View Full Version : Team Resumes?

08-30-2004, 05:33 PM
When potential sponsors ask for a team resume, what are all the things ou should include in that?

08-30-2004, 05:55 PM
accomplishments (placement in tournament, most sportsmanship award, that kinda stuff)
past ( how long you've been together, how you met)
what you are willing to do for your sponsors (promote them non stop with a good attitude)
and a roster

there is prolly someone better qualified to answer this though.

08-30-2004, 06:11 PM
list of all your equipment, all your names + the above and maybe some more

08-30-2004, 08:11 PM
past success, current sposors, what you offer your sposnors, team roster

Wc Keep
08-30-2004, 08:32 PM
i really dont think you should put the type of equipment you use because a sponsor is going to look and see if you use a spyder or a revvy.

what you should put is a roster. under each player have teams played for and acomplishments of each member of the team. then have the team accomplishments, and also aspirations for the team.

PBX Ronin 23
08-30-2004, 08:37 PM
Things NOT to mention:
1. Issues with prior sponsors.
2. Your Control Freak-like tendencies to use your sponsor's money as if it was your own.
3. The time you did not give credit to your sponsor after they've funded your event.
4. Listing all the tournaments that you've never won.
5. Admitting that your team has no game.
6. That you deserve a full ride just because you're YOU.
7. Demanding that your sponsor charge your team whatever YOU deem appropriate even at the cost of losing money for the business.
8. History of whinning on the 'Net about being charged $45 for a case of paint during an event in a field whose cheapest paint was considerably more.

This list can go on and on but the main things that you need to remember are:

This thread should have been made a long time ago. Sorry about the rants ladies and gentlemen but this thread just reminded me of something that went on at around the same time last year.

Good luck in your sponsor search and remember: Your sponsors can do more for you than you can do for them. Be humble and realistic.

08-30-2004, 10:39 PM
i really dont think you should put the type of equipment you use because a sponsor is going to look and see if you use a spyder or a revvy.

You kidding me, the revy is all powerful. :hail:

Wc Keep
08-31-2004, 12:01 AM
You kidding me, the revy is all powerful. :hail:

sorry i meant to put that a sponsor is not going to look and see if you use a revvy or a spyder. i use a revvy over my egg. and i still use mech guns cause im wicked fast on those triggers.....

hey mel do we really have to bring up ghosts of the past...............

PBX Ronin 23
08-31-2004, 01:11 AM
hey mel do we really have to bring up ghosts of the past...............
No disrespect intended but the word "ghost" entails that an issue is dead. God knows that I wish it was just that........DEAD.

But you know as well as I do that it's not dead. And that's not my choice.

But perhaps if things were put into perspective for those coming up after us, then maybe a sense of "realistic expectations" would prevent a lot of non-sense from occuring.

Wc Keep
08-31-2004, 09:23 AM
No disrespect intended but the word "ghost" entails that an issue is dead. God knows that I wish it was just that........DEAD.

But you know as well as I do that it's not dead. And that's not my choice.

But perhaps if things were put into perspective for those coming up after us, then maybe a sense of "realistic expectations" would prevent a lot of non-sense from occuring.

No disrespect, but what i was trying to say is was there a need to bring the topic up on an internet forum, that is owned by friends of both parties, and create an uncomfortable atmosphere for them like what was created before?

in life you always have a choice. its what moves along life. it was the whole premise behind the matrix trilogy. you have the choice to let this continue on or to put an end to it. it may cause a slightly bitter and hostile confrontation, but if that means the end of a war, isnt it worth it?

08-31-2004, 03:57 PM
photos! dont forget to add those.
a pointer i got from a company was not to make it too long either. people dont want to sit there and read for 10 minutes.

and dont just email it, call the company, find out who deals with sponsorships, and email them a hard copy of it

08-31-2004, 04:04 PM
maybe im too old fashioned...but i've always found snail mail much more condusive to getting things... more official and formal than email

08-31-2004, 05:19 PM
maybe im too old fashioned...but i've always found snail mail much more condusive to getting things... more official and formal than email

you made me realize what i said..
i dont mean email them it, call them up and get their address and mail them a hard copy is what i meant.

08-31-2004, 11:09 PM
Things NOT to mention:
1. Issues with prior sponsors.
2. Your Control Freak-like tendencies to use your sponsor's money as if it was your own.
3. The time you did not give credit to your sponsor after they've funded your event.
4. Listing all the tournaments that you've never won.
5. Admitting that your team has no game.
6. That you deserve a full ride just because you're YOU.
7. Demanding that your sponsor charge your team whatever YOU deem appropriate even at the cost of losing money for the business.
8. History of whinning on the 'Net about being charged $45 for a case of paint during an event in a field whose cheapest paint was considerably more.

This list can go on and on but the main things that you need to remember are:

This thread should have been made a long time ago. Sorry about the rants ladies and gentlemen but this thread just reminded me of something that went on at around the same time last year.

Ah wow, you just don't end it. You sound like a baby crying over spilt milk. :cry:

No disrespect intended but the word "ghost" entails that an issue is dead. God knows that I wish it was just that........DEAD.

But you know as well as I do that it's not dead. And that's not my choice.

Who's choice is it? You are the one who brings up a dead issue that HAS been dead for OVER 1 YEAR. MOVE ON! :clap: :rofl: :bounce:

PBX Ronin 23
09-01-2004, 12:40 AM
Ah wow, you just don't end it. You want to get hit with a slander lawsuit next?
Let me save you four years worth of undergrad and another three years of Law School tuition with this information, the Best Defense for a Slander Lawsuit is the TRUTH. Specially if the truth came from the writtings of the person leveling the charges of slander.

If you feel that you need to get defensive because I've enumerated general problems that a sponsor usually encounters and the pitfalls that a potential receipient of a sponsorship ought to avoid, then I can't control that.

Didn't know that you still visit here after February 2, 2004 nor did I expect to have you pop in after the December 2003 incident when the whole AO community was made aware of your "not-so-nice" attempt to get a former teammate fired with that wonderful Email (of yours) to his employer. But we won't let people pass judgement on you based on your history. But if were you, I'd be, at the very least, embarassed.

Who's choice is it? You are bring up a dead issue that HAS been dead for OVER 1 YEAR. MOVE ON! Do you really want me to show the legal papers of your baseless suit against me to people who may read this thread? Stop dude because you'll only further embarass yourself! Don't make me show hard proof that you're a vindictive liar. They already know just how vindicitve you can be. Don't make me prove to them how big of a LIAR you truly are.:nono:

This thing should have ended a year ago and the negative effects of your actions aimed at my business and my family were chalked up by me as just one of life's bad experiences. Moved on I did. But you just can't let it go and now you have the audacity to say "You are bring (sp) up a dead issue that HAS been dead for OVER 1 YEAR. MOVE ON! "......

When you were in school, you should have read Moby Dick. You and I and the people you've tried to hurt could have gotten a great deal of benefit in you getting the moral of the story. Stop acting like Captain Ahab because I'm not your Great White Whale.

The point of my original post was to give a constructive suggestion to the thread starter. Unfortunately and as funny as it may seem, you think that the shoes were your size. As the saying goes, "if the shoe fits........"

My apologies to ted.c0bb1es for the negative spin that his thread has been subjected to. Good luck to you in your pursuit of a sponsor.

09-01-2004, 02:16 AM
Man you guys are bitter over some local issue that has nothing to do with this thread.

09-01-2004, 06:25 AM
Man you guys are bitter over some local issue that has nothing to do with this thread.

I agree. He should have never been posted in the first place.

My apologies to ted.c0bb1es for the negative spin that his thread has been subjected to. Good luck to you in your pursuit of a sponsor.

It's funny, who turned this thread into a negative one?

I post in DEFENSE not in OFFENSE. I will defend myself and my friends no matter WHAT IT TAKES. I do believe I have the right to defend myself if the Mods don't step in.

Also, if you care to look. I had edited my thread WAY before you replied. So you might want to fill that in. ;)

09-01-2004, 08:26 AM
Mel, that "if the shoe fits" thing is nonsense, it was blatantly about Jeff. I can't believe you are still ranting about this. Jeff hasn't been involved in paintball for a year now. The lawsuit was private and has nothing to do with this besides the fact you are obviously bitter. No need to drag this all up on the boards again.

Anyway, to move on to being helpful to the topic at hand, this is old, and we didn't have much to sell at the time but I put it together as a preliminary document that I figured we could always add to later. You have to try to work with what you, highlight your strengths, and hope for the best. At first you can try to hope for sponsors in the way of some discounts on equipment or paint, nothing major but every little bit helps, and it gets your foot in the door.

(I'll post the files in a few minutes, Acrobat is giving me issues converting to PDF.)

09-01-2004, 09:49 AM
So emailing HR at my job was in defense of what? The fact that I hadn't said word ONE to you in MONTHS? Tuna called you a coward and a few other words I can't post here. Your reply to him was "He's spreading propaganda." If you look back at any of your posts, YOU were the negative one. ALWAYS trashing Mel, me, PBX and the PBX players. If you want proof, I can find them to remind you.

You're full of it Jeff. You tweak your story to suit you, but in reality you're the one with the grudge. Get a life...

I post in DEFENSE not in OFFENSE. I will defend myself and my friends no matter WHAT IT TAKES. I do believe I have the right to defend myself if the Mods don't step in.

09-01-2004, 09:50 AM
Its over, dead, in the past.

Mel, stop trying to cause arguements. All you are doing is spreading negative attitudes.

09-01-2004, 10:00 AM
When somebody threatens you or your family's livelihood, you tell me how quickly you forget it.

09-01-2004, 10:15 AM
This is for the redz sponser isnt it? theyll sponser you with out even reading your resume! they have like 50 sponsered teams in my area

09-01-2004, 10:15 AM
I didn't say forget it, I just said we don't need to hear about it on the boards all the time. Its an issue between you and Jeff, not an issue that all of AO needs to hear about constantly, this isn't a soap opera.

09-01-2004, 10:42 AM
To talk seriously about sponsorships....

Run your team like a professional operation. Whether you use Scouts, 4-H, or some other group as a template it doesn't matter.

What you'll find in other organisations is how to set up a basic charter and how to define the responsibilities of the executive. President/Captain, Vice-President/Second, treasurer, secretary, etc.

Keep records of meetings and practices, and keep account of all team business, membership, accounting, by-laws.

The glossy "sales pitch" shouldn't list every tournament you've ever participated in, but your team history should.

It might seem like a lot for a team made up of a few friends and aquiaitences, but if your not beyond that level I don't see what interest a sponsor could possibly have in the team.

09-01-2004, 11:01 AM
No more bickering on AO the Riotz/PBX stuff. Closed.