View Full Version : Is Paintball a sport or a hobby?

08-24-2004, 11:20 PM
After seeing a bunch of posts about pb being on tv as a sport, I got to thinking--what is the difference between a sport and a hobby?

Generally, sports get much better coverage on tv than a hobby does. Can paintball be truly defined as a sport before it becomes a popular tv event?

I dunno I think paintball is more of a hobby than a sport. I really believe if you take any well coordinated person on this forum, give them about 3 months of solid training, say 20 hours a week that person can fit into any "pro" team out there and not be a noticable detriment to that team. Im willing to bet you couldnt do that for football, basketball, hockey, etc.

Ill prob get flamed for this but thats okay. Id really like to hear what everyone's opinion on the difference between sport and hobby and why you think pb is a sport or hobby.

08-24-2004, 11:30 PM
Personally, I feel that something that's played competitively and is done is a very organized fashion with winner/losers brackets for example is a sport, and something that's played for fun and not in a serious competitive nature, is a hobby.

So paintball can fall into either catagory, sport for tourney players and the latter for rec players.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
08-24-2004, 11:33 PM
I think it's a sport and a hobby. Paintball is a sport that all can play and at times can be physically demanding. There are some players that run up and try to bunker everyone, then there are the players that just like to relax and hide in some thick brush and pick people off.

08-24-2004, 11:34 PM
I know this was in a link to pbn earlier in the week. please don't let those Idiot's with pointlees argument's start on AO.

08-24-2004, 11:46 PM
It's both. On the sport side you have the hardcore tourny players who play every weekend just to place as high as possible in the next tourny. But on the hobby side you have the person who plays 2 or 3 times a month, and just wants to have fun.He/she goes with his friends to play and has a great time.

I say we just make it a "spobby" and make everyone happy!

08-24-2004, 11:48 PM
I know this was in a link to pbn earlier in the week. please don't let those Idiot's with pointlees argument's start on AO.

sorry I dont surf pbn so didnt know this was a topic covered there. Hopefully there would be a more mature discussion on AO. My 12 year old nephew does keep me up to date on all the latest on pbn so I dont feel totally out of the loop. :)

08-25-2004, 12:26 AM
I think it's a game, with the potential of becoming a sport. Eliminate or reduce substantially the cheating, and I would take it more seriously as a sport.

08-25-2004, 02:27 AM
its $$$.
or more like $$$,$$$,$$$ :rolleyes:


08-25-2004, 08:48 AM
I think it's a game, with the potential of becoming a sport. Eliminate or reduce substantially the cheating, and I would take it more seriously as a sport.

Im a basketball and football player and their is cheating in everyone of those sports. I mean coaches actually teach you to cheat.
So I think it is a sport because it is competetive even to the people who just play for fun. Also its phisically demanding so I think it could easily be a sport.

If chess is a sport than paintball can be a sport

Creative Mayhem
08-25-2004, 08:56 AM
its $$$.
or more like $$$,$$$,$$$ :rolleyes:


LOL so true... I take it you are having more patent issues? :rolleyes:

08-25-2004, 01:18 PM
Playing paintball is a Sport, tinkering and moding your gun is a hobby.

08-25-2004, 02:21 PM
Paintball easily has the potential to be considered a sport. Especially watching the olympics, I can easily see paintball in there.

08-25-2004, 02:30 PM
Paintball is a game, or hobby.

08-25-2004, 03:03 PM
Paintball in the tournament level is a sport.

Paintball in the Recriational level is a hoby.

08-25-2004, 03:15 PM
A sport has one set of rules. Paintball cant agree on a set, hence the NPPL/PSP split. Then theres Pan/Am, TCC(Texas Captains Council, gone now), GTS, etc etc.

08-25-2004, 05:03 PM
Paintball is an athletic activity.

Your involvment in it and your personal dedication to the activity makes it a sport or a hobby. Buch like basketball, bowling, golf, or anything else you do.


08-25-2004, 05:44 PM
Leave it to Tyger to put it right!

08-25-2004, 07:40 PM
Tyger wins.