View Full Version : I'm fed up with APG

09-01-2004, 09:12 PM
I got my current issue of APG today in the mail, after being a long time reader I decided that after this subscription , that I'm done.
I open it up expecting some good tourny coverage or USEFULL stuff and I get half a magazine full of ads, the same CO2 (fan) mail
6 articles on saftey and noobies, an in depth review of the same spyder that they have been reviewing for 3 years with ''tournament style milling'' that can hit a target 18/20 times at 60 feet in '' moderate'' conditions . Then a few more articles why people who use paint sling o matics suck. Then get spoon fed the same rhetoric that every gun is as good as another due to paint to barrell match. So, you're telling me that a spyder has the same grouping and consistency as a mag , timmy or cocker?

I used to look forward to the ''taking stock'' section where there was some good stuff on stock class paintball, I'm a big fan myself and I see '' how to change your 12 grams'' and in depth pictures.

APG you suck,

09-01-2004, 09:16 PM
Yeah I've cancled my APG suscription ages ago. My fingers got tired of flipping through all the ads and poorly written articles. It's a good source of information for newer players.

Now I read PB2X, it' a great mag. Although about 99 percent of the stuff I read in the magazine I've read online about a month before but thats the nature of the beast.

09-01-2004, 09:20 PM
I get PB2X, but I miss AGP. Not for there articles or reviews, but because I like looking through alot of ads :D

09-01-2004, 09:23 PM
APG sucks, I feel dumb after reading them. Also, I don't agree that every gun ever made is awesome.

09-01-2004, 09:40 PM
I get facefull and it seems pretty good !!!!

09-01-2004, 09:54 PM
Ya i agree w/ u guys. I stopped reading APG a looong time ago not because of the ads but the 'noobie' material. But I will admit when i first started playing it helped me to understand the game. When i give my pgi or facefull to a friend to read u can see it goes over there heads where if u give them apg its more comprehendable. Its just the nature of the magazine.

09-01-2004, 09:57 PM
APG reviews every gun as if they are the greatest marker on Earth.

09-01-2004, 10:14 PM
PGI is the best. It is the thinnest but it takes me thrice as long to read it as it does for me to read other mags because they have great articles.

pb2x is pretty good
splat= mainstream + porn
Facefull= lots of good tourney articles + crap tourney articles
APG= pictures and articles by, for, and read by nubes

09-01-2004, 10:15 PM
PGI..paintball games international, it's the best magazing ive read so far, it has good reviews, pro-tips, and tourney info..Faceful is good too.

09-01-2004, 10:21 PM
My experience is that after a while, you start to see the same things in the magazines. There is really only so much useful info that a magazine can communicate. Most of the articles will be tourney or BG reports, and equipment reviews. And once you have experience and a good circle of friends, you will rely on your own contacts for the latter, anyway.

Myself, I stopped buying magazines that didn't have stories/pictures of my friends before Y2K. The only one I've bought in two years was one that had me in it. ;)

09-02-2004, 12:04 AM
I'm a fan of Facefull myself, good tourny articles.

I just got a box of the premier issue P2P mags which is the newest one out. It's a decent mag, it's more geared toward the rookie-expert tourny player which relates to most ballers. The articles are so-so, seen a few typo's, but the quality of the magazine is good, it's very sturdy, thick pages, and very crisp clean pictures and prints. Give this one some time to develop and I think it will become a favorite among readers.

09-02-2004, 12:22 AM
APG has been running the same articles, or carbon copies, since at least the early 1990s. With the number of ads that are in it these days, they should pay you to take it off the newsstands.

RT pRo AuToMaG
09-02-2004, 12:26 AM
PB2X is pretty funny and has some good info in it, and Facefull has the best pics by far, articles could be better, but are pretty good anyway, and has a lot of tourney coverage. Facefull is my faveroite, most tourney coverage and good articles about the industry in general, but some of the stuff printed is a bit dated since it's bimonthly.

09-02-2004, 07:32 AM
PGI..paintball games international, it's the best magazing ive read so far, it has good reviews, pro-tips, and tourney info..Faceful is good too.

this kid knows whats up. PGI is absolutely the best out there. The ads which there aren't many of are of higher end guns most of the time. The articles about good guns and good new released products. A lot of tourney stuff

09-02-2004, 08:08 AM
PGI..paintball games international, it's the best magazing ive read so far, it has good reviews, pro-tips, and tourney info..Faceful is good too.

agreed both of these are great mags.

APG is for new players. there was rarly any info in it i could use. most of it is just woods ballers bashing tournement players. not even worth the time to read

09-02-2004, 12:09 PM
PGI is the best. It is the thinnest but it takes me thrice as long to read it as it does for me to read other mags because they have great articles.

pb2x is pretty good
splat= mainstream + porn
Facefull= lots of good tourney articles + crap tourney articles
APG= pictures and articles by, for, and read by nubes

I have to say, I too sware by PGI.. The worst part is that I have only found 1 place in town that carry's it and after I got a issue there they stopped!! I had to talk to them to make them realize they need to keep it coming in..

I too have given up on APG, its a great mag for rookies, but I want to more Tourney stuff and will swear by PGI..

Havent seen a PB2X yet, havent found any one carrying it yet..
Splat is ok, just seems like a cross between Maximum and APG to me
Facefull, I personally didnt care for it.. Have only read 1 so far but wasnt my taste..

Just had to agree about PGI


09-02-2004, 12:20 PM
I keep looking through Playboy and Penthouse for paintball articles. Not found any yet but I will keep looking...

09-02-2004, 12:59 PM
I keep looking through Playboy and Penthouse for paintball articles. Not found any yet but I will keep looking...


Any mags out there for the woodsball / recballin' pumpers ?

09-02-2004, 01:27 PM
I like everyone else read pgi, pb2x and facefull, good mags alot of good reviews although some are a little too unbiased. But overall I would say if you are looking for ads and crap to price parts and stuff then get APG or if you have a field and need to give noobs lessons on how to change their CO2 or to keep there masks on....

Don't know of any woods/scenario/recball mags because there is little to no public appeal.

09-02-2004, 01:57 PM
I was just at Barnes & noble to grab my fist full of paintball mags , low & behold the horrer. APG was the only mag on the shelf!!!!!! They usually have them all. One of my favorites is turning out to be splat. Done with a sence of humor. Good picts.

09-02-2004, 02:08 PM
I like Facefull for the pictures.

09-02-2004, 02:22 PM
CrossFire is the only Recball mag I can think of. Decent articles and pics, if you are a Scenario junkie it's worth a try. Scenario News is a Scenario only mag, let my subscription lapse but always enjoyed it.

CrossFire (www.crossfiremag.com)

Scenario news (www.scenarionews.com)

50 cal
09-02-2004, 06:21 PM
Oh you mean that 120 page Kingman ad with a few articles.

09-02-2004, 06:35 PM
I have to say, I too sware by PGI.. The worst part is that I have only found 1 place in town that carry's it and after I got a issue there they stopped!! I had to talk to them to make them realize they need to keep it coming in..

Dude, it's called a subscription :) They actually drop the thing off at your door, it's cheaper, AND it comes in a nice white plastic wrapper so when you're deployed, all the guys think you got porn. i've dashed so many hopes and dreams :rofl:

09-03-2004, 12:32 AM
who needs a subscription when you can read it online for free :D


09-03-2004, 02:51 AM
can anyone post up a URL for facefull. I wan to see if it is up with all the hype you guys make it seem to be.

09-03-2004, 07:14 AM
Now I read PB2X, it' a great mag. Although about 99 percent of the stuff I read in the magazine I've read online about a month before but thats the nature of the beast.
same here, but i like hearing it from a respected mag, instead of gossip online :ninja: .

Evil Bob
09-03-2004, 12:06 PM
PGI, PB2X, and FaceFull are the three top mags for PB right now.

PGI doesn't hold back, if they dont like the marker they're reviewing or are unhappy with how an event was run, they tell you right up why they didn't like it. Robbo cant be beat for his no non-sense approach to the sport, heavily opinionated and rarely wrong, I do enjoy reading his articles simply because he's always right to the point, he doesn't mess around. My personal favorite mag.

PB2X is a great mag, lots of decent coverage and as much Mag related news that Josh can sneak into it without being overtly biased.

Face Full has some of the best action pictures I've seen in a paintball mag, its like an art publication. The articles sometimes leave alot to be desired, but overall its a great mag.

As others have stated, APG has been recycling the same articles over and over since 1990. Its definitely a n00b mag, good for first timers. I was subbed to it simply because it was really the only paintball related mag at the time. After the firs couple of years of print, we started to see the same articles and pictures appearing over and over, which is just plain sad.

-Evil Bob

09-03-2004, 03:53 PM
I keep looking through Playboy and Penthouse for paintball articles. Not found any yet but I will keep looking...

Actually in the Christmas issue they had an Angel (the new one of the time, i forgot which) under the man's wishlist section and it spoke of how sweet paintball guns are and how fast the Angels shoot. it was cool to see....but then i flipped to the boobies :D .