View Full Version : nppl makes double triggers and zgrips illegal

trains are bad
08-24-2004, 12:34 PM
3.1. Players may carry a single, .68 caliber, pump or semi automatic paintball marker that includes a single barrel and a single trigger.

3.3. A trigger is a movable lever that causes a marker to fire when force is applied directly to the trigger in a vector parallel to the vertical plane of the marker. A marker that can be caused to fire by any other means is illegal.


08-24-2004, 12:36 PM
By single trigger, I beleive it means no more then one trigger...

trains are bad
08-24-2004, 12:38 PM
3.6. A marker with settings, whether mechanical, pneumatic, or electronic, that may be adjusted without the use of tools to allow the marker to operate in an illegal manner is illegal. A player who operates buttons, switches, valves or other adjustable device on a marker during the game without the permission of a judge will be assessed a minor penalty.

So I guess me priming my warp or adjusting my cocker lpr is illegal. I also know a lot of ppl with marker programmable through the trigger that get away with that.

may not fire if it is hit, dropped, or sneezed on.

gotta love a little levity.

08-24-2004, 12:39 PM
lol... yes, by single trigger, that includes one trigger with 2 groves.

whats illegal is like to triggers, seperate....

tu ne comprend pas ...

08-24-2004, 12:46 PM
how does that make z-grips illegal? and that mean vert and y-grips are illegal too? :tard:

08-24-2004, 12:48 PM
so how are zgrip illegal?

and yes, by must only have a single trigger it means one and only one trigger. Therefore you could not have trigger in front and a trigger in back (that way when walking you would hit a trigger on both ends of the swing).

trains are bad
08-24-2004, 12:50 PM
5.3. Players may carry one hopper. Hoppers may not be covered by any absorbent or padded material.

this should be changed to clarify qloader legality.

6.1. Any clothing or equipment not expressly permitted by the rules is prohibited unless permitted by the Ultimate Judge.

I should start asking the ultimate judge if it's ok to wear underwear.

Players may discard or pass "disposable" equipment. Players must maintain possession of (physcially control, or be within 5 feet of the equipment or a bunker within 5 feet of the equipment)

Shoddy writing. That adds up to ten feet, by the letter. See?

be within 5 feet of...a bunker within 5 feet of the equipment

08-24-2004, 12:53 PM
3.3. A trigger is a movable lever that causes a marker to fire when force is applied directly to the trigger in a vector parallel to the vertical plane of the marker. A marker that can be caused to fire by any other means is illegal.

Nothing about this goes against ZGrips, Y grips or any other angle. A "a vector parallel to the vertical plane" would be at any angle. This rule says you can't have a trigger that's side activated.

trains are bad
08-24-2004, 01:08 PM
why not? is that not perpendicular to the 'vertical plane'? WTF i don't even know what a 'vertical plane' is. And how is a line perpendicular to a plane? The way I am thinking of the 'vertical plane of the marker', any vector perpendicular to it would be sideways, like you engage a safety. I thought the zgrip trigger layed down like.

4.6.3. A player who fires a marker, prior to the start of the game, will be eliminated.

Almost everyone I know shoots a few shots before the game to make sure all systems are go. If you're not gonna enforce rules, don't have them or change them.

That adds up to ten feet, by the letter

actually, now that I think of it, assuming you were in a large bunker you could be even further than that. If the pod was within 5 feet of a long snake and you were within 5 feet of the other end you could be 30+ feet from the pod and still be in possession of it.

EDIT: ahh. parallel. So zgrips are cool. cool.

If it hits the hopper and sprays on your goggles, it’s obvious. If it smacks into your earflap, it’s obvious. If it makes a loud “ting” on your tank, it’s obvious. If it hits your facemask and sprays paint on your face, it’s obvious. If it hits your elbow pad that is 2” thick and you didn’t feel it, it’s still obvious – players should not wear padding so thick that they cannot feel hits. If it hits your shoe, glove, leg, cup, belt of your pack, neoprene neck protector, or hat, it’s obvious.

I like this section. :D

08-24-2004, 04:38 PM
Shoddy writing.

I've said that many times before. Paintball rule books suck. They suffer from commitee-itis and a wannabe-lawyerese.

It would be easy to write a clear and concise rule book. Writing clear and concise instructions is what I do fo a living.

But, nobody seems interested in a straight forward rule book that anyone can read and enforce. :rolleyes:

08-24-2004, 05:29 PM
Ok paintball rule books are getting a bit out of hand and plus no one can read the rules and say oh ok than that hopper is illegal. Their are so many unclear or unenforced rules in the book that we have to argue over it all the time.

RT pRo AuToMaG
08-24-2004, 09:22 PM
Yeah, and starting in 2005, no more pink or orange colored guns in the NPPL

GOD I love the PSP.

08-25-2004, 01:43 AM
That section 3.3 about the parallel plane was created because of the Fiddlestick trigger I made 2 years ago..

talk about feeling important. :tard:


08-25-2004, 02:31 AM
Man I f got hit on the cup and felt it I would be pissed. What they dont want me to have future paintballers and have the joy of hearing the pitter, patter of little guns around the house.
I wonder if I can sue the cup company? :rolleyes:

I am glad for the pink and orange gun rule though.

08-25-2004, 08:35 AM
3.6. A marker with settings, whether mechanical, pneumatic, or electronic, that may be adjusted without the use of tools to allow the marker to operate in an illegal manner is illegal. A player who operates buttons, switches, valves or other adjustable device on a marker during the game without the permission of a judge will be assessed a minor penalty.

So I guess me priming my warp or adjusting my cocker lpr is illegal. I also know a lot of ppl with marker programmable through the trigger that get away with that.

gotta love a little levity.

Ummmmmm, obviously you dont know to much about cockers, because an LPR doesnt do anything to make a gun operate illegally, just increases the cocking pressure. Has nothing to do with velocity. Priming a warp doesnt do anything to effect the speed and velocity of the gun

08-25-2004, 08:55 AM
Ummmmmm, obviously you dont know to much about cockers, because an LPR doesnt do anything to make a gun operate illegally, just increases the cocking pressure. Has nothing to do with velocity. Priming a warp doesnt do anything to effect the speed and velocity of the gun
thats his point. it says that if you operate buttons, switches, or valves without consulting a judge you will get a penalty, regardless of weather or not those buttons, switches, or valves change anything that would make the marker illegal.

08-25-2004, 03:30 PM
why not? is that not perpendicular to the 'vertical plane'? WTF i don't even know what a 'vertical plane' is. And how is a line perpendicular to a plane? The way I am thinking of the 'vertical plane of the marker', any vector perpendicular to it would be sideways, like you engage a safety. I thought the zgrip trigger layed down like
Lay your marker on its side on a table. The table would be roughly parallel to the marker's vertical plane.

08-25-2004, 03:38 PM
3.3. A trigger is a movable lever that causes a marker to fire when force is applied directly to the trigger in a vector parallel to the vertical plane of the marker. A marker that can be caused to fire by any other means is illegal.I interpret this to mean no roller triggers?

08-25-2004, 04:24 PM
Yeah, and starting in 2005, no more pink or orange colored guns in the NPPL

GOD I love the PSP.
Damn! I guys I'll hafta reanno my pink to orange fade Splatmaster.........................

08-25-2004, 06:10 PM
That section 3.3 about the parallel plane was created because of the Fiddlestick trigger I made 2 years ago..

talk about feeling important. :tard:


How did that work?

08-25-2004, 07:54 PM
Wasnt the fiddlestick just a rod that went parrallel to the ground, attached to the trigger so you could rake the hell out of it?

08-25-2004, 09:11 PM
I left an allen wrench in my friend's eblade trigger when I was tuning it up and started bouncing my fingers on the end of the wrench. You can really rip on something when you can hit it with all 4 fingers :P

08-25-2004, 09:17 PM
no.. my "fiddlestick" was a trigger that would activate in any of 360* of movement (ie- forward, backword, left, right, or any combo of these).

pictures, etc here: http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=51730


08-26-2004, 12:29 PM
Yeah, and starting in 2005, no more pink or orange colored guns in the NPPL

GOD I love the PSP.

Can some one explain why? I had not heard this.. Personally it doesnt effect me, but I am just thinking of one of the All Female teams out there that uses pink shockers..

Just wondering why they did it?

08-26-2004, 02:07 PM
The NPPL rules seem to have been written by a bunch of morons who, use, commas, incorrectly.

08-26-2004, 04:10 PM
Can some one explain why? I had not heard this.. Personally it doesnt effect me, but I am just thinking of one of the All Female teams out there that uses pink shockers..

Just wondering why they did it?

Pink and orange are the most common paintball fill colors in the NPPL...

08-26-2004, 04:44 PM
Down With Pink Guns!

08-26-2004, 04:53 PM
Pink and orange are the most common paintball fill colors in the NPPL...

BUT didn't they recently band pink fill recently because of a staining issue? :confused:

:looks at pb2X magazine stash:

08-26-2004, 06:54 PM
Pink and orange are the most common paintball fill colors in the NPPL...

Ok, that makes total sense..

You know, about 6 years ago I thought I had heard about a paint company (could of been RP, but I am not sure) that was working on a type of paint ball that actually had 2 different fills in it, basically it had 2 sides and when it broke it either left multiple colors which was said to be harder to hide or contained a special paint that when mixed together was a really freaking bright neon color, almost a glowing one in day light..

Because I went away from paintball for a few years (to many!) I lost track of it but wonder if something like that would work better? Or would every one just go back to splash jobs?? LOL


08-27-2004, 07:06 AM
the two tone paint is from rp its called flash and its really apparent in the green filled ones, the dark part of the paint doesnt stain but does not wipe off it has to be washed off in the laundry. while the bright part is very obvious and easy to see i love that stuff but the shell is a little think and the seams are alot bigger then with marb or evil so i rarely use it!!!