View Full Version : Barrel stuck on ule body

trains are bad
09-05-2004, 08:03 PM
I have an empire back stuck on my ule body. I tightened it up hand tight and then like 10 seconds later went to change sizes and it was mysteriously stuck. I have tried rubber strap wrenches and nothing is working. Impact, heat...

09-05-2004, 08:05 PM
Thats weird I have the opposite problem, my barrel doesnt like to stay tight on the gun. Sorry but im no help on this one, I would have gone with the strap wrench!

09-05-2004, 08:33 PM
you didnt spill any loctite on it did you? :p

i had my freak barrel stuck on my cocker REAL good. had to take my front pnues off and give it a good turn. wouldnt know what to do in your case...make sure you didnt cross thread or something. dont force it too hard. if theres something wrong then you risk losing both parts. take it to the proshop. or if your really desperate...bust out the vice. :D hope im of some help.


09-05-2004, 09:23 PM
use a old cloth and tho it in a bench vise , that works 4 me , just be very carefull not 2 nic or scratch it

09-05-2004, 11:25 PM
same thing with me my Dye back is stuck to my ULE body and nothin will get it out i have tryed luble heat strap wrench big strong guy nothing anyone wann buy a ULE body comes complete with a dye barrel. LOL :D

09-05-2004, 11:43 PM
Well, you've tried heat, but what about cold? The body would have to stay warm however. If you've got an on/off and a co2 cylinder, you could vent liquid co2 on to the barrel and QUICKLY try to unscrew it. Carefull though, you don't want any frostbite! Wear gloves...

09-05-2004, 11:55 PM
Yeah there's a guy at my local field with an 11 piece empire kit and one of the backs is stuck on his X-Mag, thats gotta suck.

09-06-2004, 11:46 AM
is this the barrel that comes with teh rt pro ule package?

09-06-2004, 07:30 PM
When you get the back off, matter of fact every-body can do this, that didn't know with there barrels is put an o-ring on the barrel at the base of the threads it helps keep the barrel from comming loose and also it gives you that little bit extra to be able to take it off so your not tightening it right up on the metal against metal.

Just a few words from the peanut gallery.And another note for you guys that are using heat on your barrels just remember your taking the strength out of the metal everytime you heat that up, also when you heat metal it will shrink but when it cools it will also expands and even sometimes bigger depending on the metals

09-11-2004, 09:08 PM
If you are able to get the back off, I would suggest using some anti-seize lube before you re-install a barrel
Ditto Yogster- Use a o-ring to keep the barrel from coming loose on you.