But you need to quit yourself. You're not doing yourself OR him any favors by continuing "responsible" use of marijuana. I don't care what you say about it, but it's illegal, a waste of money, and it's a potentially destructive habit that can have huge consequences.

However, I feel the same about drinking and smoking. But those are both socially and legally accepted.

For him, I'd say it's off to rehab at least. If he's already popping pills and stuff he needs serious help.

08-24-2004, 09:30 PM
kick his ****ing ***! that stuff really ****s you out

08-24-2004, 09:54 PM

if I had ever come home at 430am, i would have promptly found myself sleeping on the front porch that nite...

and dont let me tell you what would have happened if i walked in the house smelling at all like alcohol....my father would have taken a bottle and shoved it so far up my ***...well lets not go there....

Drugs...I would not be posting...cuz he woulda cut off my fingers.

08-24-2004, 10:21 PM
Being a registered Pharmacist tech and damned near a pharmacist i'm seriously concerned about the combination of drugs he has. If he were to ever take too many of the Vicoden and Xanax or Valium while drinking seriously he could kill himself. I'm assuming this based off the lower RX for each, 5-500 Vicoden, 1mg Xanax and probably 10mg of Valium. Combined with Alcohol this could do serious serious damage to his liver and potentially stop his heart. Not even mentioning the things the weed is going to do to his heart while he's taking these drugs. Best thing is to get him some help if he's resorted to RX drugs to get his highs.

And Another thing. WHERE IS HE GETTING THESE DRUGS? Find that out. Find the root of his problems, eliminate them (Potentially "disposing" of the kids) and help him out dramatically.

08-24-2004, 11:12 PM
he's your brother.

sometimes you cant just enforce rules to get a point across, let him make a mistake (controlled) and leave him to fend for himself with the consiquences.... the best way to learn in life is by making mistakes and learning from them, unfortunatly the mistakes that are usually associated with that type of actions are permanent; thus the reason why you have to keep an eye on him so he doesnt go too far.

being a direct parental figure is sometimes harsh, if you call the police on him you have the risk of loosing the rest of his trust (whatever he has) so you're better off getting him in a situation as I stated above or even better yet a situation where he can only rely on you to bail him out. That way you're the boss and he has no choice but to do as you please.

08-24-2004, 11:59 PM
You could handle it the Homer Jay Simpson way...(he wanted to make Bart smoke the whole pack of cigs in front of him)

...make him smoke until he cant breathe...and make him drink till he can't taste...and then when he wakes up make him throwup liek a hangover... (sticking something down his throat of your choice)

or you could blindfold him for a day and let him see how "cool" is it being stoned/drunk...and make sure he stumbles...

...then you could make him do stupid things (as if he was drunk) like run around the back yard while you shoot him when he is only in his boxers/underwear/briefs/...just make sure he is wearing some...afterall you are not being punished...

08-25-2004, 12:18 AM
Being a registered Pharmacist tech and damned near a pharmacist i'm seriously concerned about the combination of drugs he has. If he were to ever take too many of the Vicoden and Xanax or Valium while drinking seriously he could kill himself. I'm assuming this based off the lower RX for each, 5-500 Vicoden, 1mg Xanax and probably 10mg of Valium. Combined with Alcohol this could do serious serious damage to his liver and potentially stop his heart. Not even mentioning the things the weed is going to do to his heart while he's taking these drugs. Best thing is to get him some help if he's resorted to RX drugs to get his highs.

And Another thing. WHERE IS HE GETTING THESE DRUGS? Find that out. Find the root of his problems, eliminate them (Potentially "disposing" of the kids) and help him out dramatically.

This man sounds like he knows what he is talking about. I am not a pharmacist, but if it was my brother, I would follow this mans suggestion and talk to him straight up.

Good luck with this, how old are you, btw?

08-25-2004, 12:55 AM
man, yor brother sounds like a punk who needs an *** whooping, but that isnt something that you personally should give to him. if you whooped his *** for it then any trust he as is definitely gone. let me tell you though that if my parents knew i was doing **** like this thatn i would be sitting in the hospital for awhile. i just hope that the two of you can work something out about this. definitely look into militray school or rehab for him.

oh yeah, good luck with this.

08-25-2004, 03:44 AM

This one bears some thought.

Well, you said that you are quitting together. That is a start. Next, I would suggest that you not even give him the opportunity to do anything that you do not want him to do. Try doing thing together. It may sound sappy, but try thing like going to see a movie instead of him going out with his friends. That way you know that he is not getting high or something like that. Try to figure out what he likes (aside from things that would alter you mind) and do them with him. Going to local music shows (I know that one in ABQ were pretty cheap: 10 - 15 dollars for a ticket). Things like that. If worse come to worse, I would suggest beating the hell out of him. Nothing says "You have screwed up," like a boot the the butt. But, i would say that one of the most important things is not just keeping him off drugs, but giving him something else to do with his time. That is what saved me when I was drinking way too much. I really had to find something else do do with my time. It was very easy to sit and do nothing but get as drunk as I can. It happened so much that I never had to think of anything else to do with my time. I had to go out and find something new to do. Once I found it (Rifts, 40K, going to shows, watching movies, hanging out with people who were not raging drunks) it was a lot easier to stay sober.

08-25-2004, 07:31 AM
well he took my valuum & vicoden (perscribed to me), and my fiancees xanax...luckily he didnt get into my cocerta (i take a really heavy dose) or some anti-infection meds...(all the meds i take are legally prescribed to me)..so rigth now their is a lock (elctronic.) on the medicine cabinet

another problem is he is not seeing anything wrong with what he is doing....so he is now flipping through a scrap book, of pictures of my when i was on cocaine, herion, crack, everything...

anyway...he isnt getting the drugs from freinds around him..he has no freinds who do it...

and he said it was his choice to go and find some....so he actually looked for it...which scares me

i talked with the local highschool..and said he was going to be homeschooled by me, and a few freinds of mine....(couple are teachers) till hes sober

so theres that

im about 40 anyway..but my parents are only 55/56, and i have a couple more siblings than most..cause my parents are rabbits
