View Full Version : Mac Dev Conqest HELP?

08-27-2004, 03:29 AM
I have recently been reading some reveiws on this tank and people say that its only ajustible up to 650PSI and if you have a mag to stay away and it wont work on a mag and stuff like that.

is all of that true because iam in the market for a new tank and this one really got my attention but if it wont work on my gun i would be sad :cry:

BTW my setup is:
E-Mag Frame (3.2)

08-27-2004, 04:21 PM
Not what I've heard, couple of my friends have them!!! They are really nice systems and they flow really well!! I know the output guage goes to 1000psi, and I know for a fact they work well in the 600-700psi range, so you should have no problems with it on a 'Mag!! Also, have you looked into CenterFlag?? Since I know they work flawlessly on a 'Mag!!!

08-28-2004, 01:14 AM
yeah but the Mac Dev just caught my eye love at first sight you could say :rolleyes:

08-29-2004, 06:23 PM
I have used two different Macdevs on two of my mags (one on a mech and the other is currently on an Emag). Both worked flawlessly. The Mac on the E is at 850lbs and I can get some serious bounce if I want to.