View Full Version : What do you want out of a field?

08-24-2004, 06:12 PM
Ok say I was thinking of opening a field near you?

What does it need to have?

What else would you like it to have?

What kind of setups?

(anything that you think would help)

08-24-2004, 06:42 PM
airball along with woodsball.

FRIENDLY reffing staff
GOOD reffing staff
reasonable prices (~$5-10 entry; $10all day air; $60-70/case)


thats about all

08-24-2004, 06:45 PM
>Ok say I was thinking of opening a field near you?

You're thinking of opening a field near me.

>What does it need to have?

1; indoor facilities with seperate mens/womens WC's (for the ladies that like to play, and the men that don't want to hear the complaining)
2: decent paint prices (especially if your FPO)
3: something other then hyper/supair/super/mega/airtube ball fields (how about some shipping pallets? wire spools?)
4: big fields
5: a good system for organizing groups (so the ref isn't always wondering where to go next)
6: wash the place every now and again. here in SoCal there's no rain to clean the fields, so the gunk of the first paintball ever fired is still gumming up the ground out there.

>What else would you like it to have?

1:tall bunkers. lots of tall bunkers.
2: grass
3: shade
4: food

>What kind of setups?
trees are pretty cool I hear, bushes might rock a little bit, and some non-inflatable speedball is my personal favorite...

08-24-2004, 06:55 PM
I would like....

1. Be only 15-30 min away from my house.
2. Good airball, hyperball fields
3. Nice staging areas
4. Indoor bathrooms, that are clean.
5. Nice entry, good paint prices.
6. Fair, nice reffing staff
7. No fire ant hills on the fields, like my last field

08-24-2004, 07:05 PM
tall bunkers (that are always full with air)
good people
no ants
cheap prices
and easy to get to( there is a field i know of that goes down a hill that some cars cant get back up)

08-24-2004, 07:09 PM
I would like the outside to look nice. Have decent paint prices. Good refs. No refs under 16 unless you are sure that they are good, responsible, and can handle them selves. A good supair ball field would be nice along with a big field w/ little wood houses and stuff, so that the tournament players would not need to play with the noobs and vice-versa. I know that the name is up to you, but I would prefer it to be something other than something like "shoot-em-up paintball" or "the paint pellet game" (both names of actual fields). They just make me feel like it is less of a sport and more of an attraction.

08-24-2004, 07:12 PM
airball along with woodsball.

FRIENDLY reffing staff
GOOD reffing staff
reasonable prices (~$5-10 entry; $10all day air; $60-70/case)


thats about all
All I would add is at least one really knowledgable airsmith/tech person, and maybe another type of speedball besides airball - spools, barrels, hyperball - whatever. I would like to see paint at $50-60/case, but I would pay more if the field was worth it.

08-24-2004, 07:35 PM
haha my local field owns all of that..

40-55 a case (of good paint)
7 dollars entree
6 dollars all day air
2 sup air fields
on site prosop :headbang:

08-25-2004, 02:58 AM
how bout

20 dollar entry + all day air
50-60 a case paint
All Indoor Playing Feilds with A/C and Heating
3 Sup Air Feilds
and 1 X-Ball feild
for a total of 4 Airball feild
Freindly Refs
Team Practice/BYOP Sundays

not exactly local, but almost worht the drive for me
