View Full Version : i have a great battery saving idea

10-25-2001, 02:39 PM
why hasnt anyone used solar panels in their hopper designs? i mean have a battery back up but the primary sourse be solar all you have to do is put a protective cover of lexan over the panels..ive been thinkin of this for a while and it just doesnt make sense why no ones done it

10-25-2001, 02:55 PM
cost alot of money and solar panels are delicate

10-25-2001, 03:09 PM
1 hit to the lexan, and you will have paint on the panels

10-25-2001, 03:49 PM
1. Solar panels don't generate a lot of electricity.

2. Even if they did, you would still need to temporarily store the energy somwehere (a battery).

3. Solar panels are expensive if you get the efficient kind that generate comparatively "more" electricity.

4. Do you really want to add MORE weight to your setup?

5. You would need a LOT of surface area for any noticeable effect. You would be a HUGE target.

6. They would break from impacts and hard use.

7. Splatter would temporarily disable them.

8. No indoor or night (scenario) games.

Other than that, good idea :D

10-25-2001, 03:54 PM
ooooo shot down

10-25-2001, 05:06 PM
actually u can get solar panels relatively cheap from Edmund Scientifics ( www.scientificsonline.com ) I dont think u have to worry about weight, a couple of grams for each panel. Durablility wouldn'y be to bad if u secured them with tape and glue. I would put it on the hopper cover, cause u get shot there the least. The only problem is power, for $11 u can get a 20x25 mm. solar panel thats output is milliamps per sq. cm at .45volts. I dont know how to wire it, but it could be done. Just my 2 cents

10-25-2001, 05:44 PM
Calculate the power requirements of whatever it is you are trying to power. You would need a surface are WAY bigger than your hopper top for any paintball application.

Plus the power figures for the panels are optimum, max figures anyways. AND you wouls still need batteries, bright sunlight outside, etc.

So while maybe a good idea in principle, in practice it just would not work.