View Full Version : Need everyone's creativity!

10-25-2001, 09:23 AM
As some of the older members know I am an US Army Pilot and Commander of an Air Cavalry Troop in South Korea. Here is the help I am looking for:

I am redesigning my troop logo for use on T-shirts, hats, etc. My troop callsign is "WARHAWK" so naturally I am looking for clipart of a Hawk or other bird of prey that can double for one (falcon, eagle, etc.). I have spent many hours mulling through free clipart on the web but nothing fits the bill. The closest I can get is to modify the Atlanta Hawks NBA logo (hey this is Korea, copyright laws do not exist here, starter jacks are $15!).

The bird I am looking for needs to be 1-3 colors (the simpler the better for silk screening/embroidery), and either be a front or side view with wings outstretched and talons spread. I am going to modify it from there with crossed cavalry sabers and US/S. Korean Flags and a motto.

There are a lot of people here more creative and resourceful in these things than me so I am asking for your help. If someone hooks me up with a design I use I will mail them a T Shirt or hat or two that I use it on for free. If someone hooks me up with a design I use I will mail them a T Shirt or hat or two that I use it on for free!

If you have submissions email them to: [email protected]

Thanks for your time and help!

10-25-2001, 05:20 PM
I'll look this weekend.

10-25-2001, 08:39 PM
Go Army!

I thought you liked to be called "aviators" as opposed to "pilots". Oh well. When I choose my branch 2 out of my top 3 will be cav friendly. (Aviation and armor) I'm getting all the infantry I can take being a cadet. If I get some time I'll see if I can help you out.

Hoo ah!

10-25-2001, 09:06 PM
sajohnston: I unfortunatly do not have the info you require. I do however have a few questions.

I am thinking of joining the Army for the purpose of flying helicopters(they always fascinated me as a young lad). I'm in college now; what would be a good major to have? Also:

How much math should I have?
what is the minumum amount of time I would have to put
in the Army?

If you don't wnat to answer here you can email me at:

[email protected]

10-27-2001, 10:47 AM
I am thinking of joining the Army for the purpose of flying helicopters(they always fascinated me as a young lad). I'm in college now; what would be a good major to have? Also: If it is Helos you want, the army has the most and most variety (Gunships, transports, medium lift, and spec ops). As for a major just about anything will do- I am Criminal Justice myself. Sure something aviation related will help you personally, but there is in fact no secret major that the army looks for as a sure ticket.

How much math should I have? Algebra and geometry at a minimum. You use rudimentary forms of both every day. My analytics and Calculus I-IV haven't been used much if at all. I highly recommend physics and some sort of competitive team sport to finish things off.

what is the minimum amount of time I would have to put in the Army? For active duty 6 years from the time you finish flight school (which takes about 1 year plus another 4 months for an aircraft specific transition). I do not know what the minimum time would be for the National Guard or Reserves, check with their recruiters.

The fastest route for you to get in the cockpit would be ROTC. You could sign up for it, see if you like the way of life it brings. You will be able to tell if it is for you or not fairly quickly. You do not obligate yourself to the military until your third year of ROTC typically, and then you have to enter into a formal contract with the service to obligate yourself. ROTC would make you a Commissioned Officer (second lieutenant). Another option would be to enlist and gamble for a Aviation Warrant Officer slot. Warrants do more flying, less leading and are paid slightly less. You just have to figure what your priority is- leadership or flying. Nothing wrong with either, only you know what you want.

Feel free to bounce any questions you have off of me anytime.


10-27-2001, 07:21 PM
hey saj i was just in korea, in osan. I was on base too.