View Full Version : Whaaaaat... flash video on 9/11 at the Pentagon... conspiracy theory?

09-02-2004, 10:24 AM

Interesting, and kind of creepy, to say the least... ideas?

09-02-2004, 10:36 AM
Interesting to say the least.. As to the validity of it all, anyone have more info?

09-02-2004, 10:37 AM
Theres a whole website somewhere refuting that.

Its a pile of crap, if you find that website they break it down in detail and disprove it.

09-02-2004, 10:41 AM
Kinda makes you think...
But if it's true, than that is just crazy.

09-02-2004, 10:48 AM
Total crap.

An 80 ton Boeing is flimsy compaired to a heavily armoured and reinforced building.

While huge on the ground, a direct inpact would cause nothing more than a hole the same diameter as the main fuselage.

Look at the WTC towers after the hits. If you ignore the images/film of the planes hitting the tower and ignore the pictures of plane debris, then you could mount the same crap lies about the towers.


09-02-2004, 11:01 AM
interesting and all crap. everything has confirmed false.

09-02-2004, 11:06 AM
i thought that was cool and makes you kind a not trust your country to say the least nice find

09-02-2004, 11:12 AM
i thought that was cool and makes you kind a not trust your country to say the least nice find

thats exactly the point of it. to promote untrust

09-02-2004, 11:28 AM
Well that "other" footage would be nice to see. If indeed it does exist, it would shut down this story. As it stands now it's adds fuel to the fire. I did find it interesting though. I always like hearing people's theories on real time events. My favorite is people that feel we didn't land on the moon but a movie studio instead. I do wonder about the debris. Not much was showing, and I've seen real wreckage in person before.

09-02-2004, 11:30 AM

This is at least the third time that page has been mentioned here, by the way.

09-02-2004, 12:07 PM
This is at least the third time that page has been mentioned here, by the way.BLEH

Checking out that snopes link now.

09-02-2004, 12:09 PM
I dunno, that link didn't do a very good job of refuting the video. While not disbeliving the official exlanation, im still curious as to the lack of damage to the exterior where the wings would have hit, and the lack of large pieces of evidence. Im also curious as to why the website talks about energy from the crash being reduced when it hit the ground before it hit the building, yet I cant see any indication that it hit the ground prior to hitting the building. Its odd.

09-02-2004, 12:10 PM
An 80 ton Boeing is flimsy compaired to a heavily armoured and reinforced building.

Indeed. People seem to forget that aircraft are designed to be light, even the huge cargo and passenger planes. If you've ever seen video of test-crashed airliners, you can see the wings tear off and crumple like tin foil just from hitting trees, telephone poles and so on. It's basically a giant empty can, anyway...not much impact mass considering the sheer size of the aircraft.

I don't dispute the fact that not everything seems to fit, but really...does it matter? Something hit the pentagon, and someone wanted it to happen. What and who is something we may never know - it's too late to change the immediate outcome anyway.

09-02-2004, 12:28 PM
I think this whole conspiracy thing is silly. How is the government going to stage something like this at the same time as the world trade center crashes. What good would it do anyway?

09-02-2004, 12:40 PM
Indeed. People seem to forget that aircraft are designed to be light, even the huge cargo and passenger planes. If you've ever seen video of test-crashed airliners, you can see the wings tear off and crumple like tin foil just from hitting trees, telephone poles and so on. It's basically a giant empty can, anyway...not much impact mass considering the sheer size of the aircraft.

I don't dispute the fact that not everything seems to fit, but really...does it matter? Something hit the pentagon, and someone wanted it to happen. What and who is something we may never know - it's too late to change the immediate outcome anyway.

Well, they are designed to be light AND strong. But in general I agree with you. I just hate loose ends.

09-02-2004, 12:45 PM
-deleted because AO is too immature for this kind of stuff-

09-02-2004, 12:48 PM
This topic has been bounced around in numerous places. This is the latest thread from The Tinker's Guild: http://www.network54.com/Forum/message?forumid=9013&messageid=1094014178

Also keep in mind that the wall that was hit was 24 inches (2 feet) thick, with steel beams reinforcing it, then lined with ballistic nylon. Finally, remember that there were witnesses that not only saw the plane as it crossed the highway (it knocked over light poles), but some of those witnesses also saw the plane impact the Pentagon.

09-02-2004, 12:55 PM
Whoa..Sorry smoke. I cant read that. You need help, or a life. No Im just kidding. I'm not flaming you. I dont have the time or patience to begin to read your post. Just read the last sentence and I think you should lay off the movies. I totally stand by my statement. Utterly rediculous and pointless to stage such a thing. Sorry just my opinon.

09-02-2004, 12:58 PM
I totally stand by my statement. Utterly rediculous and pointless to stage such a thing. Sorry just my opinon.

Well, that's your choice. I choose to think outside the box and examine the facts.

09-02-2004, 01:02 PM
Smoke - I'm going to start reading your post now. I'll edit or reply again if and when I finish... not NOW, ADD!! :p

09-02-2004, 02:30 PM
Smoke- That was a great post. How long did that take?

Now I am really starting to question this so-called "terrorist" attack. Yes it was carried out by terrorists, of course, but the fact that we may have been alove makes it seems more of conspiracy.
The bombs in the basement, that doesnt make sense. The collapse started at the top of the towers, not at the bottem. It is perceivable that bombs did go off down there, but it doesnt seem like that would cause the collapse.
Your point about the Nuclear power plants was a good one. BUt perhaps they wanted to kill as many as possible right then and there. They didnt want to wait 20 years to cause so many deaths. But then again if they waited for a few more hours, maybe they would have been able to kill 10 times more. But then maybe there were no available flights or w/e.

That's alot to take in.

09-02-2004, 02:38 PM
Well, that's your choice. I choose to think outside the box and examine the facts.

No you're choosing to grasp at inconsistencies and add considerable weight to any improbability that supports your dislike the administration.

Flights fly empty. (that's probably the dumbest argument I've ever heard) I've flown from NY to Montreal or Toronto with the flight more than 90% empty.

Lists are often wrong and inconsistent.

And, while if NORAD had done their job as per PROCEDURE the planes would have been followed, the people working at NORAD are HUMAN! They're not robots. They WERE told in time. There's tape of the conversations that essentially boil down to critical time wasted as they say "WTF?!? ", "But they're PASSENGER planes."...

The crash photos don't have a place for comparison with the Pentagon or WTC. In a “normal” crash the plane isn’t being flown nose first at full throttle into a target. Generally, the plane will be moving slower and more than likely trying to avoid the obstacle or tumbling out of control.

And as far a the whoosh noises heard meaning there was a missile, well I don’t think anyone really has a clue what a plane a 500mph sounds like. Most people only associate low speed approach and engine throttle noises with aircraft. Car “whoosh” if you go a couple hundred mph.

If it was all a conspiracy and the gov’t high-jacked the two planes for the WTC, why would they fake a plane for the Pentagon? The one in Pennsylvania?

Look at the WTC towers after the strikes. Using the crap and stupid “analysis” of the video you couldn’t prove they were hit by planes either.

Planes are strong, but only enough to fly. A plane rammed at full speed into an armoured and reinforced wall and then the wreckage left to burn at high temperature for a long time...

The WTC proved that as well. The planes went through a layer of steel into an empty building structure and little made it out the other side. Where’s the huge gaping hole as required by the morons that believe the conspiracy theory and thing the Pentagon should have been torn asunder?

A plane at speed WOULD leave a nice round hole contrary to that crap video. It’s a long cylinder for God’s sake. The wings would have sheered off on impact with the wall. They’re built to support weight vertically not withstand MONUMENTAL crash forces horizontally.

The video and those that support it are like Holocaust deniers. Over-inflate every inconsistency and ignore/reject every piece of evidence that doesn’t support their pre-formulated ideas.

09-02-2004, 02:42 PM
Smoke, a seismic event coinciding with the beginning of the collapse...


What the hell about a tower falling from the top down as captured on dozens of films and cameras and seen by millions don't you get?

09-02-2004, 02:43 PM

The picture of the plane vs. the damage actually PROVES the plane is the perfect size to casue the damage pictured. :p

09-02-2004, 03:37 PM
Some of my favorite quotes from Smokes post:

"...television evangelist Dr. Robert Schuller said that "...there was not a single block of concrete in that rubble."
A televangelist is apparently an expert on collapsed buildings and personally inspected all "300,000 tons" of debris.

"...found at 7 WTC, which collapsed mysteriously at 5:20 on September 11th. "
Mysteriously?? Two 110 story buildings fell down right next to this one, they did not exactly fold up nicely and not affect anything in the area.

As far as the timelines on the morning of 9/11, it is Monday morning quarterbacking in my oppinion. This kind of attack had never happened before, were NORAD and the FAA supposed to assume that the hijacked planes would be crashed into buildings?
Before this, hijackings were a way of taking hostages to use as a bargaining chip, not a means to destroy buildings..... I am at work, can't take more time, keep your head in the sand, everything will be OK.

09-02-2004, 03:50 PM
Another piece of true stupidity from the conspiracy theory camp.

We're supposed to believe from one group that civilian buildings are super strong and can survive a hit from an airliner and the following hour of inferno,

Yet on the otherhand we're supposed to believe that aircraft are indestructable monstrocities that should be capable of decimating Military instalations that were recently reinforced to withstand missile and explosives attacks.

And we're supposed to believe that a fire supplied with office and building materials (in a building that survived a fire and didn't collapse) is stronger than a fire that is fed by the same materials AND A FULL LOAD OF JET FUEL!!! :rolleyes:

We're also supposed to throw our sanity and disbelief to the wind to accept a number of their other claims as well. :tard:


- Sure no other steel structured building has failed because of fire. No other buildings have had fire, jet fuel, and the collision of an aircraft either. :tard:

- And a nuclear explosion?!? Where's the radiation?

- A fire fighter can tell the difference between bombs going off and impacts of structure falling down?

- tele-evangelists a qualified building inspectors?!?

- No kidding the lobby was damaged. The PRESSURE WAVE and not the fire reached the lobby. Then the building suffered massive instantaneous depressurisation.

- then there's the sites that claim pulsed-harmonic weaponry and tectonic weapons.


I can feel myself getting dumber just reading this tripe. :rolleyes:

09-02-2004, 04:22 PM
Booo!!!! SlartyBartFast and his "reason" and "logical thinking"!! :p :D


09-02-2004, 06:08 PM

you're seeing a whole TEAM of specialists aren't you?


09-02-2004, 06:25 PM
most people would say the wtc towers were tall and kinda big, now think if they were to fall, would concrete stay solid after that? and last time i checked bombs didnt pulverize concrete into dust either and how could they have done it to all the concrete in the building? Also about the molten metal, i would assume that all that energy coming down would exert so much force that it would produce massive amounts of heat and just melt everything down in the lower levels. try hitting a penny with a hammer for a while and u will notice that it gets hot just like a penny on the rail road tracks. then apply that theory to a building falling.

09-02-2004, 06:33 PM
mariana vs bush (http://www.911timeline.net/marianivsbush.htm) this one got me going

kudos to anyone who can find out how much compensation she think she is going to get.

09-02-2004, 06:57 PM
Wow, way to tear me apart while I'm not even logged on. Great stuff. :nono:

09-02-2004, 07:07 PM
First off dude, chill with the attitude. all that's going to do is get the thread locked.

Secondly, I didn't write all of that post. The timeline and subsequent commentary came from www.911timeline.net. My personal commentary comes after the series of '***'.

Smoke, a seismic event coinciding with the beginning of the collapse...


What the hell about a tower falling from the top down as captured on dozens of films and cameras and seen by millions don't you get?


In conjuction with this picture, the author goes on to say:

These unexplained "spikes" in the seismic data tends to lend credence to the theory that perhaps a massive explosion(s) in the lowest level of the basements where the supporting steel columns of the WTC met the bedrock caused the collapses. A "sharp spike of short duration" is how seismologist Thorne Lay of University of California at Santa Cruz told AFP an underground nuclear explosion appears on a seismograph. The two unexplained spikes are more than twenty times the amplitude of the other seismic waves associated with the collapses and occurred in the East-West seismic recording as the buildings began to fall.


Now, before you go off on this 'liberal left' 'bush-bashing' crap, look at the facts. How can you explin the time delay from when the FAA notified NORAD and the delay in scrambling fighters that were mere minutes away from the planes? Let me guess, the folks at NORAD are just human. Well guess what, if these are the kind of 'human mistakes' the people at NORAD make, then we serisouly need to take a good long look at exactly who is defending our country. These people aren't paid to make mistakes like this they're supposed to do their job, and 10 minutes is the maximum time allowed for interception of a hijacked plane. Delays like this are unacceptable, and I'm waiting for an explanation on their nature.

09-02-2004, 07:16 PM
Another piece of true stupidity from the conspiracy theory camp.

We're supposed to believe from one group that civilian buildings are super strong and can survive a hit from an airliner and the following hour of inferno,

Yet on the otherhand we're supposed to believe that aircraft are indestructable monstrocities that should be capable of decimating Military instalations that were recently reinforced to withstand missile and explosives attacks.

And we're supposed to believe that a fire supplied with office and building materials (in a building that survived a fire and didn't collapse) is stronger than a fire that is fed by the same materials AND A FULL LOAD OF JET FUEL!!! :rolleyes:

We're also supposed to throw our sanity and disbelief to the wind to accept a number of their other claims as well. :tard:

The WTC was designed to be able to take a head on collision from a fully loaded comercial plan, a large 700 series to be exact, striking it at any and all locations be it the top, middle, or bottom of the structure. The building was designed to withstand this (and yes I'm sure they took jet fuel into consideration, because um.....don't jets use jet fuel?)


- Sure no other steel structured building has failed because of fire. No other buildings have had fire, jet fuel, and the collision of an aircraft either. :tard:

Again, the WTC was designed to take impacts like this.

- And a nuclear explosion?!? Where's the radiation?

Um...you do know radiation is a result of a nuclear explosion and the fallout, right?

- A fire fighter can tell the difference between bombs going off and impacts of structure falling down?

I don't think he'll have time to differentiate seeing as the building fell down ontop of him. Plus watch the footage of the buildings falling....lots of noise.

- tele-evangelists a qualified building inspectors?!?

I didn't write the timeline. There are other timelines out there as well that cite other sources. If you have time, look it up.

No kidding the lobby was damaged. The PRESSURE WAVE and not the fire reached the lobby. Then the building suffered massive instantaneous depressurisation.

WRONG. Watch the 9/11 documentary of the camera crew that went into the lobby. Upon entering flaming jet fuel burst through and elevator shafts and in turn doused several people nearby in flames. The camera man comments on this and says that it was so terrible he did not want to film it.

- then there's the sites that claim pulsed-harmonic weaponry and tectonic weapons.


I can feel myself getting dumber just reading this tripe. :rolleyes:

Yawn. I'm not the one resorting to childish taunts now am I?

09-02-2004, 07:28 PM
Smoke, I am now 100% sure you are certifiably insane.

The Unibomber isn't using his shack anymore, maybe you could move in?

09-02-2004, 07:29 PM
i always found this kinda wierd. does anybody remember this show about a guy who could tell the future some how ( i believe the show was on fox). and he said the government was going to crash a 747 into the twin towers to let the american people think is was a terrorist attack so they could increase government spending on the military budget or somethin. blah blah blah he eventually makes the plane pull up at the last second and he saves the day. now im sure i saw this little short lived show and i can gurantee i wasnt smokin anything. does anyopne else remember this show before 9/11?

09-02-2004, 07:30 PM
Again, the WTC was designed to take impacts like this.

yes the wtc was designed for airplane impacts.... a 707. not a 767 loaded with fuel.

Um...you do know radiation is a result of a nuclear explosion and the fallout, right?

and thank you for clearing this up i always thought if you left the microwave on too long...

Delays like this are unacceptable, and I'm waiting for an explanation on their nature. surely the place to come for an explanation, the ao friendly corner, is here.

09-02-2004, 07:37 PM
Smoke, I am now 100% sure you are certifiably insane.

The Unibomber isn't using his shack anymore, maybe you could move in?

hahaha funny stuff.

i have to agree with you smoke when you said you think outside of the box. you are thinking WAY OUTSIDE.

09-02-2004, 07:46 PM
Well, so much for me thinking that AOers can have reasonable debates without resorting to personal attacks. So much for mature grown up discussions...

Sorry for posting my opinions, I didn't realize that we live in a fascist country. I'm sure any second now the gestapo will pull up in front of my house and shuffle me off into a black SUV with tinted windows.

09-02-2004, 07:53 PM
I have a few questions I'd like you to look at smoke so I can get a better understanding of where you're coming from.

1. Elvis, is he alive or dead?

2. The moon is made of green cheese, yes or no?

3. The moon landings were staged on a set with OJ Simpson playing Neil Armstrong. True or False?

4. Crop Circles are really undecipherable codes left by aliens in farmers fields. True or false?

5. Voodoo dolls really work. Yes or no?

6. Horoscopes are accurate and can precisely forecast your life on a day to day basis. True or false?

I am eagerly anticipating your replies.

09-02-2004, 07:54 PM
Well, so much for me thinking that AOers can have reasonable debates without resorting to personal attacks. So much for mature grown up discussions...

Sorry for posting my opinions, I didn't realize that we live in a fascist country. I'm sure any second now the gestapo will pull up in front of my house and shuffle me off into a black SUV with tinted windows.

I'm sure with your "opinions" exactly that may happen in the next ten minutes or so.

Seriously, take the tinfoil hat off. It'll do you a world of good.

09-02-2004, 07:57 PM
I have a few questions I'd like you to look at smoke so I can get a better understanding of where you're coming from.

1. Elvis, is he alive or dead?

Dead. Even if he was claimed to be alive years ago he'd be dead now anyways.

2. The moon is made of green cheese, yes or no?


3. The moon landings were staged on a set with OJ Simpson playing Neil Armstrong. True or False?

False, the moon landing happened and OJ killed his wife and that other guy.

4. Crop Circles are really undecipherable codes left by aliens in farmers fields. True or false?

No clue, probably nothing more than a hoax. False.

5. Voodoo dolls really work. Yes or no?

I personally don't believe in voodoo. No.

6. Horoscopes are accurate and can precisely forecast your life on a day to day basis. True or false?

False. I put more stock in faith and fate than horoscopes.

09-02-2004, 07:58 PM
Well, so much for me thinking that AOers can have reasonable debates without resorting to personal attacks. So much for mature grown up discussions...

Sorry for posting my opinions, I didn't realize that we live in a fascist country. I'm sure any second now the gestapo will pull up in front of my house and shuffle me off into a black SUV with tinted windows.

Get used to it man. This is AO's friendly corner. If your opinion doesn't match the majority you get flamed and then get warned when you defend yourself. By the way I've previously pointed out that we should of had jets scrambled quicker then they did and got flamed worse then a brot on a bbq. Anyways. Your long post was a interesting read.

09-02-2004, 07:59 PM
I'm sure with your "opinions" exactly that may happen in the next ten minutes or so.

Seriously, take the tinfoil hat off. It'll do you a world of good.

So.... because I have doubts about who is behind an attack on the US that makes me a nut? Please....

09-02-2004, 08:00 PM
Get used to it man. This is AO's friendly corner. If your opinion doesn't match the majority you get flamed and then get warned when you defend yourself. By the way I've previously pointed out that we should of had jets scrambled quicker then they did and got flamed worse then a brot on a bbq. Anyways. Your long post was a interesting read.

Yeah, AO has rapidly become PBNation when it comes to user courtesy. Thanks for at least not ripping me apart for using my Freedom of Speech.

09-02-2004, 08:02 PM
You expect me to debate you about this?

If someone walked up to me said the sky was falling, I wouldn't waste time trying to explain to him that it wasn't. I'd just shake my head, laugh a little, and walk away.

09-02-2004, 08:08 PM
You expect me to debate you about this?

If someone walked up to me said the sky was falling, I wouldn't waste time trying to explain to him that it wasn't. I'd just shake my head, laugh a little, and walk away.

The fact that you can't even accept that someone may have a different opinion on a subject makes me want to just shake my head, laugh a little, and walk away.

Is this what you guys do to people outside the forums that have a different opinion on a subject? Mock them?

09-02-2004, 08:09 PM
Yes it is. I've been the victim several times.

09-02-2004, 08:17 PM
So.... because I have doubts about who is behind an attack on the US that makes me a nut? Please....

No, your assertion based on your "evidence" that President of the USA had something to do with the attacks on 9-11 makes you NUTS.




I'd quote you but you conveniently deleted the post.

09-02-2004, 08:18 PM
No, your assertion based on your "evidence" that President of the USA had something to do with the attacks on 9-11 makes you NUTS.




I'd quote you but you conveniently deleted the post.

I deleted it because I didn't come here to be flamed by closed minded uber conservatives.

09-02-2004, 08:19 PM
Yeah, AO has rapidly become PBNation when it comes to user courtesy. Thanks for at least not ripping me apart for using my Freedom of Speech.

If your opinions were core beliefs you wouldn't delete them, cry about getting them questioned, and then accuse everyone ELSE of some kind of freedom of speech consipracy.

09-02-2004, 08:20 PM
I deleted it because I didn't come here to be flamed by closed minded uber conservatives.

riiiight, we're supposed to take this flight from reality as Gospel according to smoke?

Yeah we're close minded. uh huh.

what a whackjob

09-02-2004, 08:21 PM
If your opinions were core beliefs you wouldn't delete them, cry about getting them questioned, and then accuse everyone ELSE of some kind of freedom of speech consipracy.


The only person crying here is you and the other people who flamed me for posting my opinion. I have better things to do than stoop to immature levels of arguing, but if you want to drag this on then feel free.

09-02-2004, 08:22 PM
riiiight, we're supposed to take this flight from reality as Gospel according to smoke?

Yeah we're close minded. uh huh.

what a whackjob

Ah, the joys of immature flaming......

Tell you what, if you want to debate this then learn to talk in the the big boy voice first. Why should I debate with you when all you do is name call?

09-02-2004, 08:29 PM
Right, yet another victim.

For the record I refuse to debate people who are certifiable.

I read your post. Read and watched the "evidence", read your "comments" now conveniently deleted, and came to the conclusion that ANY ADULT would come to.

You're nuts.

The people you get your "evidence" from are nuts.

The people who think that "evidence" is PROOF that President Bush had ANYTHING to do with the attacks that killed over 3500 Americans are NUTS.

Do I need to fire up MSPaint and draw you a picture?


09-02-2004, 08:33 PM
Wow...judging from your profile you're 40 years old. And yet you have the maturity level of a 5th grader. Hell, my 8 year old brother knows better than to name call and disrespect other people. 40 years old and acting like a simpleton? Maybe it is not I who is the 'wackjob'.....

Truth is you didn't come here to debate, you came here to disrepect another user because he shares a different opinion from you. Quite sad actually. The kind of people you label 'wackjobs' and flame for posting their opinions get my respect for speaking up for their beliefs. And the only reason I deleted my post was because of your inane comments and you judging my entire character by 1 post that disagrees with your political stances. Very sad.

09-02-2004, 09:31 PM
smoke you need to stop praising yourself. I could say this whole thread is a postwhoring conspiracy for you, insert some random facts and have what you have presented us with. and a college professor says a nuke went off.

09-02-2004, 09:38 PM
smoke you need to stop praising yourself. I could say this whole thread is a postwhoring conspiracy for you, insert some random facts and have what you have presented us with. and a college professor says a nuke went off.

No, it's called defending myself. Get it right.

09-02-2004, 09:48 PM
You guys need to stop attacking Smoke. He posted something that he found, a timeline, and gave his opinions on the topic. You might not agree with those opinions or timeline but that doesn't change that he has the right to say those thoughts. I've seen several similar, if not the same as how the timeline went.

The thread was started with a interesting video. Whether it happened this way or not, it does have some questions that would be nice to have answers for. It still does not change the fact that unnecessary deaths were caused.

By the way. I think I'll go to AO's friendly corner... oh wait I am there already, for a sec I thought it was small talk on PBN. :eek:

09-02-2004, 09:57 PM
No, it's called defending myself. Get it right.

Keep kissing your own ***.

09-02-2004, 09:59 PM
Keep kissing your own ***.

So now ontop of flaming you're setting off the cuss filter? :rolleyes:

09-02-2004, 10:01 PM
how did i circumvent the swear filter? Do you even know what that means? conveniently changed post?

09-02-2004, 10:05 PM
Here is the forum rule. If you didn't do that, then you broke the FIRST rule. No Cussing.

Do not try to circumvent the cuss filters by using spaces or other characters

09-02-2004, 10:06 PM
what are you talking about i didnt do any of that. he just said it thinking he was smart and then changed it. see *** *** *** not going around anything

09-02-2004, 10:07 PM
how did i circumvent the swear filter? Do you even know what that means? conveniently changed post?

Yes, that's why I edited my post and placed the proper words in there. SORRY, SO I POSTED THE WRONG THING AND CORRECTED IT. GIVE ME A BREAK ALREADY. Jeez.... :cuss:

09-02-2004, 10:08 PM
what are you talking about i didnt do any of that. he just said it thinking he was smart and then changed it. see *** *** *** not going around anything
Just so you know No Skillz got a warning for doing that. Just letting ya know. By the way did you actually read the last sentence in my prior post?

09-02-2004, 10:13 PM
whats wrong with *** or **** btw the second one is darn but i felt like putting stars instead.

09-02-2004, 11:38 PM
"What we have to accomplish at this time is all the more clear: relentless criticism of all existing conditions, relentless in the sense that the criticism is not afraid of its findings and just as little afraid of the conflict with the powers that be."
- Karl Marx

I still think you're nutty though.

09-02-2004, 11:53 PM
good god are there any normal people left on AO?

09-02-2004, 11:55 PM
BTW, being a pilot, I'd rather not comment on this because I like seeing smoke make a complete idiot of himself

09-03-2004, 12:04 AM
BTW, being a pilot, I'd rather not comment on this because I like seeing smoke make a complete idiot of himself

WTF is with you people? 1 friggin comment and you guys think I'm some unstable wacko.

And I'm willing to be YOU didn't even read the comment before I deleted it.

09-03-2004, 12:17 AM
This thread is closed - should be pretty obvious as to why. -Me