View Full Version : Modify My Spyder, or Get a New Marker?

08-28-2004, 08:43 AM
Hey all...
Since I'm making a team and seeing how far we can get in tournaments, I think I may need a new gun....
I currently have a stock Spyder Imagine, practically brand new-condition. I have a 12v Revvy and about 100 bucks right now. However, I still use a 12oz CO2...

If I sold the spyder, I guess I might get a nice amount of money for it, about 100 bucks at most. So, what should I do? Should I modify my spyder with about 100 bucks, maybe a little more, or sell it and get a new gun for ~200? If you say modify the spyder, please gimme some specific details on what I should get, and the same goes for if you say "get a new gun". Just remember, whatever you chose, it needs to be able to compete in tournaments.


08-28-2004, 08:46 AM
Well, neither of your options will really set you up with a nice tourney marker. $200 will buy you another Spyder/clone, probably a TES/Torvaid or whatever it's called. So you should probably either save up some more money [250-350 for a used B2K or Imp] and get a new gun or drop the money into the Spyder... new internals, T-Board/eye, barrel, etc.

08-28-2004, 08:48 AM
Use the spyder and save up for a while. Then sell the spyder and buy something good.

08-28-2004, 09:06 AM
Well, neither of your options will really set you up with a nice tourney marker. $200 will buy you another Spyder/clone, probably a TES/Torvaid or whatever it's called. So you should probably either save up some more money [250-350 for a used B2K or Imp] and get a new gun or drop the money into the Spyder... new internals, T-Board/eye, barrel, etc.

Yea, and thats the least of my teams problems. We don't have a field. The nearest field is so far away that it would be an all-day thing for someone to drive us up there and back, and thus we don't have a ride. So, we have nowhere to practice, and nowhere to even attend tournaments as of now. But, I'm just worried about getting us started. I think we'll end up settign up a small field just for practice.

Anyway, back to the topic. Yea, modding my spyder looks like the more likely approach, unless anyone has a suggestion for a really good gun that suits my needs. So, any specific order I should get things in?


08-28-2004, 09:40 AM
keep your spyder for now and either up it or save up for a bko(imo one of the best guns for someone how wants a step up maybe even two steps up from a spyder) no matter how much you up a spyder it will never be as good as even a bko(maybe with a dragun one kit...maybe) but you could get a

jj ceramic barrel for $35 or a teardrop for for $45(both great barrels!)

Polish your internals

get a lightning(60 big price tag), a full force bolt(35) or mod your stock bolt

get a bigger tank if you want one and get a anit-siphon kit for it(dont install your self)

here is a link for to a spyder upgrade place http://pbreview.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=124955[/URL]

here is a spyder forum http://www.spyderea.net

hope i helped

Ballin with a MAG
08-28-2004, 09:43 AM
i say you just use that 100 to upgrade your spyder and then after u have put new mods on it then save till you can get a nice used gun then sell the spyder and ger yourself a nice n2 tank.

http://paintballgateway.com/chitspsufitf.html get a slip on feed adaptor so you dont have to use the plastic elbow

and maby a new drop/uni mount and a new bolt

08-28-2004, 09:53 AM

Since you don't actually have a team yet,

or a place to play,

or a place to practice,

or any Tournies to play in.....

Being concerned about a "Tourny" gun is a LONG way down the road for you to be worried about. Your stock spyder will already shoot faster than you,is plenty dependable for regular play and easy to maintain so IMO,as far as it relates to you, there's a TON of more important issues to developing a competitive Tourny team than what gun your shooting.

I suggest not spending any money on your marker as it will not help your situation at all.

Get a HPA tank and a means to fill it, unless you like carriing around a dozen CO2 or running to the local filler 3 times a day.

Find a place to play.practice whatever.

Play and practice hardcore and as often as possible,including running drills and practicing team strategy and communication.

Find some place to get into Tournys,there is NO substitute for experience.

Then.........after all that.......if/when you finally start to feel limited by your marker......

Get a new gun. Probably something in the $500 dollar range w/ an Eye system or other dependable anti chop system and then add to that a good barrel or barrel kit. Most Tournys are FPO and you never know what paint you may have to shoot that day.

Hope that helps.....

The Action Figure
08-28-2004, 10:07 AM
have your "team" save up for a compressor so yall can fill up your own nitro. also get at least a 68/3000 it will be more beneficial in the long run.

A barrel kit woulb be nice they tand to be a little on the pricy side. Go for a 14in 1 piece for around the 40 dollar mark.

Your spyder will not suit your tourney need, but it is a start. if you can go and watch some tourney ball, and see how tough it actually is.

Also if possible (but not nessecery) get some form of matching jersey to add to the overall unity of the team.

Hope that helps :)

08-28-2004, 10:32 AM
You can probably get a spyder to work on 200 psi and make it rip at 15+ bps easily; but, your not going to want to use c02 when a spyder cycleing more than 6 bps. You'll have lots of trouble with 0-rings, and mini spudders when giving off long strings.

I belive you'll want to look for something known as the "T-board" which I think comes with the T-switch(if not only 10 bucks). The T-board is capable of 35bps and unlimited bps if you install the optional beam break eye(only 15$, requires drilling I believe).

Then you'll want a light bolt, shocktech's or evil's spyder bolt should be perfect. Also maybe you can get better internals somehow, the gun is very simple just look at the manual. Thats how I stripped my first gun apart (spyder flash).

Your really only looking at 200$ in your pocket if you sell your spyder, thats not worth it unless you have a job, a good gun is atleast 500$

08-28-2004, 10:52 AM

Since you don't actually have a team yet,

or a place to play,

or a place to practice,

or any Tournies to play in.....

Being concerned about a "Tourny" gun is a LONG way down the road for you to be worried about. Your stock spyder will already shoot faster than you,is plenty dependable for regular play and easy to maintain so IMO,as far as it relates to you, there's a TON of more important issues to developing a competitive Tourny team than what gun your shooting.

I suggest not spending any money on your marker as it will not help your situation at all.

Get a HPA tank and a means to fill it, unless you like carriing around a dozen CO2 or running to the local filler 3 times a day.

Find a place to play.practice whatever.

Play and practice hardcore and as often as possible,including running drills and practicing team strategy and communication.

Find some place to get into Tournys,there is NO substitute for experience.

Then.........after all that.......if/when you finally start to feel limited by your marker......

Get a new gun. Probably something in the $500 dollar range w/ an Eye system or other dependable anti chop system and then add to that a good barrel or barrel kit. Most Tournys are FPO and you never know what paint you may have to shoot that day.

Hope that helps.....

Those are some very good points... The thing is, we have a place to play, but it sucks. Its an outlaw field in a cleared out part of the woods, and the oldest people that ever go there are maybe 15 or 16. So, we have a place to practice, albeit fairly crappy. We just really need a place that holds Amateur tournys.

What I think I will get for my Spyder after I take care of the problems you mentioned are:
New Barrel
New Bolt

That should definitly suit my needs for a while...right?

08-28-2004, 11:24 AM
i don't see why people say spyders aren't good for tournaments. they are reliable. the only problem i have is sometimes an odd shaped ball gets chopped and it sticks in the bolt. no biggie, just hit the bolt out, clean, assemble, and ur good to go, all in about 5 min. i recently did the same thing u did, i got upgrade parts for my spyder, it's great. before i uped the spyder, i bought a timmy. while the timmy was cool and all. i just like the spyder more. maybe it's cause i don't have to worry about ramping, a shot queue, bounce or the like. it's great. try using the spyder in a tourney or a team practice if you field holds one. if u are used to it the spyder will not let you down.

08-28-2004, 12:27 PM
Those are some very good points... The thing is, we have a place to play, but it sucks. Its an outlaw field in a cleared out part of the woods, and the oldest people that ever go there are maybe 15 or 16. So, we have a place to practice, albeit fairly crappy. We just really need a place that holds Amateur tournys.

What I think I will get for my Spyder after I take care of the problems you mentioned are:
New Barrel
New Bolt

That should definitely suit my needs for a while...right?

That's a good start. As for the field issue,your not likey to play Tournys on a cleared out woods ball field so you really need to play and practice in the environment you wish to compete. There are many differences between the 2 styles of feilds and play that your going to have to learn and understand.

Also, you may want to get setup with a scuba system for filling tanks. That's your cheapest and easiest option.Compressors for that purposes are in the thousands of dollars so that won't be an option.

And finally,a nicely tuned Spyder will do just fine in Tourny play ,don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The only issue there is you don't want to put alot of cash into a marker that will never really have any value.At some point it is just more cost efffective to sell it off and buy new and better equipted to suit uyour needs.

08-28-2004, 12:46 PM
Use the spyder and save up for a while. Then sell the spyder and buy something good.

What he said!! No matter how much you sink into the spider, you will not be able to sell it for more!!! Play with the spider, save your money!!

08-28-2004, 12:48 PM
That's a good start. As for the field issue,your not likey to play Tournys on a cleared out woods ball field so you really need to play and practice in the environment you wish to compete. There are many differences between the 2 styles of feilds and play that your going to have to learn and understand.

While this is true, playing in the woods/whatever can still be very beneficial. It will obviously help with your gun skills as well as aid you in knowing when to move, how to move under fire, etc. Woodsball and speedball share many of the same skills, but obviously you need to hone certain skills for each game.

can'tthink of1
08-28-2004, 01:16 PM
Since you have time, you should mod your spyder 1st.

Drill the VA
Take out the venturi in your bolt
polish your internals

Then I would look into an,

IS switch or other 50g switch, makes shooting faster easier. $10
CP 1 piece $40
Metal feedneck $20 (could skip though if you want)
Then I would suggest saving up for a Palmer Stabilizer. $85
IF you can I would pick up a cheap nitro tank, like a stell 47/3k for like $50

Your spyder will be pretty nice than, and it only costed you 205 to upgrade it.

Then if you really want to furthur it I would get the T-board $65 and maybe a new trigger like a slasher $22.50

But there are still used markers like bko's and such that you can find good deals on.

08-28-2004, 01:38 PM
with the small amount of $$$ you have, id go for a TES or old school shocker, both work great on co2 and are decent markers. BUT, i think preety soon, you will realize that you need alot of money before you even get into tourneys, id say get a new gun, keep playing rec, then when you have money saved up, start playing tournies

08-28-2004, 01:43 PM
have your "team" save up for a compressor

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: How much are compressors? This guys has 100 bones, thats it.

I would stick with the spyder, However allow me to add alittle advice. No matter what gun you own, if you are doing tourneys you need a minium of:

-Halo (b or reloader b)
-Compressed Air setp (crossfire or dynaflow)
-nice trigger job (new microswitch or an adjustible trigger)

Notice that it doesnt matter if the gun cost 1k or 100 bucks these are must haves for tourney's. Note that I didnt list a bunch of expensive mods that dont do much or barrels.

I would also add in your case, a nice inline reg. A stock WGP reg can be had for around 30-50 bucks and works great on co2 or a sidewinder or stab, about 80-100 bucks.


08-28-2004, 01:45 PM
old school shocker,

i have had a couple of old skool shockers. everyone i have owned was great. limited to 12bps but super consistant on co2! Usually you can find one for sale sub300's

08-28-2004, 02:15 PM
Heres a list of spyder mods. Depends on what you already have.
Barrel ( cost effective barrel is J&J or a SP progressive)
Jam bolt to stop chopping kingman has them for all marker types.( cheapest anti chop option)
T board with eyes. ( insane speed & adds that much more protection against chops)
HPA if availabe & feasable. ( you have to look at having a reliable source for you air type)

The Action Figure
08-28-2004, 02:58 PM
dude Ive seen good compressors go for like 200 used, If he and his teah saved up they could easily afford it

08-31-2004, 12:39 AM
unless you plan on playing young guns i would stay out of the tourny scene until you are completly ready!!! definatly if you can go through the young guns class thats a good start and you arent going to be overwhelmed bye the insane amounts of paint flying at you.. keep the spyder and up it only a little.. start saving for something more though if not just for better resale value!! i remember my first tourny i played with a spyder and the rest of my team the nicest gun was an e tippman 98 we got raped!! i got out of tournies to save from being bumped up to novice and now am ready to go back with alot more skill and a better understanding of how tourney ball is played!!! just realize rookies is no joke it is top work alot of those teams have already competed in non affilate tournies for atleast a year if not more!

08-31-2004, 02:37 AM
I've gone the "heavily" modified spyder route. It was a great learning experience but it costs a lot of money. All I can say is it's not worth it unless you want to keep it forever. I'd take that $100 and buy a good used HPA tank and save another $40 for a decent barrel. Any other upgrades are a waste of money in the long run. Get a good hopper and you can use it on a new gun along with your tank when you decide to go that route.

There are a ton of mods you can do that don't cost anything. Little stuff that helps it shoot better. Check out this web site.
