View Full Version : '03 Shocker Ultimate Pkg

09-01-2004, 11:20 PM
for $890 - Brand new w/Vision and 68/4500 Max Flow tank. Good deal, right? I'm thinking of jumping to the dark side for that kind of a deal. Please convince me to stay away from the dark side...it's soooo tempting though!! :confused:


09-01-2004, 11:43 PM
3 words

multiple part replacements

I honestly dont know anyone who hasn't had to endure a decent amount of "downtime" w/ their shocker. I'll stick w/ Vikings and mags.

09-01-2004, 11:45 PM
Shockers are just an ugly POS gun that WILL break down on you. Just buy an E-Spyder :headbang: . :D

09-01-2004, 11:50 PM
jump on it like a fat kid on cake... if u dont like it sell the gun for like 700 and keep the maxy or sell that for like 250

09-01-2004, 11:52 PM
Xprod, fight the temptation... At that price, it's STILL overpriced.

Let me give you a run down on what you're looking at is actually worth:

Vision Shocker: $50, some change, and a good wad of pocket lint
MaxFlow: $18 and a bubble gum wrapper

For the love of God don't buy a Shocker, would you rather spend more time playing or more time fixing your gun?

09-01-2004, 11:52 PM
Lots of people have shockers at my field...most hardly ever work all day. One, a SERIOUS FSDO problem (like 5 shots to get it to work). IMHO, I'd say no. They do fire fast...but, its hard to piano the trigger, due to short trigger guard. Also, seriosu gas hogs. But, these are only my opinions.

09-02-2004, 12:53 AM
If it really is brand new, jump on it.

Resell it if you don't want to play with it.

Don't listen to all the cheese heads baggin on everything with a target logo on it.

I swear, most of AO has degenerated into the same thing that PBNation is made fun of for.

Its all about the bandwagon. Only this time, the bandwagon is filled with the "I'm not on the bandwagon!" people.

Just remember folks - the anithype crowd is just as (if not more) full of crap than the OMG!! AGG!!! PBN crowd, and at least twice as self-riteous.

Truth - My anti-hype.

:ninja: Rant


09-02-2004, 01:07 AM
Coolhand, good point...but, seriously, I have seen alot of people at my field with problems. And, I personally dont like the limited amount of finger room inside the trigger. Again, this is all my OPINION. I could really care less about SP, or any other manufacturer, as long as the product works. You could turn around and sell it for as good as, or, a better price than you bought it for. The shockers do rip...and are EXTREMELY light, no kick at all. But, again, I have seen people with the problems, and it seems someone buys one, then wants to sell it immediately. Coolhand did bring up a good point though; dont trust hype; listen to people that have owned/shot them. And, most ppl here hate smartparts...due to their law history. but, ah well, if its a good deal to you, go for it.

09-02-2004, 03:03 AM
I know some guys that have Shockers and most of them have no real problems with them, on a rec or practice day. OMG He said some good stuff. :eek:
But in the last tourney, it was muddy, raining and very slippery, the guys with the Shockers started to have trouble, especially with the eyes. But that is the only real experience where I have seen them go down that bad.
And as for their ability to rip. :spit_take Overrated. They are probably the slowest high end gun I have tired out. Angels #1, DM4 #2, E-bladed Cocker #3, and Timmys #4 are a lot faster. I have not tried out a Cyborg, Viking, or an Xmag, so I cannot count them.

09-02-2004, 08:19 AM
WOW - so many responses. Thanks for your input guys. It was all duly noted. Don't know what I am going to do yet - it's still a tough call just because of the resale value if I end up hating it.


09-02-2004, 08:25 AM
Aren't you a little biased consider the new vert frame in the works? I have personally bought three brand new shockers from National for myself and teammates. All three are gone. They worked nice shot fast but would all of a sudden go haywire chop paint crap like that. I would do anything to have a marker that light. But my teammates convinced me after the last tourney where I was down trying to get my shocker to not chop paint and shoot. It really was a mess. I am going to get another one in a year. I hope they improve by then. Anything that small and light if it works I will use but it must work and work consistently. I bought a cyborg and a DM4 and now can say I am content with my marker selection.

09-02-2004, 09:13 AM
Actually, I guess I'm biased because I have never had a problem with a Shocker (I've owned two of the new ones, and three of the old ones), or an Imp, that wasn't directly my fault.

I'm not here to defend SP's markers, but rather to stick a flag in some of the rampant BS that has been swirling around lately. It just happens to center around the shocker this time.

It is my opinion that all markers over $450-$500 are overpriced. Anything in that price range will shoot plenty fast enough, and in most cases be reliable to boot.

Also, Oldsoldier - I wasn't directing that at you. You came right out and said that all the things you touched on were your opinion, and being such, you can think (and therfore say) anything you want, no right or wrong about it.

Its the "The field I was at had 47 __enter marker name here__ and every one of them exploded as soon as the sunlight hit them!!!! OMG!!!" that's starting to grate on me. The uncheckable yet (seemingly) irrefutable first hand accounts that in all actuallity probabably came off more like "I heard of this one guy who had a __insert marker name here__ at the field last weekend, and he had all kinds of trouble with it, don't get one, they suck." On the internet and forums in general, hearsay and conjecture become fact and gospel so fast. I think people should be very careful of what they repeat, lest it get picked up as the god's own truth. (Unless that is their aim in the first place. :nono: )

09-02-2004, 09:49 AM
I agree with you coolhand about so much out there being hearsay and just a question have you put some serious play into those shockers of yours. I know you are so busy at the shop. Mine was broke in and then everything replaced before every tourney. I never made it through one tourney without going to my backup DM4. I only did this for the reason my team is going with team guns next year and I wanted to try every marker made and see how it rates. I bought everything this year and gave them a very thorough test and played in tourneys with every one. It is amazing what crap there is out there for 700 800 bucks. I cannot believe some of the crappy quality on some markers that were 1000 dollars my dealer cost. It just sucks. The one that stood out was Dye. As much as I don't want to be some AGG DYE GUY I unfortuneatly just bought 5 DM4's and this will be my team's marker for next year. I don't like the price but you get what you pay for. Right now Dye owns the market for quality and craftsmanship. Of the 5 DM4's we got all five we just put on air tanks and they were all perfect out of the box shooting between 280 and 298 and we shot three halos threw each as fast as possible and zero breaks and some of my guys have amazing fingers. I hate to sound like a dye ad but they rock and that is the honest truth.

09-02-2004, 09:52 AM
I personally think the SF Shocker 1999 was the coolest thing next to the turbo. I would take and old shocker over a new one right now.

09-02-2004, 02:04 PM
I can honestly say I miss my Turbo. Big azz bread box air hog thing that it was... It never failed me, but then again I took care of her.

09-02-2004, 02:51 PM
Isn't it amazing smart parts made turbo and produced it legally back then and everyone made it illegal becuase it was an unfair advantage and beat the hell out of anyone that went up against it. Now we have ramping boards that are like the same thing but that is just cool. I don't get it?

09-02-2004, 03:12 PM
alright heres my opinion. it seems that about 75% of the shockers dont have problems and about 25% do. i think this is directly related to how these people take care of their equipment. where i play, the guys who dont care for their stuff are the ones who have troubles with their shockers. the guys who take it home and clean it every night after play dont seem to have any problems with them.

next thing: speed. that guy who said they cant rip? :tard:. they are just as fast as any high end gun, the only factor is weather you can adjust to the trigger, just like any other gun.

eyes: i always hear people whining about the SP eyes. the reality is, they arent that bad. as long as you buy paint that has a light coloured shell, youre fine. as for at tourneys, where you dont get to choose the paint, i have never been to a tourney where they use dark coloured paint, because they know about the probelm with it. if that doesnt work, just dont use vision. it doesnt really matter. as long as you have a halo or reloader (maybe even egg/apache) you wont be chopping. i doubt you will outshoot your halo, so you'll be fine without vision, honestly.

go for it.

09-02-2004, 03:22 PM
. . . . I hate to sound like a dye ad but they rock and that is the honest truth.

I know it is, I have shot a few DM4s, and while I am not a big fan of the way they look, or the price tag, there is no denying the performance.

You are also right, that I have not put a million rounds through either of my shockers. The first one I had (that I used) saw about 6 cases before I cleaned it. Then I put it away, and didn't touch it again until I sold it. The only problem I ever had with that one, was a frozen oring in the maxflo when I screwed the wrong tank onto it (antisyphon tube upside down = dhoah!!!).

The newest one just came out of the box two weeks ago, and I ran about three hoppers through it to make sure everything was working, and then I tore it apart. (And there it sets, in bits, scattered all over the place. :cry: ) So I guess you could say that even my shocker is non-functional right now :wow: :rofl: (though it be due to my own actions).

And yes, both of them ran on CO2. The second one I had up to 17bps (that's the fastest my fingers have ever gone :rofl: ) over the chroney, with no shoot down, and no frozen parts (although, the tank did condensate like a mofo - august in missouri = 90 deg + 95% humidity) :dance:

Anyway, I don't doubt that people have had reliablity issues. Its gotten to be a cliche' almost, (the bagging on shocker's reliablity that is) and things don't get cliche'd unless they are repeated again and again and . . . .. . you get the point. I just think it is being exagerated by some (as in "every" shocker they've ever seen or heard about has been non-functional).

If some of the tales told were indeed true, SP headquarters would have been burned to the ground by a mob of angry PBN'ers ages ago, and SP would have filed chapter 11 papers. No manufacturer, not even one as good at advertising as SP, could survive a product line with a 95% failure rate.

That's what I think, as always, I could be completely full of crap, so take it with a grain of salt.

09-02-2004, 04:47 PM
SP makes it... it must suck right?

I have a Vision shocker - with a Halo on it it was chopping like mad. I switched to a Apache and no chops (even with stiffer detents chopping). What in the name of all things holy was going on there?? No clue.. the Halo functions correctly on other markers.

For the record, I spend less game time teching it than I did convincing my LX to work, not leak, and not bolt stick on my e-mag.

As for not being fast... have you ever watched Strange play? I'll grant that would be a professional team, but it is the fastest shooting I have ever seen at PSP in Chicago. Oh, they must have been cheating. Now, out of the box it was slow, considerably slower than my e-mag but I fixed that.

The problem I have with them is the bolts, you basically have to go out and buy an updated bolt kit to get reasonably efficiency. That and buying shocker lube sucks

It is extremely quick, light, and I have shot at least seven cases through it without a chop (except for the HALO induced ones). Maintenance - after about four cases I take it down and grease everything, throw it back together and play.

09-02-2004, 06:35 PM
you'all putting down the shocker have just been blinded by the fact that alot of you just hate sp's stuff because of all of the hype.

i ordered the same package from action village :) awsome price

im gonna get my *** kicked for this, but i would choose a shocker over a emag any day. its all opinion, but personally, i like the 1.7 lbs and the matrix-like trigger.

i understand that some of you have very good reasons for not liking sp. and ive seen your arguments, which are very good.

try a few, not just one, but a few, because the first time i tried a viking, all it did was chop paint, leak air, and just plain suck. If i had based my opinion on just that, i would hate vikings, but after trying a few more, i found out that they rock.

Btw. if u goto shatnerball, i can let u shoot mine, it should be here just in time, and ill let u try it out in the target range.

"Don't listen to all the cheese heads baggin on everything with a target logo on it. "
Cant get any more true. Try a few, theres noth ing to loose.


09-02-2004, 07:44 PM
try a few, not just one, but a few, because the first time i tried a viking, all it did was chop paint, leak air, and just plain suck.

hmm ive tried a couple shockers, vision w/ maxi and a dynasty with frenzy board and he bolt, both very fast and light but problem matic. fo that money, id definetly go w/ a vik or e-mag. anyone who complains about it being heavy, hit the weight room :p

09-02-2004, 07:51 PM
i had a 03 shocker. light, fast, pretty sweet gun when i first got it. after a little while(not long) i had to change most of the orings in it. not too bad if you can find the orings at the hardware store but if you have to buy a SP kit there like 20-30 bucks. you getting the ultimate package so you wont have to deal with the POS vert reg. That reg was the biggest pile i have ever used in my life. CONSTANT oring breaking. and no i didnt have it set at the wrong pressure.

i put a sidewinder on it and the gun ran SO much smoother. if you like how they shoot then i say. get it, you can always sell it.

09-02-2004, 09:22 PM
Isn't it amazing smart parts made turbo and produced it legally back then and everyone made it illegal becuase it was an unfair advantage and beat the hell out of anyone that went up against it. Now we have ramping boards that are like the same thing but that is just cool. I don't get it?

Ironic indeed

09-02-2004, 10:43 PM
hmm ive tried a couple shockers, vision w/ maxi and a dynasty with frenzy board and he bolt, both very fast and light but problem matic. fo that money, id definetly go w/ a vik or e-mag. anyone who complains about it being heavy, hit the weight room :p

when the argument arises about weight, this is always the first thing thats said: "go lift weights". thats not the point. its not like ppl are getting fatigued from holding the gun, its just not as maneuverable and for a front man, thats very important.

09-03-2004, 03:40 AM
I thought that the newer Shockers were always light, not as much as my angel. But lighter then a Timmy or Trixie.

And hey nothing is wrong with hitting the weightroom every now and again.

09-03-2004, 10:49 AM
Hey - does anyone know if the Max Flow tanks are 3 or 5 year tanks?

09-03-2004, 11:20 AM
New ones are 5 year.

09-03-2004, 11:30 AM
most tanks you buy now are all 5yr

09-03-2004, 02:12 PM
I thought that the newer Shockers were always light, not as much as my angel. But lighter then a Timmy or Trixie.
And hey nothing is wrong with hitting the weightroom every now and again.

There's lots of alternatives if lightness is a concern for you. Alias style timmies are really light. If you want a non-stacked tube gun, freestyles are VERY light and come with break beam eyes. Heck, my bonebrake bushy weighs around 2lbs flat.

I've seen some shockers plain out rip, but then again, i've seen them down a lot too when at my field. I really dislike the small trigger guard though. And in mu opinion, they're like little squirt guns ;)

09-03-2004, 02:23 PM
There is a guy I know and play paintball with a lot and his schocker has never had any problems. In my book they are good guns. In fact I know 5-7 people who have them and have never had porblems.