View Full Version : moral delimea?

08-31-2004, 11:17 PM
well, when i took my cocker down to get it fixed yesterday, the guy said it was a bad 3 way, no problem, i was wanting to replace it anyway, along with the other penus once i got the money. well, when i picked it up, it had the red belsales 3-way, along with matching ram, and i dont know what kind of ram it even is, other than red lol. anyway, i didnt pay for it obviously, just cause i didnt really notice it till after the date i was on. should i call down there and find out whats what with it? a few of the guys who work there ref the feild i play at, and i dont wanna rip them off just cause they are all really cool guys, and it is the only shop i will shop at after i got my *** ripped off by another store(screw xtreme paintball if your in the st. charles county area, they charged me 25bucks for a cam gear on my old cocker, and i didnt know what exactly it was, so i assumed they put it on there till the guys at dunns pointed it out to me). the biggest thing is, i cannt afford to pay for the ram right now, i really shouldnt have bout the 3-way till next thursday when i get paid.
think i should just go down there and and see if they can just keep the cocker till i can pay for them ram? i think it may be an ans ram, it is shorter than the stock reg, has nipple on the end and then in the regular spot? i wanted an evo ram on there, and i am pritty sure it isnt an evo on there, so i dunno, sugguestions? hate? werd?

08-31-2004, 11:27 PM
I say call down there and ask what's up. Perhaps they just threw it in free... who knows. Either way, if they say "yeah, your ram was bad so we put a new one on there, it'll be an additional $X", then you tell them you didn't authorize it's replacement and although you'll take it, they'll have to wait for payment.

09-01-2004, 12:14 AM
Perhaps its the Eagle Scout in me... but I've always been quick to do the "right thing" and to be honest in my dealings with others. Many times that determination to look out for others has been later rewarded (someway, somehow) many times greater than any cost I had incurred.

I won't suggest how you should handle it... for such choices belong to each of us, individually. But what I'd do is give them a call and say something like, "You recently replaced my 3-way. I just noticed that it appears that my RAM was also replaced. Nobody mentioned it and I wasn't charged for it and I'm concerned that it might have been someone's oversight. Can you shed some light on this?"

If they say that it needed to be replaced but simply forgot to tell you, let them know that you want to be as fair with them as they've been with you. And while you're willing to take responsibility for its payment, you're going to need an extra week (or two) until you can afford it. Ask if that's going to be a problem. They'd likely appreciate your honesty and say that would be fine.

If the above holds true and you would have selected a different RAM, now is the time to let them know that, too. It's great to look out for others... but you've also got to look out for yourself. Ask when they'd like you to bring your marker in to swap them.

If they say that they knew that they hadn't charged you... and intentionally did not charge you, let them know how much you appreciate the GOOD BUSINESS that they do. You can pay them back by telling the world how great they are.

If you care to... I'd love to hear what you finally do and how they respond. And if, by some chance, they don't appreciate your honesty... know that many of us, here, will applaud you anyway.


09-01-2004, 12:46 AM
Perhaps its the Eagle Scout in me... but I've always been quick to do the "right thing" and to be honest in my dealings with others. Many times that determination to look out for others has been later rewarded (someway, somehow) many times greater than any cost I had incurred.

I won't suggest how you should handle it... for such choices belong to each of us, individually. But what I'd do is give them a call and say something like, "You recently replaced my 3-way. I just noticed that it appears that my RAM was also replaced. Nobody mentioned it and I wasn't charged for it and I'm concerned that it might have been someone's oversight. Can you shed some light on this?"

If they say that it needed to be replaced but simply forgot to tell you, let them know that you want to be as fair with them as they've been with you. And while you're willing to take responsibility for its payment, you're going to need an extra week (or two) until you can afford it. Ask if that's going to be a problem. They'd likely appreciate your honesty and say that would be fine.

If the above holds true and you would have selected a different RAM, now is the time to let them know that, too. It's great to look out for others... but you've also got to look out for yourself. Ask when they'd like you to bring your marker in to swap them.

If they say that they knew that they hadn't charged you... and intentionally did not charge you, let them know how much you appreciate the GOOD BUSINESS that they do. You can pay them back by telling the world how great they are.

If you care to... I'd love to hear what you finally do and how they respond. And if, by some chance, they don't appreciate your honesty... know that many of us, here, will applaud you anyway.


Excellent post, Jim. i was going to write something like this, but well....You did a better job thant i could have.

09-01-2004, 03:17 PM
yeah, i decide later on that i am better off to just roll down there and see whats up, they have cut me deals in the past, and i guess its just makin bad carma for myself if i dont atleast see whats up with it

09-01-2004, 03:49 PM
Jim's post was exactly along the lines I was thinking. Let the local shop know what happend and see how they want to handle it. If they want you to pay for it, let them know it'll be a little while since you had not planned on getting it and the 3way at the same time. If they are going to be kewl and not charge you, let them know your appreciation. A good thank you goes a long way. Continue your patronage of the shop because you know how well they treat their customers.

If they turn into dorks about it, take off ram and give it back to them. Don't pay for it since you didn't ask for it to be installed. Most shops will be pretty kewl about it though. My shop has hooked me up plenty of times so I throw them money any time I need something. I used to predominantly buy paint online since it was cheaper, but now I buy from the shop. They've given me free air and discounts on items that I wouldn't feel right by not supporting them. Great customer service like they've showed me is hard to find.

09-01-2004, 04:21 PM
Perhaps its the Eagle Scout in me... but I've always been quick to do the "right thing" and to be honest in my dealings with others. Many times that determination to look out for others has been later rewarded (someway, somehow) many times greater than any cost I had incurred.

I won't suggest how you should handle it... for such choices belong to each of us, individually. But what I'd do is give them a call and say something like, "You recently replaced my 3-way. I just noticed that it appears that my RAM was also replaced. Nobody mentioned it and I wasn't charged for it and I'm concerned that it might have been someone's oversight. Can you shed some light on this?"

If they say that it needed to be replaced but simply forgot to tell you, let them know that you want to be as fair with them as they've been with you. And while you're willing to take responsibility for its payment, you're going to need an extra week (or two) until you can afford it. Ask if that's going to be a problem. They'd likely appreciate your honesty and say that would be fine.

If the above holds true and you would have selected a different RAM, now is the time to let them know that, too. It's great to look out for others... but you've also got to look out for yourself. Ask when they'd like you to bring your marker in to swap them.

If they say that they knew that they hadn't charged you... and intentionally did not charge you, let them know how much you appreciate the GOOD BUSINESS that they do. You can pay them back by telling the world how great they are.

If you care to... I'd love to hear what you finally do and how they respond. And if, by some chance, they don't appreciate your honesty... know that many of us, here, will applaud you anyway.


This is basically what a really nice person would say to do. Jim, what troop were you in? Were you in a troop on the Peninsula?

I would say keep it. If they ask you where you got it, just say that you thought they gave it to you. No harm done unless you break it.

09-01-2004, 04:37 PM
Jim, what troop were you in? Were you in a troop on the Peninsula?

Let's see... I earned my Eagle at the age of 15 in Tacoma, WA (1969). Have since held multiple adult positions (Den Leader, Asst. Cubmaster, Cubmaster, Troop Committee Chmn) with Pack and Troop 51, Poquoson, VA.

As my (later to become) father-in-law said to me 22 years ago when I was dating his daughter, "So... I hear you used to be an Eagle Scout, too.". To which I responded, "No sir. I AM an Eagle Scout!"