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10-24-2001, 01:13 AM
Is JJ still part of AGD? I havent seen him around much and haven't heard anything about him. I know AGD had to lay off ppl because set backs and such, JJ is still with you guys right? Also, I noticed he started his new organization, SPPLAT. (Society of Paintball Players and Teams). Seems interesting enough, read more at SPPLAT.com (is it just me, or did they forget the L??)

10-24-2001, 07:53 AM
JJ left AGD several months ago. Its was a mutual agreement split and Tom and JJ are both on good terms and I know that Tom wishes JJ well on his new endevour!

10-24-2001, 09:59 AM
35 bucks for a T Shirt and some coupons? No thankie...

I'll wait till I see them actaully doing something.

10-24-2001, 10:35 AM
Hmm...but see...if you don't support them (give them your $35)how can you expect them to do anything? I already signed up. Just wondering what member number I am:)

10-24-2001, 11:01 AM
Sure that's a valid point. But they are a self proclaimed "for profit" organization (see the write up by them at Warpig) so I will be glad to reserve judgment (which I will) and see how they proceed. There seems to be very little info up on there site at this point. In fact Bill has more up at this site about them than they have on their own site which is mostly empty. And I should think you would have more up before you started asking for Money. That's all I am saying. I wish them well but I am a bit inclined to reserve my judgement for now.

10-24-2001, 11:08 AM
I agree with Phil on this one.. it is pretty silly to send money to support something that shows no actual benefits.. only planned stuff not even specified.

If people think that is how business works…. LOL Okay, everyone send me $20, and you can be a part of MY Club! I will give you benefits too! Well, maybe…. If it does not work, you lost your $20… but I can always claim it did not work because not enough people supported my club.

This is just backwards thinking, and the type of thing that attracts AOL Chat Room folks, and those who paid the $35 for The Internet Toolbox thinking it would make them Millionaires. Sorry, but it just does not work that way.

So, if he made the Benefits Packages, got the Sponsors, listed the Fields that would offer actual discounts to Club members, etc. THEN it would be worth looking into. But until then it is just not wise to hand over any money.

Your membership is suppose to GET you the benefits, not help THEM provide them for you… otherwise it would be you sponsoring them, NOT them providing you the benefits. Because up to that point the only people GETTING anything is THEM.

Oh, well, you get a T-Shirt….. but you can get one of those anywhere.

Again, I agree with Phil… the $35 is suppose to be for the membership benefits, NOT to support them… show me something other than plans (and ones not well laid out) and I will think about it… until then, I can take that money and go to lunch. I know what I am getting then.

But hey, that is just my opinion (sense others have posted theirs), and everyone is free to do as they please. He seemed to market this to the right people… well, some of them. I see the cart used to collect the money… but where is the horse? And doesn’t the horse usually go in front of the cart? hmmmm

10-24-2001, 11:20 AM
OH NO!!!! I'm in trouble now. Shartley agree's with me...This may be a first (j/k)

No seriously guys...go look at the write up on Warpig about this group. There is way more info there than on the SPPLAT's own site. Most of which I would have put up on my site BEFORE I opened for business. And even that stuff is just generalities. There isn't even a graphic of the T-shirt you are going to get. It does not make me exude confidence in them at this point. But again I will wait and see. I am somewhat of a pessimist I will have to admit. So sorry if I sound too negative.

10-24-2001, 11:56 AM
I think that only HALF of what SPPLAT is being looked at. (btw, its not ssplat or ssplat.com, it's spplat.com - just figured that out a bit ago)

According to warpig.com - and when I talked to JJ about this - spplat has several goals with "The first of these goals is to represent SPPLAT members to the paintball industry."

From what I have gathered, this organization is more of a advocacy group. I dont know if you are aware or not - but alot of non-paintball related agencies help to decide the direction of the sport. When these "illuminatii" like meetings are held, the average player really doesnt have a voice. The organization is so that the players can have an organization representing them. They give spplat thier feed back on what they want, spplat relays that to the powers that be.

Now - wiether or not you think that is a good idea is something you can decide on. But thinking that if you invest $35 into spplat, you expect $35 back in immediate benefits is not the way to look at it.

For example, I am a member of the NRA. I got a couple stickers and a hat from them.I also subscirbe to the "American Rifleman". I have been a member for over two years now. I have given a few extra dollars here and there when asked to. I do not think that my membership dues I pay to the NRA are receproacted back to me in "stuff". I am not buying a hat and a sticker when I join, I am supporting and organization who shares my views and who will lobby those views to the powers that be. If I goto the NRA store and order a mouse pad or other merchandise, I again am supporting the NRA because they recieve the profits. But I am actually BUYING merchandise in that case - I expect not to pay $30 and only get a mouse pad in that case. But I do expect to pay a fee to join, with a majority of that fee going to support the organizaion.

To be fair, JJs site is not very informative yet, nor is it "finished". But IIRC it JUST when live a week or so ago. I am sure he wanted it up for world cup. Therefore he may have been rushed to finish it - as it was important to get it up for the big event.

I think in time JJ will have a clearer focus and people will see that its NOT just to get a few discounts here and there and to promote some special events. That it is also a type of advocacy group, whose existance relies on its members.

10-24-2001, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Webmaster
For example, I am a member of the NRA. I got a couple stickers and a hat from them.I also subscirbe to the "American Rifleman". I have been a member for over two years now. I have given a few extra dollars here and there when asked to. I do not think that my membership dues I pay to the NRA are receproacted back to me in "stuff".

Good points Steve but that is an example of an Non-Profit Organization. These guys clearly state they are for profit. And that is mosly my area of concern.

To be fair, JJs site is not very informative yet, nor is it "finished". But IIRC it JUST when live a week or so ago. I am sure he wanted it up for world cup. Therefore he may have been rushed to finish it - as it was important to get it up for the big event.

Thats probably true I'll grant them that point that they might have wanted to promote at World Cup and maybe rushed the finished product

I think in time JJ will have a clearer focus and people will see that its NOT just to get a few discounts here and there and to promote some special events. That it is also a type of advocacy group, whose existance relies on its members.

Well... we shall see won't we?

10-24-2001, 12:17 PM
Good points Webby! And very well stated.

But if I may…. Comparing this new “idea” with no track record, no real proven benefits, nothing but a good idea with no substance, with the NRA is a bit of a stretch. I too am a Member of the NRA and that is because they DO things.. not “Plan to do things”. It is also not because of what they give me directly. However, the indirect benefits are substantial.

I am a member of many organizations of which I pay a yearly due.. and the case is always the same. I choose them because of what they can and actually DO, not for what they plan on doing. Thus far, all we (as potential members) see from this new “Society” is a bunch of plans that are linked to a name…. And you don’t seriously want me to list all the “great ideas” that have been though up by, or linked TO a well known name, that have been FAR from what people thought they were, or ended up going belly up…. Do you?

Also, other than his association with Tom and AGD (which is no longer the case) what exactly has JJ done? What is his track record with improving businesses, or other things he has been involved with? This is a very valid issue since he is the Creator of this new Business and Society/Club. And should be for anyone thinking of giving them any money. Heck, this is simple stuff… I know it does not “feel good” but again.. I can list hundreds of “feel good” things that just end up being “I am sorry, but I told you so”s.

So, like Phil said, I think that only time will tell.. and I for one will NEVER jump on a bandwagon simply because a “popular” person is leading it, or that “popular” people say it is a good thing… I prefer to make those decisions myself, and in logical and rational ways.

I look forward to actually seeing how this turns out. It COULD be a good thing…. But at this point it is still a “could”.. and a BIG one at that. I have been dealing with the Paintball Industry too long to think otherwise.

(added note: "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.") ;)

10-24-2001, 12:19 PM
Cphilip - good point - but I suppose that is because you cant run large senario games with no money etc. I think you are right to wonder if $35 is worth the benefit given at this time. That decission I guess is up to each person. But hopefully as it grows, the benefits will be well worth the money.

10-24-2001, 12:24 PM
SO lets just agree to this for the time being: We should try and keep up with this new group and its progress and see how its goes. Let's all give them a fair shake. Those of you who do go ahead and join now should give us more skeptical members some feed back as to how it's going. Maybe we can get JJ to get on here some day soon and answers some questions?

10-24-2001, 12:26 PM
Sounds like a plan... and it was nice to see that noone flamed the other for differing views. :)

I look forward to seeing how this goes.

10-24-2001, 12:28 PM
Re: Background on JJ.

JJ used to work for Brass Eagle and as far as I have gathered, had much success. In fact, regardless of what you think of BE products, they make money doing it. One of JJs chief complaints with BE was upper management's focus on the bottomline vs making the products better. Which was one reason he moved on from BE. He has been active in the ASTM guidelines and I know he has been in several other "behinds the scenes" meetings. His background is primarily sales and marketing. I believe he was also in the Army and served in the gulf. A pretty likable guy.

I understand peoples hesitation. If I didn't know what I do about JJ, I too would probably be more wary than I am. Right now I wish him luck and will set back and see what he can do and where he can take this. Hopefully it will be a positive move. We haven't had a players organization since - the IPPA. (most of you probably weren't in the sport when it was around).

I actually am supposed to be interviewing JJ for an article in APG. If there are specific questions you all want answered, list them here and I will ask him.

10-24-2001, 12:47 PM
Good background stuff!! You almost have enough for an article already Steve! Exactly the kind of thing we need to know.

I for one have much respect for BE and the things they have done for the sport. They do one thing well as I can see it. Get people into the sport by making and supplying cheap stuff. And somebody gots to do that. And every quality comparison has to have a bottom line to start from. So I can also see JJ's frustration as he wanted to go into a quality direction and they seem to have their niche in volume, volume, volume... I can surely see that having happened...Interesting.

10-24-2001, 12:52 PM
Thanks Webby. :) Like Phil stated, that is needed info, and good to have.

10-24-2001, 02:32 PM
I look forward to the article.

10-24-2001, 03:13 PM
IPPA! I still have my memebership card and patch:)

I am willing to give my $35 to an organization even if it is just ideas. If it works out, great, if it fails and I get nothing out of it so be it. But yes I was supprised of the lack of information on the site, but as webby pointed out, he had to get something up by World Cup. Oh well, as long as I get my tshirt I am happy. I drop $20-$25 on many many concert shirts though out the years. So, $35 for a tshirt is about right:)

10-24-2001, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Webmaster
We haven't had a players organization since - the IPPA. (most of you probably weren't in the sport when it was around).

What happened to the IPPA? They had cool stickers and free subscriptions to paintball magazines with your membership.

10-24-2001, 04:56 PM
Webmaster, you are correct about JJ being a Vet. I meet him here in the UK a couple years ago when the EMAG was being released. He brought them over for Campaign Cup, which he played in for our team. I got to eat dinner with JJ one night. Howard Colby (Air America), JJ and I got lost in our own conversation for a while leaving Sosta wondering what we were talking about. Both of those guys have great ideas for P-ball and if I had never meet JJ I would be sceptical, however I think he set it up for profit for a reason, (Might be a good question-Why for Profit?) and I think he will get the results he is looking to achieve for players. I am interested in seeing what he does for the sport. If you are wondering what I am doing here inhte UK, I am in the AF here.

10-24-2001, 10:11 PM
I think things will become alot clearer once the web site reflects the actual player benefit packages. I just saw the web site for the first time, and it's lacking a lot of the player benefit info. I'm a firm believer in looking at a track record rather than promises of the future. I've been a SPPLAT member since Tuesday, and already saved over half of the membership price just through food discounts near the tournament site (and ended up with a dozen more Krispy Kremes than I could eat - I gave them to Adrenalin while they were reffing 5 man). Manike broke even the first day as a member.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

10-24-2001, 10:27 PM
Thanks for "testifying' Bill. Thats the kind of feed back a person like me needs.

Love them Krispy Creams!

10-27-2001, 08:34 PM
Hello All,
Sorry it took so long for me to respond to this thread (thanks Bill for the "heads up"). As Bill stated, the website is missing quite a bit of info. The site was several days late in getting up and certainly needs to have info added. The following will be added as soon as possible (prodding my webbie who frequents this forum):
All SPPLAT members receive:

T-Shirt - SPPLAT logo on front and "Paintball Player" on the back in 14 languages.

Membership Card with Name, Membership number, date first played and date of first tourney on the back

Discounts from (Outside Industry): Choice Hotels (Comfort, Clarion, Quality, Sleep Inn), Howard Johnsons, Days Inn, Winngate, Travelodge, Ramada, Knights Inn, Amerihost Inn, Villager, Avis, Hertz, Dollar, Cruise America, EZUp Canopies, Recreation USA (Discount Campground Club) and Sam's Club.

Discounts/Special Offers from (Paintball Entities): Airgun Designs, Palmers, Ronn Stern, APG, Paintball Magazine, Paintball 2Xtremes, Paintball Games International, P8NT, Paintball News, FaceFull, Splat (CD Magazine), Worr Games, JT, Brass Eagle, KAPP, Kingmann, Raven, DYE, Diablo, Nelson, Severe, PMI, Warrior Sports Gear, Reds, WDP, Custom Products, Pro Team, Xtreme Rage, Centerflag, Air America, Nitro Duck, Shocktech, 32 Degrees, Wayne Dollack, MXS, Viper Scenarios, AKALMP, Community Fire Equipment, Bauer Compressors, etc... (I say "etc..." because I'm sure I'm leaving several out)

Discounts/Special Offers from hundreds of playing fields and stores and several on-line retailers.

Now please understand that this list is not a new list, but is the result of thousands of hours on the phone, emails, faxes and face to face meetings since I left Airgun Designs. SPPLAT has contracts with national/international entities outside paintball that not only saves $$s for our members but (possibly more importantly) allows these entities to track the impact paintball has on their businesses. This is what will create situations where hotels, car rental agencies, etc... will finally give back to our sport which has given them millions of $s fo so long. Tomorrow we (SPPLAT and Choice Hotels) will award rooms to some teams at the World Cup which they can use at the Chicago Open 2002. The reason we "chose" that event, is that it is the only 10 man event that is close to being "in stone" on next year's schedule.

We will add an E-News letter when warranted and will gather local discounts at the major events we attend. Our members will be able to come to our booth and pick up lists/coupons for local restaurants and others that give "deals" to SPPLAT members (see Bill's note on this subject).

I almost forgot the Shatner Game. I brought paintball to Shatner and Shatner to paintball for several reasons. For you cynics out there, my own bottom line will be assisted by the number of members that join in order to save on the entry fee to the Shatner game ($50 savings). More importantly to me, I see this as a way to expose the game to thousands of non-players and to gain tremendous exposure via mainstream media coverage while raising 6 digits for a very good cause (Ahead With Horses).

So, is this for profit? YES I stressed that to Bill and to others because I do not want in any way to mislead anyone.

Is this a situation where we want your money to use to build something from nothing? NO (see above lists)

Is this an advocacy organization? YES As a leading member of the ASTM subcommittee on Paintball (F08.24) and Eye Safety (F08.57) and "Acting President" of PECC (Dr. Vinger's wife is recovering from a life threatening illness), I am in a position to "speak" on behalf of our player-members without concern for any specific manufacturer or other industry member.

Is this a good deal for $35 ($40 for outside US members)? I'll leave that answer for you to decide. If it is a good deal in your opinion, please consider joining us at www.SPPLAT.com if not or if you are not sure watch us as we grow and help grow the game. Hang on and tune in folks, for the best is yet to come...

Good hunting,
J.J. Brookshire
[email protected]

(took out the extra comma in the link, it works now. Army)

10-29-2001, 08:23 PM
The techs' at world cup joined spplat and like Bill got our money back in prizes before the tourney was over . And I also want a piece of Capt. Kirk ...

10-29-2001, 08:48 PM
i saw a bronco with spplat.com on it headed toward nascar a couple weekends ago

10-29-2001, 09:21 PM
For anyone who has not had the pleasure of meeting J.J. in person, you are missing out. He is great for paintball and is a stand up guy. I talked to him the day we got sponsored at NPPL Nashville in 2000. I also talked to him at the MSPA in Knoxville in April this year. He will do what is right for paintball and I believe everyone should support spplat.com.

On a side note, J.J. if you need help in the Tennessee region with spplat.com let me know. I can pass out info and/or stickers and memberships applications at tourneys that Rave attends. Just email me and let me know.

I bet that bronco that you seen was J.J.

10-29-2001, 09:32 PM
Yea I scored a great "Door Prize" in a dinner theater deal for 2 in the daily drawing.

All the AGD Techs signed up, All of Bob Longs players did as did Team Justice and Pevs Paintball.

JJ got several hundred members at World Cup and I hope he gets several thousand more.

I have gone over my packet and have started filling out the info need to get some of the deals.

Hell if your in the market for a used RV you can save $500 on a retired Rental RV :) Now thats traveling to a tournament in style.


10-30-2001, 06:09 AM
As a matter of fact a couple of weeks ago I did pass by the Talladega area driving a 36' motorhome with a '74 Bronco in tow. My route to World Cup took me from NW Arkansas through Memphis, B'Ham, Atlanta and on to Kissimmee. I'm leaving Kissimmee today and will stop in Montgomery for a few days (visit with in-laws) then back to my "cave".
As I intend to put many more miles on that motorhome (it has a 6' SPPLAT logo on the side), I may very well be seen in an area near all of you soon. Next event for SPPLAT will be the Grand Finale in Ocala in about a month.
To all of you that are SPPLAT members, thanks for the support and words of support. To those that are considering joining, thanks for the consideration. I had a lengthy conversation with my "webbie" yesterday and hope to have the site (www.SPPLAT.com) "fleshed out" soon.

11-04-2001, 06:53 AM
More on SPPLAT...

After the World Cup, Manike suggested a stop a Skyventure (www.skyventure.cc - a vertical wind tunnel for indoor skydiving) because it was something he wanted to do his whole life, and lo and behold, SPPLAT members got a two for one discount. It sounded cool to me. Dawn and I and Manike, went and when I saw some competition skydivers practicing in the wind tunnnel while we waited, I realized it was beyone way cool. There is little to compare with being able to fly by just moving the shape of your body. Big thanks to JJ for opening my eyes to this, I probably wouldn't have gone without the discount, and now I will definitely learn to skydive when time and funding permits.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

11-04-2001, 01:27 PM
You guys have it all wrong. I signed up at World Cup and I have already made back my money in savings. I HIGHLY recommend joining.

11-04-2001, 02:21 PM
Actually noone got anything wrong. Your post looks like you might have read the first couple posts, and then skipped to the last one and posted that people got things all wrong.

If you read the whole thread you will see it progresses, and in fact that those of us who were skeptical had good reasons to be,... and even the Founder admitted that he did not have nearly enough information posted on his site. Any and all questions some of us asked were good ones, and were subsequently answered in this thread.

Quoted from JJ:

As Bill stated, the website is missing quite a bit of info. The site was several days late in getting up and certainly needs to have info added. The following will be added as soon as possible (prodding my webbie who frequents this forum):

I will still maintain that anyone who joins a club (ANY club) with ONLY the information his site had on it when this thread was started would be foolish. So those who questioned it all were not wrong, they were actually being the logical ones. I am glad the questions were asked, and now have been answered.

But as I am sure you can now clearly see, noone was wrong about anything... except for maybe those responsible for the site, because if it was that easy to post the answers HERE in this thread.... it should have been as easy to post the information ON the site. It would have cleared up any questions from the start.

When any site has only vague claims, and is set up to collect funds for memberships, but nothing more... you better believe it will draw questions from those who care who gets their money. I am however, glad that there were appropriate answers for all questions asked. This was a lesson in the power of perception (and one I would think JJ would have already been well aware of) and a mistake others might avoid in the future.

It looks to be a good thing.... but when this thread was first started, the situation was a bit different. And I personally THANK all smart consumers.... ASK the questions, and GET the answers. And never blame the consumer for doubting and asking when the Manufacturer (or owner) fails to provide adequate information. :)

11-04-2001, 02:35 PM
yeah i did just read the first few posts :) His site does lack a bit of info but if you went to the event and saw all the bargains that were being offered im sure you would see what a good idea it is.

11-04-2001, 02:49 PM
LOL Thank you. :) I think if you now go and read all the posts, you will clearly see I never said it was a bad idea, and I (as well as everyone else) know what a good deal it is. ;)

11-04-2001, 03:15 PM
Hmm, Guess I'm foolish and non-logical...oh well...been called worse.

11-04-2001, 04:44 PM
what can i say shartley ;) im lazy....wasnt gonna lie to you about not reading all...just saw the first few and was like stoopid poopooheads *clicks reply to thread button*. ill try to read everything now :)

11-04-2001, 04:53 PM
stoopid poopooheads

LOL I love it! :D

I am sure you will enjoy the whole thread. ;)

11-05-2001, 05:31 AM
There's a lot more to Spplat than the web site.

I joined up on the first day (early in the morning also) of Spplat being founded at the World Cup after just having spoken to JJ for 5 minutes. I got membership no. 007 ;) I'm not even based in the US where most of the benefits can be realised but from talking to JJ I saw a single huge benefit to the whole of paintball and that made it feel very important to me to join up. I recognise it is a profit making organisation but I am encouraging everyone I know to join. There is nothing wrong with making a profit. If anything it encourages JJ and his team to work hard, and we as paintball players are the ones that will reap the benefits of his work.

Why did I join? Because this is about getting the benefits of paintball players realised by our communities and other industries and non paintball players. The value of that is way beyond the 35$ joining fee. The value of that to our sport is pretty much priceless. It is exactly what we need to get this sport recognised and to make it grow with outside sponsors. This is what will get us on the road to having fully sponsored events, outside sponsors, TV coverage, REAL proffessional players! To make the sport more acceptable to play and to make it cheaper for us all.

Already the retailers around Kissimmee started to realise our buying power! The owner and manager of Dominoes Pizza was hooked on paintball in no time whatsoever!And made huge business from the World Cup... they were even delivering Pizza's to the fields (just an excuse to watch games if you ask me, lol.

Spplat are offering discounts at many hotel chains and in future free hotel accomodation at a paintball event as a prize!

We already spend millions of pounds (translation:- dollars ;) ) with oustide companies, now with Spplat that money will be recognised and we will have more bargaining and purchasing power. This is on top of the fact you get discounts you can use all the time, not just in relation to paintball stuff/events.

I pretty much got my joining fee back on the first day after winning a dinner for two prize... I then got introduced to Crispy Cream Donuts... oohhh that was evil... now I'm hooked and back in the UK where they are not available... I also got discounts on food all week (saved lots of money) And I got to go Skydiving in a huge wind tunnel, something I have wanted to do for years and which I can whole heartedly recommend to anyone who wants to try it (the only downside being embarrasing pictures of you smiling like an idiot with your face distorted by the wind being posted all over the net... Thanks Bill :) I also got two for one discount on the Skycoaster ride (what a rush!)

You want more reasons to join? :) Shooting trekkies!!!... I'm going to fly over next year especially for the big game (gonna cost me a small fortune to play one big game but no doubt worth it!) I've always wanted to play challenge park and it sounds like it will be a blast. 4000 people!

Tom Kaye will be a captain on one side and we are already formulating plans to shoot trekkies :) Hey how about a team of AO body guards or special forces on Tom's side... Maybe we could use this event as an excuse for a huge AO get together... (my secret plan is any excuse to get Tom to buy more crispy cream donuts... ;) )

But in all seriousness I've seen many organisations in paintball, some have looked good some haven't. This is one I actually believe in and the potential it has for all of us is huge. The more we as players can do to support it and help get our sport recognised and accepted the better.


SPPLAT Member no. 007

The guy with the longest post in this thread ;)

11-05-2001, 05:45 AM
Originally posted by -series-
what can i say shartley ;) im lazy....wasnt gonna lie to you about not reading all...just saw the first few and was like stoopid poopooheads *clicks reply to thread button*. ill try to read everything now :)

That's OK and we will try to forget about the 'riding the bull' incident in Old Town ;)

Doh, did I just mention that? sorry :) hehehe (having just realised who Series is and that I met him at the World Cup!


11-05-2001, 10:20 AM
Hey, for us, umm..., larger paintball players, is there any chance of getting the shirts in larger sizes. A XXXL would be great! That's one of the reasons I'm not signing up right now. I don't want to get a XXL and two weeks later find out that XXXL are available.

11-05-2001, 10:26 AM
I suggest you E-mail JJ and ask him. I expect you can. If not you will be able to soon as I think he mentioned it wouldn't be long until he did another run of shirts.

I forgot to mention the shirts before. It's a light grey with the logo on the front and 'Paintball Player' in lots of languages on the back. It's subtle but in my mind excellently done and sets the tone just right.

It's not garish and in your face, but more of a conversation starter. Just what it should be. I'm already trying to find paintball players in more countries and with other languages to get added ;)

I have a shirt in XL and don't I just love US sizes... it's huge on me and I'm no small person either :) I took up most of the vertical wind tunnel when we went indoor skydiving on the Spplat two for one deal... :)


SPPLAT Member no. 007

11-05-2001, 10:38 AM
I wanna know what SPPLAT # I am!!!!:)

11-05-2001, 10:55 AM
Well Potato and other so gifted "Back Players". We do have XXX available. If you need this size please email ([email protected]) me a note at the time that you submit your application. We did not include XXX as a choice online because they are really large and I did not want people to have oversized shirts that they would not wear but wanted to keep these available for the players that do need them. As a 5'5" front player I truly apreciate the larger back players out there. It has been my experience that you can carry much more paint without noticing the extra weight whereas every pod seems to slow me down. When you put that extra paint to good use it allows me to better do my job for the team. This is one of the many things that makes this such as great sport!!

J.J. Brookshire

11-05-2001, 10:56 AM
manike....you = simon?

the guy with l33t modular body design skills?!
and the sexy accent?!

11-05-2001, 10:59 AM
Your membership package is going out today via priority mail. I'm not sure what number you have (just now wading through the online registrations) but am sure it will be near the top due to your early registration.

Thanks for your support and please feel free to comment once you get your package.

11-05-2001, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by -series-
manike....you = simon?

the guy with l33t modular body design skills?!
and the sexy accent?!

yep :) But if YOU call my accent sexy I'm gonna get just a little bit worried! lol (ladies are allowed of course).

As soon as I get the CAD file for the e-mag battery pack and grip frame (hint Tom ;) ) I'll finish of the Modular mag design, done from an idea by Bill Mills, that was modeled LIVE at AGD stand at the World Cup, and have it up for you all to see... I think it is way cool and can't wait to see it machined!

I think I'm gonna call it the Manik E Mag :)


11-05-2001, 11:05 AM
I'm having trouble sleeping until mine is done....

11-05-2001, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by manike

yep :) But if YOU call my accent sexy I'm gonna get just a little bit worried! lol (ladies are allowed of course).


heheheeeee.....be afraid ;)

anyway, cant wait to see how the rest of the gun comes out. looked really nice.....too bad there will only be one :(

11-05-2001, 12:49 PM
Well there will be at least two... Mine and Bills... At the moment I see them both having the same basic body and battery design but then some details that are different to keep them individual. (some personal details).

These will be complicated and expensive to machine due to small tool radii required and details, but if it is received well I may be persuaded to do a slightly simpler version which can be machined easier and on a 3 axis machine with a couple of setups... that coupled with the fact that AGD Europe are about to get a new CNC machine means there may well be a version of this coming to the mass market...

We are just going to make a few prototypes first :) and see how it is received. Having just talked to John Sosta (AGD Europe) about the Anti Chop eye I'm really excited about this project. The E-mag is really going to be a stunning and functional piece of equipment once we finish. On and did I mention light...

I'm really excited about this project :)


11-05-2001, 12:55 PM
*cough*threeohpleaseohplease*cougH* wink wink

we should probably move this to another thread ;) hah

11-05-2001, 01:00 PM
True :) We've kinda hijacked JJ's SPPLAT thread... but at least it keeps the spplat info at the top of the forum :)

I'll start a new thread once I get the Battery pack and grip stuff done. I'm holding back posting pictures for everyone until then ;)

I think it's pretty cool that it was modeled live at the Cup, I've never heard of anything else like that happening in paintball. It was developed with input from all the booth Techs, Bill, Tom and even a few randomn passers by!


11-05-2001, 01:19 PM
who you work for anyway simon? noticed u had just a LITTLE bit of skill ;)

11-05-2001, 01:37 PM
Myself... In my spare time anyway (not that I have any).

My real life job though, is that I run the UK subsiduary of TEBIS who produce CAD/CAM software. The very same software you saw me using at the World Cup.

You may not have heard of our software but maybe our customers... Boeing, Hercules, Pinin Farina, BMW, Ford, Audi, Volkswagen, Opel, Seat, Land Rover, Jaguar, Mercedes, Daimler Chrysler, Honda, Daewoo, Toyota Motorsport (they are building their new F1 car with help from our software...) etc...

I specialise in reverse engineering and continuous 5 axis machining, mainly within design and concept. Cool stuff ;)

I love my job :)


11-05-2001, 10:29 PM
hah...was wondering where those mad skills came from. hear your software packs are pretty damn expensive too....