View Full Version : i dunno what the hell i should do.

08-31-2004, 08:21 PM
ok here is my posisition. my mag is as follows: nickel ULE, lvl10, ult, xvalve, intelliframe, mm rail. i MAY or may not be getting a hyperframe i nthe mail this week, i am not sure yet becuase of lack of communication with someone. i need a faster gun to play back/mid for teams, so if i DONT get the hyperframe, i have 2 options, part my mag and get either a 2k2 WAS with ultralight timmy, or get a 2k4 WAS strange imp with halob. the differnce is 700 for timy, 900 for imp. i dont know what to do, if i get the hyperframe and i DO like it i will keep the mag for a little wihle. if i DONT like it im giving it back to the owner i am trying it out from and part the mag. i guess the biggest thing of my delema is which gun is the better buy?? if i dont get the hyperframe i am definatly parting the mag and geting one. if i DO get it, i am not sure what i am gonna do. any suggestions?? :cheers:

08-31-2004, 08:31 PM
Devil Mag

08-31-2004, 08:33 PM
wait for the hair trigger.... or at least thats what i would do.

08-31-2004, 09:02 PM
wait for the hair trigger.... or at least thats what i would do.As much as people may say that, it's kind of a risk right now, especially if you're depending on that as your primary marker. NOBODY knows when it's going to come out, and even then, how many will be available in a first batch. Plus, Tom said recently all work on the hAir at this point is stopped indefinitely, so I wouldn't keep my fingers crossed for it be out soon.

If I were you, I'd be looking for something that actually exists right now.

08-31-2004, 09:17 PM
Look into a Viking w/ WAS and eyes. The 04' models come with the Pandora board.

Out of all the markers I've owned (excluding my mechanical mag) the Viking ahs had the best performance, and reliability. Sure its not "flashy", but not like it matters honestly. Get it re-anno'd if its that big a deal eh.

08-31-2004, 09:28 PM
well i think im gonna part the mag, so which would you guys do out of the above 2 options?? i like vikings, but hard to find, anyone selling any?? plus, with the 2 i listed earlier, i get a chance to play with them at the field, and finance atleast one of them, im acutally leaning towards the imp, but the timmy is really nice too, i guess ill see which performs better while im playing.

08-31-2004, 09:28 PM
i have to say id go with the 2k2

08-31-2004, 09:40 PM
If you want one of those 2 go w/ the timmy.

Otherwise... go to pbnation in the AKA forum (the one sane form on that site) and there's a buy/sell/trade of aka markers. I've seen great trades throguh there, I almost bought my own Viking there, but a friend upgraded to a different marker due to his sponsorship so I picked it up locally.

I have had nothing but goodness from AKA.

08-31-2004, 09:57 PM
yeah but the only problem is ive never shot an aka, so i dont know how they feel, i tried an eclipes impusle which is suposedly alot better than the strange, but i dont like it as much as the strange. the timmy ill shoot on saturday i guess, ill see if i can borrow one for tryouts on sunday.

08-31-2004, 10:07 PM
True that. Its all about how you prefer a marker. Try to find someone local (again check the aka forums on pbn) to let ya give it a shot. You wont regret it.

Otherwise... go w/ the tim.

08-31-2004, 10:08 PM
thanks alot :cheers:

Wc Keep
09-01-2004, 02:33 PM
As much as people may say that, it's kind of a risk right now, especially if you're depending on that as your primary marker. NOBODY knows when it's going to come out, and even then, how many will be available in a first batch. Plus, Tom said recently all work on the hAir at this point is stopped indefinitely, so I wouldn't keep my fingers crossed for it be out soon.

If I were you, I'd be looking for something that actually exists right now.

thank you someone in the right mind.

stick with the mag. learn how to shoot fast with it and youll be set.the only reason you should want another type of gun over a mag is because you need a very efficient gun to play back since you have to shoot alot. you dont particularly need a gun to shoot 19 bps. just one that you can get a good rythem with.

09-01-2004, 02:56 PM
As much as people may say that, it's kind of a risk right now, especially if you're depending on that as your primary marker. NOBODY knows when it's going to come out, and even then, how many will be available in a first batch. Plus, Tom said recently all work on the hAir at this point is stopped indefinitely, so I wouldn't keep my fingers crossed for it be out soon.

If I were you, I'd be looking for something that actually exists right now.

Very well said! If i was gonna part out the mag though and buy another gun id say go with the imp. I only say that because ive owned one and know it is an amazing gun. The timmy is a cool gun and all though. If you can, try and find a viking, those are some of the best guns made.

09-01-2004, 03:49 PM
since you plan on ebing a back-mid playuer i'd say go with the Timmy, if you were planning on being a front i'd definatly suggest an 04 shocker. there like the perfect frontman guns.

09-01-2004, 04:28 PM
Go with the timmy. I currently own two timmys and love them both. I have shot a WASed imp and they are nice, far better then a SP vision imp but for 200 more its not worth it. No imp is worth that much. I plan on selling my imps, when I get them, with WAS for 550-650. 900 is a little much.

09-01-2004, 04:43 PM
bushy. for the price of a timmy, you can pretty much get a bushy and up it fairly nicely imho.

it's reliable and efficient and hella fast with the right board.

09-01-2004, 04:46 PM

09-01-2004, 05:16 PM
I'm on the east coast of Florida and have a Viking. If you can't find anyone else closer I can meet you in Orlando and let you shoot mine. I love my Viking, as fast or faster than anything, a full case from a 70/45 with a little to spare and almost no maintenence. They are awesome guns! Vikings :headbang: .