View Full Version : messed with valve springs on my xmag, now it full autos! HELP!!

09-01-2004, 09:15 PM
Okay I needed my velocity dropped to about 250 so I pulled my valve and dropped in another spring. It was shooting fine for about 15 shots and then it started having all kinds of issues with firing. Like the trigger on manual was feeling stuck or on electronic it wouldnt fire at all. My battery was low so I recharged it and tried again. Now the thing was full auto 1/4 of the time I pulled the trigger on any mode? I know it says that the full auto indicates a too short of a valve... well how come this is the first time I have ever had this issue? The pin isnt bent and tightening down the back with an allen wrench doesnt work. Do I need to replace the pin o-ring? Cause it looks in perfect condition when compaired to my new one. I eventually set the thing back up to my old spring and it was still doing the same thing. How do you adjust that pin??? I know i dont need a new one, theres no way that thing can magically wear down that fast!!! Please someone help. I have a full auto Xmag and it sucks that way!! Thanks for your time guys. EBZ

09-09-2004, 12:52 PM
FYI... you shouldn't have had to replace the spring to lower your velocity... just turn down your valve using the 1/8 allen screw in the back.