View Full Version : What the heck is up with this page?

10-25-2001, 03:30 PM
Tom, or whoever keeps the AGD Website up

Who in gods name put the music up on this page?


I was just browsing around for some Z grip pictures, playing some music with my amp up loud. After about a minute (the music was obviously loading during this time)a track from The War of the Worlds musical score suddenly blasts through my speakers. Anyone having heard the song in question will know it is a rather haunting and scary and i genuinly thought someone was going to come into my (dark) room and murder me.

Please remove the song (or at very least give warning :D).

Oh, and what are the factors determining whether you will start production of a new batch of z grips?

[edit: I do actually like said song, it just scares me]
[edit2: oops, wrong stupid page. I = STUPEDS]

10-25-2001, 03:44 PM

10-25-2001, 03:50 PM
What music?? I didnt hear anything...

10-25-2001, 03:58 PM
I actually pasted the wrong URL the first time, its fixed now.
Try again and after about a minute it should sound up.

I beleive it to be in midi format (from the sound)

Tee hee, I've been moderated

10-25-2001, 04:08 PM
Ah, I hear it now... hehe guess your not crazy afterall :) unless were both crazy, which has a good probability :D

10-25-2001, 04:23 PM
I kept saying to myself.. hey, where is it? Then when I resigned myself to NOT hearing it, it came on! LOL It made me jump. :D

Who's idea was it to put that on there?

I would have to say if it was me, I would take it off. Sounds like the track to some Japanese Anime show. LOL

Maybe Tom was (cough) hacked by the SeRvEr NiNjAs... doh darn them! The SeRvEr NiNjAs strike again!


10-25-2001, 04:30 PM
Kill the Ninja's and the Musichttp://www.mauisun.org/ubb/smilies/cwm28.gif
