View Full Version : Taking out the keyboard on a Dell Laptop?

08-25-2004, 12:49 AM
Ok, i'm sitting here and I notice my Dell Inspiron 5100 that i've had for about a year has started to accumulate some dust/debris under the keys of the keyboard. So i'm wondering, how do I lift up the keyboard from the computer to get some of the debris out? I have no clue where my manual is, and i'm sure some of you guys have Dell Laptops, so can anyone help me here?

08-25-2004, 12:52 AM
not exactly sure how to take it off but did you try one of those sweet cans of air you can buy?

08-25-2004, 01:19 AM
Don't have one/don't feel like going and buying one

08-25-2004, 01:47 AM
This is a paintball fourm. You could use the CO2 or HPA you already have laying around to blow it out. While you could take it apart you'd be safer blowing it out with not too much air pressure.

08-25-2004, 07:19 AM
NO DO NOT use your compressed air tank or co2. there is moisture in both and it will no mix well with a computer. the cans of compressed air you buy do not have moisture in them.
its like 3 dollars a can, and you should blow out your whole computer anyway.

08-25-2004, 10:11 AM
Alright, i'll have to take a trip to K-Mart today.

08-25-2004, 10:31 AM
If you're getting your air from a place with a SCUBA type compressor then it will be filtered and have almost no water in it (its bad for steel tanks). Thats why your mouth feels like you're chewing cottonballs when you dive.

Just watch the output pressure or you're liable to blow off some keys. If you're still worried about water, pull the battery and blow away. Let it sit for a day then put the battery back in.

Hell I've thrown some pc stuff into the shower and let it dry and it works fine (pulled the power and discharged the capacitors before doing it). The main point here is make sure it's DRY before you add power again.

NO DO NOT use your compressed air tank or co2. there is moisture in both and it will no mix well with a computer. the cans of compressed air you buy do not have moisture in them.
its like 3 dollars a can, and you should blow out your whole computer anyway.

08-25-2004, 10:33 AM
no thanks i will take my chance on the $3 can of air :)

08-25-2004, 10:37 AM
I guess I did do the shower thing before those cans of air were widely available ;).

I think it was on a 286 motherboard that someone spilled some coffee on.

08-25-2004, 10:43 AM
Use a remote hose and CO2 tank ALL the time on my rigs. I've never had a problem with it. Any liquid CO2 that does by chance fly out of the remote evaporates in less than 10 seconds.

As for the 5100's theres a bezel at the top of the unit near the LCD. Hides 4 screws under it. Pry the bezel off with a small flat head.