View Full Version : first upgrade for a mag?

10-25-2001, 07:20 PM
kinda taking a poll here...i was just told that the first mag upgrade should be a new frame...who all agrees...and if not a frame then what would be the best first upgrade

Load SM5
10-25-2001, 07:25 PM
I would thing a good barrel to match the paint you normally shoot would be first. Nothing is wrong with the stock frame.

10-25-2001, 07:33 PM
Keep your stock frame, cut it and put on a double trigger. It is a cheap way to shoot faster. Also, save up for a nitro tank setup with Drop Forward, Gas Thru and all the goodies...

10-25-2001, 07:54 PM
Get N2 and N2 goodies a la 4.5k psi flatline tank, slide check, qd, gas through, etc. Then worry about the trigger frame. If you get the n2 goodies don't forget a ricochet, revvy, warp, or halo.

10-25-2001, 08:23 PM
Decent barrel to match the paint you shoot most often. Then I would look into a nitro setup. The preset tanks are great. Simple installation and use. Just screw them in to the ASA and shoot! :)

10-25-2001, 08:49 PM
Definatly get a new barrel. After that you want some kind of nitro, I personally use PMI 47/3000 but I'm hoping to upgrade to a 45/45. After that, a double trigger and a agitating hopper. Good luck!;)

PS: check out my new sig and give me some input:cool:

10-25-2001, 09:25 PM
assuming co2
1. expansion chamber
2. revvy/ricochet
3. barrel

assuming nitro
1. revvy/richochet
2. barrel
3. retro valve

10-26-2001, 09:00 AM
I was going to make a list but alf hit the nail right on the head. 12V Revy is a must. Then a barrell to match the paint you'll shoot most. After these I'd get N2 if you don't have it or a Retro if you do.

A good N2 tank to start with is the Crossfire 68ci 3000psi "Stub" tank.

I'd wait to get a new trigger frame until you have these upgrades. Then I would get an Intelliframe.

10-28-2001, 09:48 PM
Before spending lots of money on HPA or frames Try a new bolt if the stock one dose not work for u:cool: