View Full Version : Dual-E mag at World Cup!! ??? [pic]

10-25-2001, 10:19 AM

(Thanks Warpig)


This, I wanna see more of!

Come on Tom, spill the beans! Who did it, why, and how much did they drink?


10-25-2001, 10:30 AM
I think that gun is actually kind of old. I remember seeing it in a magazine or on the interent a while back (before the emag came out). It's probably the same one just converted into an emag. Anyway, it looks awesome. I want it.

Also, how does it work?

10-25-2001, 10:37 AM
After looking at it some more, I've made a few guesses...

They must have mounted the left-side valve upside down to allow the air inlet to come out on the left. This means removing the little lug that sits in the z-groove on the rail.

As for the bodies, I have NO IDEA how they pulled that off; I'm guessing it's 2 minimag bodies, one hopper-left, the other hopper-right, but with the powerfeeds twisted slightly so that the hoppers dont clash when they're fitted.

The real question is how did they get a single solenoid to trigger 2, completely misaligned, sears!?? There must be some wacky sear mechanism that allows it to work.
Also, I would have guessed that the solenoid isnt powerful enough to move 2 sears at once, or if it is, I bet it uses up the battery pretty fast!

Anyone know anymore about it?



10-25-2001, 10:48 AM
i want one.

who can get me one?

let me know throught the usual channels.

Temo Vryce
10-25-2001, 10:53 AM
APG had a picture of a custom double minimag on the cover of one of their issues a few years ago.

I don't think it would be too hard to pull off. Sure you might need a stronger solenoid and you would have to have the sears mounted in a \ / formation. The left side valve wouldn't be too hard either, it's most likely a custom job. Personally I would love to see a video of this thing in action. Can you imagine the speed that you would go through paint with this thing? I wonder if both barrel fire together or if they alternate?

This is an E-Mag you would want to own just to say that you have it. :D

10-25-2001, 01:08 PM
It must be a custom job..
The minimag bodys were angled so that the hoppers wouldn't interfere with each other, the hopper left body on the right, and the hopper right body on the left. This centers the weight better, and keeps you from having hoppers sticking out every which way.

The Retro valve on the left/top is indeed mounted upside down.. how do you know? the small print is usually on the right, E-Mag or ReTro valve is usually on the left, but it's the opposite on this valve. This raises the question of how to activate the on/off, which would now be pointing straight into the top of the body. Perhaps some machining work has switched the on/off to the other side of the body, or the front half of the valve is a left air inlet valve.

As for the sears, I thought about it for a minute, and this is what I think they did: they made a custom body rail (obviously), and then put two regular sear top halves (the see-saw) into the body, positioned vertically, like in a regular mag. Then they connected the sears by two rods, say on the front, and on the back:
left right
sear sear
then, they connected the e-mag clevis rod to a single bottom portion of the sear, which is connected to the upper half of the sears.
Now, with this setup, you fire two shots per pull, which is obviously NPPL-no-no. but then again so is having two barrels. :p
But this is the simplest and most practical way to do this setup (or at least the most practical i could think of in under a minute).
The manual/hybrid modes would still work (can you imagine the trigger kickback on TWO retro valves though? :D

The sears are probably not angled in "V" fashion, because you have to realize, that although you can release the bolt anywhere on its circumference, you still need to close that durned on/off, and that orientation is up/down.

NOW, onto my usual comments: I WANT ONE! hahaha

And, anothing thing caught my eye: Is that a 4500 flatline, or just an annodized 3000 reg?

Temo Vryce
10-25-2001, 01:19 PM
Due to the fact that this looks like a custom show piece I would guess that it is the 4500 flatline. It would be a very cool way for AGD to say hey we are coming out with the 4500 soon. Man my wallet hurts just thinking about the ammount of paint I could put through that in a game.

10-25-2001, 01:28 PM
just saw that...... intersting would be wierd to aim the thing

10-25-2001, 02:14 PM
it must be a gas hog if 1 tank fires those 2 valves at the same time

10-25-2001, 02:22 PM

Nast Typhoons can fire one or both barrels. One valve runs the entire gun. On a 20 oz Co2 tank I think is 600 shots. From several articles I have read, the nasty weighs in at 10 pounds with twin VL 2000s and one 20 Oz tank. There is only an increase of 11% with teh second barrel on. That's how close the balls are to on another.


Top Secret
10-25-2001, 02:31 PM
I've seen that gun before at Hit and Run Paintball before it was E-Mag-ized. The Airgun techie Rod had it on display in the ProShop. Pretty sweet, but hella heavy. So Tom, when can we place orders? How much for the upgrade from and E-Mag??? LOL

10-25-2001, 03:12 PM
Yeah, I checked that gun out at the World cup, Tom was raving about. It's really really heavy, go figure though. As far as firing goes, I'm pretty sure you'd have to use two air sources for the two valves.

10-25-2001, 07:31 PM
The valve on the left is NOT mounted upside down!
On my mini the air inlet is on the left also, when I was checking into getting a retro for my mini I called AGD to see if they had any set up with the air onlet on the left and they only made a few but they have them avalable.

10-25-2001, 07:39 PM
Imagine two warps on that...kinda like my dream gun.

Nasty Phoon
Two warps
Two VL 3000's
Bigass nitro tank 114/4500 of sorts.

Yeah, thats what I want, something to scare the newbies with.


Load SM5
10-25-2001, 07:48 PM
Yea, you'll be pretty scary laying on the ground huffing from carrying all that from your car. :D

Originally posted by Chris
Imagine two warps on that...kinda like my dream gun.

Nasty Phoon
Two warps
Two VL 3000's
Bigass nitro tank 114/4500 of sorts.

Yeah, thats what I want, something to scare the newbies with.


10-25-2001, 09:00 PM
How on earth could a person afford the paint!!!!!!! I mean, when I borrowed my friends emag I shot over a case. Now I'm gonna DOUBLE that?!?!? jeez, wish Daddy Warbucks was my daddy, ya know?

10-25-2001, 11:28 PM
I realized that and thought it was pretty darn cool.

Temo Vryce
10-28-2001, 02:02 PM
2 valves... well with the new 4500 reg on say a 114 tank you might be able to last a full game in a 3-Man tourny. j/k I think that with a 4500 68 - 114 you would be able to get 2 or 3 games from a 68 more once you start climbing the tank size ladder. 114 should last you about half a day.

You know I think I would want a pair if Z-bodies on that with a large bore barrel and say 10 pod (140 rnds) pack, Dual warps with HALOs, a 114 on a drop and another on remote both 4500 flatlines, and a small tripod, or atleast a sling. play a back possition and rain AGD fury on the angel babies. Actually better add a crane to that list so I can get to my bunker. I won't be able to move, the crane will have to carry me. :D

I can dream, can't I?

10-28-2001, 02:40 PM
Think about setting up two warps, thoguh.. it would have to be one per side, unless you want a dangerously unbalanced setup.

I say: Two halos on top, then use Rob_AGD's circut board with the automatic@16bps.. basically you're gettin 32bps automatic...............:D

10-28-2001, 02:53 PM
I've seen this gun before. IIRC it's RobAGD's, and it was a dual Mini first (The left valve is most likely simply threaded so the Reg would thread on with the inlet on the other side.) Looks like it has been upgraded to an E-Mag (last time I saw a pic it was simply a retro). And yes, this is a full-on custom. I'm sure Punisher should be able to make one, if he put his mind to it, except for maybe the E-Mag frame.

10-28-2001, 04:09 PM
What would be even sweeter I think would be a over/under mag. It would have two mainbodies on top of each other. Of course it would be impossible because you wouldn't be able to get a sear to the top valve.

10-28-2001, 04:41 PM
Hey Pumpamatic, I like you're over-under dual Mag Idea.

It got me thinking; I dont think It's impossible.
You're right in saying that the difficulty is getting the sear to activate both valves simultaneaously. The answer is rotate the valves so that both sear-slots face out to the left or right. Then you'd have to mount the sears vertically with some sort of swivel mechanism.

The difficult bit is converting the horizontal sear rotation into vertical sear rotation. Tricky, but not impossible.

That would make a neat hack!


Load SM5
10-28-2001, 04:57 PM
There was a gun in an old paintball mag that was modified by Doc's Machine Shop that was a Tippman 98 with a mag body on top. They both fired at the same time from one trigger pull so I guess an over-under mag might be possible.

10-28-2001, 09:20 PM
Ok here we go guys.

#1 - Its not mine, it's Rod D's from Hit & Run Paintball in TX

#2 - Its a 1 off custom that was but a few years ago by Tom Kaye

#3 - It has a custom Sear, Rail and mainbodies

#4 - The valve was simply drilled on the left and right sides. You all read way too much into that.

#5 - Rod has turned down over $5k for it so Save you Pennies

#6 - I dont think that there will be another one made.

#7 - it is now is sporting Dual Warps

#8 - Look for it maybe sporting Dual Warp Bodies in the near future.


10-29-2001, 12:27 AM
Do you think you could get some pictures of it, or a video of it in action :D That would be cool.

10-29-2001, 03:39 PM
I have the DUALE-MAG now finalizing the grip install. When it is all finished I will post some pic's and maybe video. Also I plan taking it with me to the music city open and the AO tour for show.