View Full Version : Random Drug Testing, would you submit to it?

08-30-2004, 11:21 PM
It's always brought up to bring paintball into the olympics. Well, I looked up the IOC rules for a game to be in the olympics. Here's two of the requirements :

from the IOC's rules (http://multimedia.olympic.org/pdf/en_report_122.pdf) (Rule 52 1.1) (p 80)

Only sports widely practiced by men in at least 75 countries and on four continents, and by women in at least 40 countries and on three continents, may be included in the olympics.

1.1.3 : Only sports that adopt and implement the World Anti-Doping Code (http://www.wada-ama.org/) can be included and remain in the programme of the Olympic Games.

And, just for the sake of argument, here's a list of banned substances from a UK site. (http://www.uksport.gov.uk/generic_template.asp?id=12178) Drugs like hasish / marijuana, cocane, ephedrine, and a whole lot more (http://www.uksport.gov.uk/images/uploaded/UKS_Advice_Card_January_2004.pdf) is on the banned substance list. And they can test any time, anywhere, without warning. Oh yeah, and they ALWAYS test the winners of an event.

So it brings the question. Would you, or your team, submit yourselves to random drug testing?

Have fun with this one folks...


08-30-2004, 11:23 PM
I'm really not totally sure how I feel one way or the other, but I just had to butt in with one of those mostly useless replies... I actually thought of this "problem" earlier today, seemingly out of nowhere... great minds think alike!! As do cows and tygers!! :D

Head knight of Ni
08-30-2004, 11:25 PM
Of course I would submit. There's no reason for ME not to. :ninja:

08-30-2004, 11:26 PM
Dang, I was typing in the poll and 2 people responded? I need to type faster....


08-30-2004, 11:26 PM
hey good thing they took caffiene off that list noone would have passed!! i totally would on one condition they take blood and i never have to piss in a cup again god do i hate that!!!

Evil Bob
08-30-2004, 11:27 PM
I'd submit in a heart beat.

-Evil Bob

08-30-2004, 11:28 PM
hasish / marijuana as a performace enhancer? I think more tourney paintball players need it since paintball isn't a contact sport. It might also turn down the testosterone. ;)

08-30-2004, 11:29 PM
My whole team would submit, because nobody on my team does drugs, or I wont be playing with them.

08-30-2004, 11:30 PM
hasish / marijuana as a performace enhancer? I think more tourney paintball players need it since paintball isn't a contact sport. It might also turn down the testosterone. ;)

It's in there becasue a Canadian snowboarder tested positive for marijuana use, but since it wasn't a banned substance the IOC couldn't do anything about it and they had to let him keep he medal. That was back in '88, I think. Since then, the banned substance list has grown, a lot...


08-30-2004, 11:32 PM
Well I guess the Stoned Assassins olympic dreams have just been crushed... :p

08-30-2004, 11:33 PM
Well, if I would ever choose to compete at that level, I certainly would.
I actually thought about looking up the requirements for a sport to enter the Olympics during the closing ceremonies last night. Thanks, Tyger, guess I don't have to now.
I haven't looked at the requirements yet, but I bet we either do fit most, and could easily fit many more if we tried a little bit. I still highly doubt we'd see paintball as a medal sport any time soon.
I know the arguement will be made that there are other "shooting" or "combat" type events. But, look how little coverage they recieved. It almost seems as though they are being kept in the shadows to make the Olympics more "civilized" and "peacefull"
So long as syncronized diving gets more coverage than archery, we haven't a chance in hell.


08-30-2004, 11:36 PM
We just need to get paintball played by women in bikinis on the beach, then NBC will play it NON-STOP!!! :D

08-30-2004, 11:39 PM
no i wouldnt. How would any drug give you any significant advantage? niether strength nor speed alone wins games, and any other drug would only hurt performance.

08-30-2004, 11:45 PM
I seriously cant believe that they consider marijuana a banned substance, it has no benefits whatsoever unless being stupid and clumsy gives you an advantage over someone who hasnt done it within the time it stays in your system.

08-30-2004, 11:45 PM
I would be in trouble for a couple things I take (by prescription) on a semi and regular basis. Good thing I'm not planning on competing in the olympics. But, yes I would support testing if people want to compete at an international level. If folks want Paintball to be an Olympic sport, they have to acceept all aspects of that distinction.

08-30-2004, 11:46 PM
IMO, anything which is illegal should be on the banned list, whether it enhances your performance or not. I'd consider myself lucky if I tested positive and they only told me I couldn't play. It's a heck of a lot better than being charged with a crime! If you're not going to follow the rules in your state/province/country, you're probably more likely to break the rules on the field as well...

08-30-2004, 11:47 PM
Just an aside on the subject...

A brief column in September's Wired magazine mentions gene doping. The 3 "experts" who respond to the question all say it is inevitable, the question is when. I don't know much on the subject, but I may have to look into it. Or, turn the question over to the PhD in Micro-Biology who was dumb enough to marry me.

Don't let a degree tell you someone is smart:)


08-30-2004, 11:52 PM
We just need to get paintball played by women in bikinis on the beach, then NBC will play it NON-STOP!!! :D
Yeah, you're probably right about that (I'd watch anyway)! But YEOUCH!!! Those ladies would look like used-up porn stars a couple days after a game... :eek:

Sorry, this is really OT.

08-31-2004, 12:11 AM
no i wouldnt. How would any drug give you any significant advantage? niether strength nor speed alone wins games, and any other drug would only hurt performance.

Just off the top of my head : X-Ball, taking any substance to help your stamina would be an advantage, yes? Steroids to build strength muscles for explosive speed, being able to steady your hand with beta blockers to reduce / eliminate tremors...

Oh yeah, marijuana has THC which MIGHT improve your eyesight, IIRC. (Shives? Am I near the facts on this one?) And that's just off the top of my head.


08-31-2004, 12:16 AM
I voted yes, but only for Tourny ballers. Figure if the Pro leagues start getting more and more popular, it's only envitable, and the thing to do.

I won't be afraid until they ban nicotine and caffeine...

08-31-2004, 12:23 AM
Just an aside on the subject...

A brief column in September's Wired magazine mentions gene doping. The 3 "experts" who respond to the question all say it is inevitable, the question is when. I don't know much on the subject, but I may have to look into it. Or, turn the question over to the PhD in Micro-Biology who was dumb enough to marry me.

Don't let a degree tell you someone is smart:)


Logically I guess that you'll always have some new substance because if you invent some new compound it'll be years to devise a test for it once you are aware.

Gene doping would not be likely unless you could undo it in time for testing. Otherwise they'd test for the gene that controlled stronger muscles and other attributes one would normally see would not be set. Even then it's only part of the equation. Training, nutrition, technique. It's like Rock III?

When it does become a reality why stop there? Couldn't you just improve your intellegence or lifespan and not even compete?

08-31-2004, 12:41 AM
yes i would submit, never done anything. never plan to. i'm in it for the fun of the game. while i think it would be cool to be an olympic sport, it'll take too much time/effort to get the international rules up and running, and seeing some of the posts people make, i'm assuming some are on something or are u ignorant to realize the potential of this game.

So long as syncronized diving gets more coverage than archery, we haven't a chance in hell.


actually, the problem is american tv corperations. they don't air stuff america doesn't stand a chance in. did anybody see the karate contests? how about fencing? or aquestrian? if u did, why were u watching lifetime between 2 and 5 am? if a sport doesn't have a big fan base and we don't have a chance to win, why show america losing. they want to "inspire" us to be better, to have olympic dreams of running the 10k and winning. or getting that perfect 10 on the gymnastic all around.

back on topic. anything that gives u an edge, whether physical or mental, should be banned. if ur more relaxed, that's a bit of an edge.

08-31-2004, 12:52 AM
depends. I haven't done weed in about 4 years....but I have tons and tons of "special drugs" that keep me sedated. Do those count?
I'm heavily medicated for your protection.

08-31-2004, 12:53 AM
id piss in a cup for them.. But I wouldnt let them stick a big *** needle in my arm and take my blood

08-31-2004, 01:34 AM
As long as it wouldn't hurt the flow of tournaments... Most tournaments are slow as hell as it is...

I have no problem with it because I've never even seen the stuff... :P

08-31-2004, 06:07 AM
I've known about the number of people needed for a while now. We may have met these requirements already, and if not, we're pretty damn close.
I'm all for drug testing. I dont want to see one of the best players go down b/c he had a few hours of fun.

But I think we are jumping ahead of everything. I think before we even think about the Olympics, we need to unite and come up with rules, and a good solid league. Yes te Olympics would be huge for us. But I'd rather see a major improvement for us, not for media coverage. We all should be motivated enough so one day the Olympics and paintball may actually be possible.

08-31-2004, 06:08 AM
I think it is a good idea. But I think they should enforce it in ALL sports.

This of course would not apply to rec play or scenario games, only tournament play.

08-31-2004, 06:44 AM
so all the druggie players would not play eh? Hell that would damn near make my straight-edge arse a pro after that eh?

08-31-2004, 07:19 AM
No, I wouldn't submit to it. Not only do I have a problem with randomized drug testing to begin with, but I believe that if you're going to use them (in this case), you're only hurting youself.

A doobie after a well played tourney is fine, but if you're getting high before it, you're just going to screw with your reflexes, your reaction time, etc etc. If people want to do that, then that's their business.

08-31-2004, 07:56 AM
i voted yes, i think not only is it about the "advantage/disadvantage" thing but i also think it has to do with safety... all drugs are going to impare how you think and take your judgement away, maybe this is how people get bunkered 18 times in hte head??

dont know, i just think of it this way...do you really want to be out there with a bunch of guys getting plastered and not being safe? i dont really want to have somebody out there that is impared and cant make decisions properly.


08-31-2004, 07:56 AM
Sure, we could take drug tests. I bet half of us, including me, wouldn't pass if it was right now, but if anybody who was competing at that level knew they were gonna have a test... they could drop the bowl for a month... right?

08-31-2004, 08:17 AM
ill test anytime, anywhere, as long as its just a urine test...

kinda skiddish with needles :)

a hair test would reveal drugs up to 4-6 months i heard, so....

*points at potheads* haha! :P

but, if they considered caffine a "drug" then alot of people would be in trouble....

one of my favorite paintball stickers was "Fueled By Bawls"

08-31-2004, 09:46 AM
i don't see paintball getting to the competitive edge that other sports have in the near future... where athletes significantly alter their body chemistry to gain an advantage. From a "even playing field" perspective, which is the primary reason for testing athletes, I just don't see the correlation.

From a safety standpoint, I am part of a random drug test at work, and am subject to tests at every accident site from OTHER companies. Period.

AT THE MOMENT I would not condone this, but if the sport becomes large enough where safety is in question, I'd say that field personnel, meaning speficially Fill station managers and referees, might be subject to tests in the future. In those cases we are dealing with high pressure systems and people's safety and health, and they are meant to be the guardians of that safety and health. I do not think we have reached the point where this is an issue.

Furthermore, for the same reason I can see teams being subject to random testing.

right now this is all unadvisable and impossible to impliment. I don't think our leagues have the level of organization that can implement, let alone require teams or employees to test, whether for safety or for competition.

08-31-2004, 10:36 AM
hey good thing they took caffiene off that list noone would have passed!!

Amen to that, but caffeine is monitored in competition. And I'd submit, I'm clean.

Hey Ed, I'll be right behind in the "Clean Pros" line :clap:

08-31-2004, 11:02 AM
i think they only need to test sponsored players... cause unless your sponsored or rich, there is no way that you can afford to play paintball AND do drugs. paintball is part of the reason that i havent done drugs... and drugs are the reason that one of my friends no longer plays paintball :(

08-31-2004, 11:11 AM
I don't care because I've never done drugs, but then again, it is an invasion of privacy.

08-31-2004, 11:16 AM
I said no because theres no drug out there that can help you aim or really have a higher reaction time

Will Wood
08-31-2004, 11:45 AM
I'd fail.
That's all I got to say. However, I could easily change my habits if I were participate in a sport where I knew there was going to be drug testing.

08-31-2004, 11:52 AM
In the olympics yes. in other tournies I don't see why you would... Lets get the markers off the "ramping board" and "bouncing" drugs first before we go after the players...

08-31-2004, 12:17 PM
I have a problem with the list of drugs needing to be tested. Since many aren't there due to them being performance enhancing, rather only political reasons. Why else would something that actually HURTS performance be deemed illegal under "performance-ENHANCING" standard? It's not there for no reason, politics put it there! Politics funded by a lot of dirty money.

I don't do drugs, I have no need to. I just drink a lot. And since alcohol is a poison it's not a drug! And caffein sure it's a drug, but when people think of "drugs" the OD on NyQuil isn't on the top of the list.

But I'm sure if you ask many of the players today they'll SAY "sure I'd submit." But give them a cup and you're going to see a different response. They'll pull a Sosa. Be all supportive of drug testing, but once under the knife themselves start preaching "it's invading my personal privacy" and try to scheme their way out.

As far as my vote, I voted Yes: Only Tournament Players. Why? Because why should recballers need to be tested? Do pickup basketball players get olympic-style testing when at the court where one hoop has chains instead of rope, and the other hoop is a bottom-busted milk-crate? Hell no! They aren't competing for the olympics, they aren't even competing for money. It's recreational basketball, no testing. Same should follow suit.

I keep hearing "Tournament ball is the sport. Recball is the game" well if that's the case then only tournament players need testing. Why should the demo guy at an MXS Scenario game be tested? That's "only the game" aspect so forget about it. Only the "sport" part of this all should require testing.

08-31-2004, 12:36 PM
I would submit to it, if it meant playing paintball in the olympics, I would in a heart beat.

08-31-2004, 12:41 PM
just imagine the same dumb-*** kids who can't fill your tank properly armed with blood kits and needles. ;-)

They can have all of my piss they want, but don't come near me with a needle...

08-31-2004, 01:51 PM
id participate, but i dont feel it is really needed for the average rec player

08-31-2004, 02:02 PM
i wouldnt simply because i am totally against random testing. if you have probable cause then sure, but testing just for the sake of testing really makes me mad. it would mean i wouldnt compete in the olympics but to me its worth that to maintain some level of personal liberty.

btw, i would pass with flying colors.

08-31-2004, 05:36 PM
I said no, because my team would probably fail

08-31-2004, 05:46 PM
I voted yes, but I'd gladly not have any testing if we just saw some freakin' common sense enforcement at the fields...

it drives me nuts smelling pot smoke in the dead zone, knowing that someone, somwhere on the field isn't in their right mind...

of course, I think we should keep stupid people off the field as well...

08-31-2004, 06:01 PM
Ok for paintball to become an ollympic sport Id give any kinda sample they wanted but Id only want it for tourney players cause Im not sure on what he meant by tourny players does that mean just in general anyone who would participate in a tournament in the olympics or just like for any leagues small or large?

The only reason people usually dont want to give drug tests is because their doing drugs so ya know

08-31-2004, 08:05 PM
I'm willing to be that alot of paintball players, including the pros, would have some trouble with this.

08-31-2004, 08:13 PM
I said no, its none our buisness what someone does in their spair time and quite frankly I dont care. I do think that if you are obviosly on speed or weed that you shold not be allowd to play no matter what.

08-31-2004, 08:18 PM
I agree wholly with thei3ug on this.

I'd pass any drug test given right now, and should hope those people operating HPA tanks would as well. It's a safety issue, as it is with any job or sport.

As for steroids/performance enhancers....no. Paintball isn't the type of sport where chemical enhancement would have that great of an effect on the player, so it would be useless to use them, first off, and secondly, useless to test for, if there is no effect on the outcome of the game.

08-31-2004, 08:41 PM
Yes, mainly because I don't think playing under any influence, even after smoking marijuana, should be allowed. You should play as you are naturally, whether its something that enhances or takes away from your ability. Players should play at the top of their OWN performance at all times.

I would do it in a heartbeat, needles, hair test, urine sample. It doesn't bother me at all. I don't do drugs at all except caffiene (if that's REALLY a drug). And I don't want our sport being on national competition with dozens of other countries if we're allowed 'special' rules just to allow us on TV. I don't want to get paintball on TV THAT bad...

08-31-2004, 08:43 PM
I said no, its none our buisness what someone does in their spair time and quite frankly I dont care. I do think that if you are obviosly on speed or weed that you shold not be allowd to play no matter what.

Theres a BIG difference between being under the influence of the drug at the field, or just doing when you arent at the field. I don't see anything wrong with smoking alittle weed on a friday and playing sunday. It won't affect the safety of others at all.

08-31-2004, 08:47 PM
I work in Aviation. I laugh at random drup tests. Bring 'em on.

08-31-2004, 08:51 PM
I would fail on the account of marijuana and ephedrine. :(

But that could be easily changed for the sake of paintball. :hail:

08-31-2004, 10:07 PM
No, what people do in their own personal time is for them and them alone to worry about.

90% of the time drug tests are inappropriate (SP) for the situation and should not be used.

Again, what people do during their time off work or outside of the sport is their own choice.

Know your rights.

08-31-2004, 10:39 PM
I'll take any kind of drug test for sports, school, work, the government, etc. It doesn't matter to me because I have nothing to hide.

Besides, if you take steroids or something like that to play paintball, you have some SERIOUS problems. While it's a problem no matter what sport you play, the only way I could see it helping out too much in paintball is the short distances from bunker to bunker.

Even then, with a little bit of work and conditioning, you'll be more than fast enough.

08-31-2004, 10:57 PM
actually some drugs would help you. from the description i got about doing meth, it makes you totally aware of everything, cause your obviously speeding big time, and your eyeballs are floating around allover the place. weed on ther otherhand, i dont think i could play high, cause when i smoke, i smoke till i cant smoke no more, cause i cant move, so relaxed and perfect i couldnt play if i wanted to, that and it would hurt me as an effective player, instead of being intense i'd prolly trip over myself and start giggling.
i voted no on it though, just cause i dont belive weed is a real drug, and imo its wrong that they illegalize something god gaves us, its a wild growing plant, and it is there for us to use, just like the other legal herbal smokes i enjoy aswell. now if it was for, say smack, or coke or meth or somethin, then yeah, but most of those ppl are junkies by the time they start getting into that stuff, and dont really deserve to be alive cause they have no self controll and cant deal with life in general. if they legalize the weed though, or only test for active thc, rather the dormant thc thats just kinda chillin like sup in my fat than i'd be down, but the only way to test for active thc is a blood test, and i dont think i could give a blood test cause im a wuss

09-01-2004, 12:07 AM
I, for one, would hate to have some dude suffering from a nasty case of "roid rage" come and try to bonus ball me to death... Or worse, whack me over the head with his barrel!

Did you all see the episode of South Park where Jimmy was taking Steroids? That was simply priceless...

09-01-2004, 12:43 AM
Yeah i would,

They pulled this stuff at work. and it wasnt random is was pertty obvious when they started picking people buut i passed i hate the job and hoped to fail for an excuse to find a new one but for sport i love i would have no issue with it.

(assming it wass a tournment thing)

09-01-2004, 03:31 AM
Personally, I would in a heart beat. Niccotine and caffiene are totally legal. Though after last weekend my blood is 4 parts mountain dew...

As for others, I think for organized national level events, it would be a great idea. Local tournies, I really do not think that it would be feasible for them to do it.

09-01-2004, 06:49 AM
hey good thing they took caffiene off that list noone would have passed!! i totally would on one condition they take blood and i never have to piss in a cup again god do i hate that!!!

There was a (Romanian weightlifter?) gold medal winner that was stripped because he's a nervous whizzer. Could only muster 1/3rd of the required amount of pee, so they stripped the gold for his lack of submitting gold.

As for all the sofa surfin Dr's in the crowd, it doesn't matter what YOU think that the effects of marijuana are, the IOC says no, for whatever reason they feel like.

09-01-2004, 12:39 PM
Those of use living in the real world with real jobs and such already submit to such policies.

Oops, did I just eliminate 90% of the people this was intended to target?

09-01-2004, 01:46 PM
Those of use living in the real world with real jobs and such already submit to such policies.

Oops, did I just eliminate 90% of the people this was intended to target?

LOL! I am against drug testing except for jobs/sports/whatever where your sobriety directly effects your work. People with CDLs should obviously be sober. I do not think that drug testing "just because" is acceptable. What people choose to do in their free time, as long as it does not affect other people, is their business. I mean look at my user name for chrissakes!

09-01-2004, 01:47 PM
LOL! I am against drug testing except for jobs/sports/whatever where your sobriety directly effects your work. People with CDLs should obviously be sober. I do not think that drug testing "just because" is acceptable. What people choose to do in their free time, as long as it does not affect other people, is their business. I mean look at my user name for chrissakes!

says the guy who will fail the drug test.

09-01-2004, 01:52 PM
I take it, my new team -- Team Balco -- wouldn't be allowed to play, then.. ;)

09-01-2004, 03:09 PM
says the guy who will fail the drug test.

I just flat out wouldnt take it. I WILL NOT work for a place that does not trust their employees. Period. What I do is my business. If my extracurricular activities start affecting my job performance, they might have reason to be concerned.

09-01-2004, 03:11 PM
I just flat out wouldnt take it. I WILL NOT work for a place that does not trust their employees. Period. What I do is my business. If my extracurricular activities start affecting my job performance, they might have reason to be concerned.

Except for the fact that they can be held Liable for your impairment.

09-01-2004, 03:12 PM
i dont know what your getting at about the working thing? i have worked seince 15 1/5, fulltime seince 17 while going to school, where i graded early, on honer roll, and i smoked everyday. now work a full time job, own a brand new car, and while i quit smoking weed, and only smoke legal herbs like kilp dagga, i am still aginst the testing. you can pass a liquid drug test for 20 bucks, or the cost a of a case of water, and yes, it does work, i dont remeber the exact amout you hafta drink drink, but once it comes out clear your clean. that is another reason i dont think drug testing for thc at least would even be a good idea, it would just be a lil more of a pita.

09-01-2004, 03:26 PM
Luckily I don't do anything that smoking a little ganja would hurt (BOFH). I know this thread is about athletic testing, that portion just doesnt apply to me. I will never play professionally, so I could really care less. I am not against drug testing alltogether, I am simply against random testing for no apparent purpose aside from your employers/leagues curiosity. If it serves a justifiable purpose, than that is all well and good. Testing just because they can is not acceptable. Got entrapment?

09-01-2004, 08:11 PM
In the military, we do a little thing called "Operation Golden Flow" all the time. If you're strongly against this sort of thing, I wouldn't suggest any sort of government/federal position for you... ;)

Then again, I also have one of the only jobs in which you can be tried twice for the same crime, and aren't able to indulge in a little thing called "freedom of speech". Not that I'm in any way against military service (I wouldn't have served 12 years of active duty so far if I was), but I do think they are a little backwards in some of their policies. Before you ask, no, I don't believe random urinalysis is one of these backwards policies... It definitely has its place in this line of work!