View Full Version : Any tournys in VA?

10-25-2001, 08:45 AM
I was just courios if there are ant big tournaments (sp?) in the great state of Virginia? And will a rep from AGD be coming?

10-25-2001, 03:33 PM
There are many tournaments in VA. Pev's Paintball just recently had two 3 man tournaments and having another one in Dec. Hogback Mt Sports Club just had a 5man and will have two more 3 mans in Dec. Skyline has tournaments often too. Also many APL tournaments are held at Skyline but i don't think any AGD reps will be there. RobAGD works at one of hte Pev's stores so he might possibly be at a Pevs tourny?

10-25-2001, 03:55 PM
You mean Commonwealth don't you (hehe)? There is a 5 man at Splatzone on Dec 9.

10-25-2001, 05:24 PM
Alright thanks guys.

FeelTheRT: yea RobAGD does work at Pevs. In fact, he is the ONLY AGD tech at the stores. Everyone else is a cocker baby or angel wuss :D :D

Major Ho
10-25-2001, 08:52 PM
Ol Robbo reffed the tourney at pevs in....July? Him and his team J2 were refs all day for that tourny. Someone told me Rob is actually a really good ref. Not sure how good a ref can be but I guess he's good?