View Full Version : Bko Pros And Cons

09-05-2004, 08:37 PM
i really want a 2004 indian creek bko. it seems like a lot of people like this gun and a lot of people hate it. all i hear is go for an impulse.. well honestly i dont have the money for an impulse. 300 is my max. so it would be great if every 1 can tell me the bad as well as good things about the bko. if some 1 can tell me the recremended upgrades along with the average price of them, that would b great.. the last thing i can think of to ask is for the name of another good gun in this price range... thanks in advance :shooting: :tard:

09-05-2004, 10:15 PM
Buy mine, you'll save lotsa cash :ninja:

It's an '03 though, I don't know what you have your heart set on...

BKO = Good. Blowback = bad though. You'll probably have a lot of blowback with the stock bolt, so unless you have a Halo you'll want to pick up a vapor bolt. Also, it's not terribly efficient out of the box, so it helps to have a good sized tank. You may also want to look into an RT 'mag if cash is an issue. I used one all last weekend since my Omen wasn't working (it wasn't a gun problem, just me) and I thought it was plenty fast enough. I held up just fine against high end guns, but I still hardly used any paint! I think it's worth considering.

09-05-2004, 11:59 PM
First question ... Do you need an electro gun??/

Heres what I have seen with some guys that I play with. All of them had them & have sold them all off due to failing them at critical times such as tournies. Two of the three went for TES's & are pleased with them the third got a Karny the last is running an A5. They kept having trouble with the LPR's. They didnt appear to be very good cold weather guns at all. I shot one & wasnt at all impressed. You better off getting a 03 cocker or a used mag with upgrades.