View Full Version : No more electros...

08-30-2004, 07:41 PM
i know it's kinda old news that AGD is no longer producing electric guns anymore, but i haven't heard why, so i thought i'd see if anyone here knows...

08-30-2004, 07:47 PM

should tell you y

08-30-2004, 07:48 PM
i know it's kinda old news that AGD is no longer producing electric guns anymore, but i haven't heard why, so i thought i'd see if anyone here knows...

It was in a settlement agreement with the Energizer Bunny. He got pissed off cause he was tired of going and going and going....
..and with all the EMag users out there he wasn't getting any rest. Before long he started stalking Tom Kaye at events. Next thing you know TK is finding pink fuzzies in the back of the closet. It topped it all when he found half a battery cut off in his bed waking up one morning. It was all poor TK could do to keep from leaving the country.

Anyway , TK's people contacted the Energizer people and pleaded to call the bunny off. The end result was in order to keep the bunny happy , he(the bunny)agreed to go to counseling concerning his feelings about TK , and TK agreed to give him a break by discontinuing the E/X Mags.


08-30-2004, 08:08 PM
Damn the bunny..... :mad: