View Full Version : how rediculous is this??

08-24-2004, 10:42 PM
ok so i walk into one of the pb shops here, not my normal shop because i couldnt go to my normal shop becuase the traffic was so heavy i owuldnt have made it there. anyway, i go to this shop and im lookin at the stuff and lok up tha the guns. oh my god. i saw all tipmans, one spyder, one ir3 and one minimag. i asked to see the minimag and they handed it to me. completley stock. 4 stars, it is excellent condition, but completley stock. i rembmer seeing this gun in there years ago, its the same gun and its never sold. i wonder why? well maybe becasue the price tag is $499.99. i seriously started laughing at them and then told them i got mine for 90 and it wasnt stock. of course it was used but DAMN! 500 bucks? yeah right, you can get a used angel for that, or a higher end mag

08-24-2004, 10:44 PM
damn! i got my angel for less than that, way less.

08-24-2004, 10:48 PM
if the owner is asking that much, he doesnt deserve to sell it.

08-24-2004, 10:49 PM
base price for rt custom is 400..that is pretty outrageous for a minimag

08-24-2004, 10:50 PM
i would take a pic but i dont have a digital camera

08-24-2004, 10:54 PM
5-6 years ago, that's what it would sell for...

08-24-2004, 11:56 PM
Heh, my local shop has an old dusty RT valve on "sale" for $329.
The thing's been there forever...

I thought base price on an RT custom was like $340.
I got my brand new, ULE bodied, intelliframe RT Pro for under $400!

08-24-2004, 11:59 PM

I got my minimag for 275

08-25-2004, 05:20 AM
Sometimes a marker sits on a shops wall for a LONG time. The owner is going to charge whatever his mark up is to make $$$ off it . Now, if He purchased that marker at $450 a few years ago $499 isnt a bad asking price....using the price scale from a few years ago. Yes its silly that you can get more of a marker for less now rather than pay $499 for an older version of a mag...but it is also silly for any owner to take a $200+ hit on a marker ...just to get it off his walls.
Answer...there isnt one that comes out well for either side of the counter.
When we used to have a marker on the wall for a looooong time we would up it with a new frame,barrel and such to make it more appealing. We would basicly sell the ups at cost and take a small profit on the marker.
Meh but what do I know .

08-25-2004, 05:35 AM
the last time i was at challenge park extreme in illinois(about a year ago) they had a
old shoebox shocker(not 03) with max flow on the wall for 12or 1300$$.
i wonder if its still there??? hmmm

08-25-2004, 05:36 AM
The shop owner isn't going to take a loss on the marker. General Accounting practices will dictate that they have already written off the lost value of the asset (or marker in this case). So even if the sold it for $300 they'd see the same margin as if they sold it at $500.

08-25-2004, 08:35 AM
Sometimes a marker sits on a shops wall for a LONG time. The owner is going to charge whatever his mark up is to make $$$ off it . Now, if He purchased that marker at $450 a few years ago $499 isnt a bad asking price....using the price scale from a few years ago. Yes its silly that you can get more of a marker for less now rather than pay $499 for an older version of a mag...but it is also silly for any owner to take a $200+ hit on a marker ...just to get it off his walls.
Answer...there isnt one that comes out well for either side of the counter.
When we used to have a marker on the wall for a looooong time we would up it with a new frame,barrel and such to make it more appealing. We would basicly sell the ups at cost and take a small profit on the marker.
Meh but what do I know .

Yeah man but hes taking a 499$ hit by not selling it. Hes not gonna sell it for 499.

Also if he just decided to sell it for 300 hed only be taking a 200 dollar hit.

Wc Keep
08-25-2004, 08:43 AM
dude a 200 dollar hit can make or break a businesses fiscal year. you can never sell something for less than you buy it. you should also know that those prices are because of online stores. you guys have to support your local shop.

08-25-2004, 08:55 AM
Actually as a Paintball shop owner my self I would clear it out even at a $200 loss because then its gone and I didn't loss as much(I am trying to do this with some E-99s right now)

What I actually posted to say is I can't speak for all shop owners because I get stuff cheaper thru the Millennium franchise but for the most part it isn't hard to be priced within $10-$15 of most internet sites. I think (in my area) most shop owners just want to milk every penny they can from the consumer. I sell things at near internet prices and if a costumer comes in and asks I'll match net prices. I have been to store that want literally $110 for an Evo 2, WHY?? That isn't even reasonable. I sound hypicritical, but I wouldn't support local shops that mark thier Items up 200% when at 30% you can easily stay in buissness and have happy repeat customers, why should customers 100s of dollers more locally?

08-25-2004, 07:50 PM
about 6 months ago paintballgear.com was selling minimags for 210. He is never going to sell it for 499.99 :cry:

08-25-2004, 07:58 PM
That what I would call a "Red neck proshop". I've seen some stupid stuff myself. sometimes the clerk jokes around with me and shows me some of the stuff it would take a total idiot to buy. Anyway I think there are sites that sell mini mags for 500$, I think I've seen it a few times. Try looking for mini mags in the google search you should have no problem finding one for 500 smackerzz.

08-25-2004, 08:01 PM
haha reminds me of the brasseagle rainmaker for 300 bucks for sale at my local field. been hangin on the wall for a good 6 months. id take even a tippmann over that thing, anyday.

08-25-2004, 08:10 PM
id take even a tippmann over that thing, anyday.

Yeah, 'cause we all know just how much Tippmanns suck... :rolleyes:

08-25-2004, 08:13 PM
hey guys another thing to look at is the fact that the internet companys buy BIG bulk orders.were small shop like the one i work at only gets 2 or 3 of some iteams. I know national paintball they do a price break after 6 items on a few things. But you should all ways support your local shop. :D Also look at the fact will a internet site give you a year in house warrenty on new guns.

The Humongus
08-25-2004, 08:13 PM
a stock mini mag for $500? http://pages.prodigy.net/indianahawkeye/newpage44/6.gif that's all I gotta say about that

08-25-2004, 08:52 PM
Well, I paid about $350 for my Minimag used about 4 years ago. Prices drop, life sucks, cope... :D

08-25-2004, 08:54 PM
The shop owner isn't going to take a loss on the marker. General Accounting practices will dictate that they have already written off the lost value of the asset (or marker in this case). So even if the sold it for $300 they'd see the same margin as if they sold it at $500.

hoyl crap ithought id never hear GAP mentioned EVER beyong accountg 201-202 ..but ya he's right

08-25-2004, 09:01 PM
That what I would call a "Red neck proshop". I've seen some stupid stuff myself, sometimes the clerk at this shop jokes around with me and shows me some of the stuff it would take a total idiot to buy. Anyway I think there are sites that sell mini mags for 500$, I think I've seen it a few times. Try looking for mini mags in the google search you should have no problem finding one for 500 smackerzz.

The Humongus
08-25-2004, 10:08 PM
http://pages.prodigy.net/indianahawkeye/newpage35/12.gif Ya dude...we read it the first time...but hey sometimes repeating your self gets your point across

08-25-2004, 10:23 PM
If you seriously want to buy the rig, print up some recent pages for new equipment at some web sites, showing the current going value. Ask if will match those prices. He will most likely sell it to you if he knows there is no chance he can get his asking price.

08-25-2004, 10:31 PM
If you seriously want to buy the rig, print up some recent pages for new equipment at some web sites, showing the current going value. Ask if will match those prices. He will most likely sell it to you if he knows there is no chance he can get his asking price.

:tard: i already have a mag thanks....i got it for 90 buck :D

08-26-2004, 12:27 AM
Most of the paintball manufacturers have started price fixing to cope with the big interent retailers. Look at Custom products website they full admit that if you go below 10% of thier msrp you will never buy products from them again.

Why do you think a dm3 cost 825 no matter where your are at on the net. Right now being a local shop i think would be great; your competition online has to sell at msrp (+-10%) and the local shop can undercut them the internet prices so long as they don't print the acutal under msrp anywhere. (that's why you see extras now on the interent; given you a hopper of free next day air shipping)

Hypothetical Local store owner says to a customer: "tell you what; I'll sell you that dm4 on the wall there(points one of the dust colored ones) for 1200 if you buy it right now."

The only thing saving the interent stores is that you don't have to pay taxes on big ticket items.
I have 7% sales tax in my town; thats 70 bucks if i buy a 1000 dollar marker if i bought it locally.
just some food for thought:

08-26-2004, 10:03 PM
http://pages.prodigy.net/indianahawkeye/newpage35/12.gif Ya dude...we read it the first time...but hey sometimes repeating your self gets your point across
OMG dude that was a mistake :rofl: