View Full Version : How do you play with night vision?

09-01-2004, 06:11 PM
How do you play with night vision?

Does the display give away your position? Does it light up your face?

09-01-2004, 06:46 PM
Iplayed with one electrical taped to my HALO once.

It gives off your position very well as many nightvision scopes use IR light to illuminate the objective area. It gives you away like turning on a flashlight to anyone with night vision.

09-01-2004, 08:02 PM
it depends on your unit, and if you use your IR illuminator or not..

i have a Gen 3 monocular and don't need the IR illuminator, so there isnt any light projected towards my face. but with the IR illuminator on it does send a glow that reflects off my face and is visible thru my goggles if someone is looking at me, but also the IR illuminator shows a red dot that is visible to the naked eye as well.... also, to others with night vision the IR illuminator is like you're carrying around a Q-beam.

lower quality units usually need the IR to see better, where your higher quality units dont need the IR and you see quite well.

like one of my favorite quotes, "so if you have a gen 2 unit with the IR turned on and i have a Gen 3 and do not need the IR, you are walking around with a flashlight and i am sitting in the dark watching you"

09-02-2004, 06:16 AM
Our team leader was using a set of Gen3 at Final Countdown at Skyline a couple of weekends ago. The unit was awesome & fit over his mask very well. Besides the green hue over everything, it was like walking around during the day - can't wait until our other sets come in (just wish they weren't so expensive).