View Full Version : BKO or PMI EVO

09-04-2004, 11:18 PM
alright i need some help.. i really want a BKO.. but when i told my boss ( i work at a paintball field) he told me to get the evo because it has eyes. the 1 thing i do not like about the evo is that it has a plastic trigger frame. the bko comes stock with a blade trigger which is 4 way adjustable, and if i am correct the plastic trigger on the evo is not adjustable (correct me if im wrong) plus i know that the balls per sec on the bko is capped way higher than the evo.. but then again the evo is a lot cheaper..also i just like the eye which is an extra 125 for the bko (the PDS) .. so please help me in my decision. tell me some pro and cons of each gun that i may have missed, and whatever you know.. and if possible give me some other gun names that are at the same level as these for the same price range thanks a lot in advance :shooting: :tard:

09-04-2004, 11:38 PM
Get the BKO, it's electro-pnuematic where the Evo is just a sear-tripping Piranha w/ eyes. As long as you can feed the BKO with a fast loader, it'll be hard to chop paint in it.

09-05-2004, 01:22 AM
BKO. the piranha triggers are essentially un-walkable and feel very cheap. the BKO will be much faster and as long as youve got a force fed hopper, you'll be set.

09-05-2004, 05:53 AM
BKO get that and then upgrade from there. I have seen evos go down on the feilds too many times to think of getting one for myself, let alone for someone else. Cons of an Evo trigger pull is extremely long, stock barrel is a POS and the grip IMHO feels like it will break on a superman dive.

09-05-2004, 10:16 AM
Get the bko, even if it doesnt have eyes, its more expensive for a reason. Plus you can upgrade BKOs to be great guns. Even if it can only shoot 18 bps, you cant shoot over that unless there is some kind of bounce or something. I got my bko but havnt got to test it since i didnt start with a nitro tank so i bought a gun THEN nitro and now im savin to go play. It sucks not having a job.

I have a cousin that bought an evo, all i know is that he had to send it back in to get it fixed or something.

09-05-2004, 11:41 AM
Im gonna put my vote in for the BKO as well. I believe you are right with the Evo trigger, im almost 100% positive it can not be adjusted, not to mention it comes with something absurd like a 100g switch, near impossible to walk.

Are you looking at buying one or the other new or used? If new, you may be able to find a nicer marker used. Just some food for thought.

09-05-2004, 08:22 PM
yea i'm thinking about buying a brand new bko off ebay (i get everything there lol) the only other thing i could think about getting is a used impulse (still 2 much 4 me) or a old b2k2 or something. i was thinking about a used evil omen but i asked sum 1 about them 2day but he said they are crap with the force side feed, so thats out of the picture

thanks every1 .. more suggestions are welcome

09-05-2004, 08:33 PM
Here is some feedback on the Evo.

My last big game I attended someone brought their evo. First of all, the trigger CAN be adjusted, but only minorly. If you take off the grip frame, theres a screw on the trigger than can be screwe din our out. .thats your pre travel.. the theres a spring underneath the front of your trigger.. thats your 'spring tension'. That's all you can adjust.

The eyes are crap. Period. We were shooting Severe Hurricane and the guy was using a 12 volt revvy, after about 8 bps. .the eyes couldn't read well and he got massive chopping because the eyes are activated about the top 3/4 of the breech, not the bottom.

The trigger breaks and bends if fanned. I saw it first hand, dont do it.. Walking can be done, but it's very inconsistent because the board is bad with the eyes off, and the gun just 'feels' slower with the eyes on.

The gun is light.. thats a good thing, but it isn't consistent at ALL on non-siphoned Co2, and break about +/- 8 fps with HPA. Then again he didnt have a good reg on the front.

Lastly, when firing fast, new botl or not.. it has stupid amounts of kick and the frame screws can actually shake lose if not tightened hard enough.. but then you strip them if you tighten too much.. stupid plastic frame.

In conclusion, the Evo is a crap marker from my experience. Get a BKo, I've never used one, but it HAS to be better than the Evo atleast.

Hope this helps.

09-05-2004, 08:44 PM
yes this does help a lot!!!! now i can throw this in my bosses face lol.. now i have no doubt about forgetting about the evo. thanks again :shooting: :tard: