View Full Version : Field Strip Screw BROKEN in Valve, any ideas??

10-25-2001, 08:34 PM
hi...busted off. unfortunately its in too tight to use the eraser trick, just chews em up. tried an oring pick but due to the way it broke theres no real purchase in the direction i need. I'm considering taking it to a machine shop and having them use an extractor. any other ideas???
note: replace field strip screw every year or so....
thanks in advance guys

10-25-2001, 09:54 PM
For something like this, I'd use one of these http://www.aldn.com/service.html

10-26-2001, 06:27 AM
get a tissue

10-26-2001, 06:32 AM
First thing would to be send it to AGD and have them remove it.

If you are good with a drill and a EZ Out take a chance and remove it.

How did it break? Was it put in that tight?

10-26-2001, 08:39 AM
just finger tight, dont trust myself with it, so first thing ill do is try a local shop. any machine shop should be able to extract it...if not ill send it in. i dont have to practice for another week and a bit...thanks for the responses guys. ill whine some more if this falls through :)

10-26-2001, 10:26 AM
That happened to my ReTro. AGD couldn't get it out so they sent me a replacement. It kinda sucks cause I got a Micro Mag ReTro which is serialed different (GFX10536), but it's still the 536th ReTro made. Also when I got the replacement valve it had a big chunk of teflon tape in the reg spring. Gave me all kinds of problems till I found it. I know it came that way from AGD since I loctite all my stuff, no teflon tape.

10-26-2001, 10:39 AM
thats too bad man. theres no way im having it replaced. its micro GFX000611, and id rather not have to drill it out either. if necessary ill leave it be for a while, save up for a retro.

10-26-2001, 12:10 PM
Are you saying it only into the valve or valve still on the rail? If latter then if you take the front grip screw out the body and valve as a whole should lift right straight up and out shouldn't it as a group? Since the field strip screw is no longer holding them in as well? And then hopefully there will be enough of the field strip screw sticking out to get hold of with some vice grips? Try that and see. If not and you already got it off then I dunno its gonna be tough but it could be extracted. Anyway Good luck!

11-01-2001, 07:59 PM
that sounds ugly.... unmm
try welding a slot in it then unscrewing it.. nah that wouldn't be good, try to make a slot in someway then unscrew it

11-01-2001, 09:33 PM
maybe try a small left hand drill bit?

11-02-2001, 08:40 AM
Ok.. here is a solution.

Find a small drill bit, smaller than the screw.

Drill a hole into the screw, not too deep remember.

Use some JB-Weld or other strong cement-glue whatever to glue a sturdy piece of wire into the hold. (I'm thinking a chunk of metal hanger would be perfect, about 4" worth).

After it dries, you can bend the hanger wire into a little L shape, and just twist it to get the screw out.

You have to be REAL careful with the drill and glue, though, so you don't end up A) drilling the threads on your valve, or B) glueing the screw chunk in there.

If you do it right, though, even if the screw is in there pretty tight you should be able to get it out.

A better solution would be if you had a tap and die set to put little threads on the hole you drill, and stick a screw in there. That might be a little sturdier than a wire.

Good luck in any case. I take no responsibility for any damage you may do :)

11-02-2001, 09:36 AM
Your over thinking this again guys.

First : look at the screw that left in the valve. Look for an edge you can catch. Take a nice sharp pointed pick and turn out the screw. With no pressure on it ( fome compression betweek body and rail ) it shouldnt be that hard to turn out.

If that dosent work try a pencil eracer press the eraser down on the broken screw and turn out. You may have to trim the eraser head down so it will contact the screw.

DONT use a drill, bacuse you can really screw up your valve that way.


11-02-2001, 10:56 AM
heh...thanks for all the suggestions guys. im having my local shop tap and extract it for me. i tried using a dental pick to turn it out but had no luck...ah well.

11-02-2001, 04:26 PM
ahh too bad i wanted to help. lets see, if theres enough slack use a vice to get it out. if theres a little bit and you are sure you want hurt the valve. take a dremel with a cutting tool and cut out a wedge. and then tkae a flat head screw driver and unscrew it. there you go :) :D

11-05-2001, 10:44 AM
nice idea man...ill suggest it to him, dont think its done yet.

11-05-2001, 09:01 PM
Choas did this once to a valve, might want to ask him how he got it out.