View Full Version : WDP vs SP Lawsuit!

08-26-2004, 02:36 PM
WDP wins lawsuit against Smart Parts
By Dale Ford
Aug 26, 2004, 09:42

It would appear that WDP's parent company, NPF Limited has won their lawsuit with Smart Parts. The lawsuit, which was filed in 2002 in the Oregon federal courts, Smart Parts alleged that WDP had violated Smart Parts' patent on electronic firing systems for paintball markers.

In a 23 page opinion Judge Garr M. King noted that Smart Parts had failed to prove ownership of the patent in question, and in his order dated the 23rd of August, he denied their claims of inventorship and their motions for hearings regarding the infringement of their patent to be moot.

The implications of this ruling will be far reaching, since now the prescedent that Smart Parts was seeking for their claims has now been denied. What, if any, impact this will have on the agreements already made with ICD, AKA, and National Paintball aren't clear at this time. The Wisconsin case that WDP filed against Smart Parts this year is ongoing, but it appears that case may be winding down to a conclusion as well. I will continue to monitor the federal court system and report any changes.

I emailed Frazer Colley of WDP for a confirm or deny on this latest development, and he confirmed that it was true, and that WDP would be making a statement to the press once they had consulted with their legal team.

I have also emailed Spesh Robinson of Smart Parts for his comment as well.

To see the Judge's opinion, go to http://furby.pbcproductions.com/opinion.pdf

To see the Judge's order, go to http://furby.pbcproductions.com/order.pdf

This was taken off 68 caliber.com to go to the original page go to this link... http://www.68caliber.com/news/industry/story04341.php

08-26-2004, 02:38 PM
There's already a thread on this. Closed.