View Full Version : scenerio

09-05-2004, 08:12 PM
im going to a scenerio on oct 16th at my local field and i was just looking at stuff to help me. im geting camo but my real question is about guilly suits. r they a good idea or just crap cuz i asked at my field and they had mixed opions. ya an also other suggestions r welcome

09-05-2004, 08:20 PM
Depends on your local field and where you will be playing. If it's all woods, then yeah, a ghillie suit or cammo would be good. My local field has a lot of urban areas and dirt, so I usually wear my flight-suit (minus patches, of course) and it blends in real well with the bunkers and such.

09-05-2004, 09:06 PM
If you really wanna be cool play Speedball in Teh Ghill Suit. Mega Bouncage

09-05-2004, 11:09 PM
a ghillie suit is preferance, is your field conducting rules of play according to the GSRP? if so this means that IF you use a ghillie suit... ANY hit counts, bounce or break. due to the ability for ghillie suits to cause bounces. if they are going by a different ruleset you may want to inquire about hits on ghillie suits...

now, as far as using one or not using one... it depends on your play type and what you plan on doing in the game... if you plan on running missions and/or doing something that contributes to point earning it may not work for you that much, if you plan on creeping and crawling around, to ambush people or "snipe" people than it may work perfectly for you... it all depends in how you plan on playing in the game.

09-05-2004, 11:11 PM
Anyone remember the singing bush from the 3 Amigos?

09-06-2004, 12:01 AM
Yeah, just leave out the singing part... that might blow your cover!


09-06-2004, 11:18 AM
Well, assuming that since you're from Boston you're playing in the Camp Paintball scenario on the 16th, my own take is that there will be to little foliage to make hiding worth the effort.

That being said, I expect quite a few people who would fall for the suit and not notice you.
