View Full Version : This Whole Smart Parts Thing! please look

09-06-2004, 01:55 AM
ok guys... first off I just want to say that i am totally supportive of AGD but recently i am very disapointed about some poor decisions.. such as, going completly wood/rec ball? that i soo stupid. nobody and i mean NOBODY cares about rec and woods play. its like a 6 year old with a bb gun acting like he is in the army! and we arnt going to make any money this way either! everyones interest now is speedball, including me personally, and that is where the cash is.... Also about Smart Parts.. look honestly i hate them, but they are being pretty smart they will wait for you to make a gun and then sue you over a little bump in the body!! but they are sueing everyone now including US! :mad: THIS HAS TO STOP, can we please hire a hitman or something? and all of you SP supporters... that was a joke so dont sue me for that too! but guys, come one we cant blame them! they are just sittin back and makin money! and we need to stop this! its really getting out of hand.. and dont they realize that paintball is for fun! its fun at a tournament level, and its not about money... someone plz tell smartparts that! becasue they are ruinin this industry and taking over the paintball industry slowly.....

09-06-2004, 02:00 AM
wow, first of all, welcome to AO

secondly there is alot of money in scenario right now, and sp is holding AGD back from speedball, so what do you want them to do, just stop making money, no i think AGD is doing to right thing right now. They cant make money in the speedball scene right now, so they are focussing on scenario, i dont see the problem, lookat the hair trigger, if/when this thing comes out it will put them back in the speedball scene.

and we have all discussed the martparts problem here about 20,000 times, everything youve said isnt new news. dont instigate problems here, if you wanna dot hat go to PBN

if you want information about the smartparts thing, search the board

and anyway, im tired

09-06-2004, 02:06 AM
You realize that more about 5 times as many people play woodsball versus tournament ball?

Plus they have a great market, they are selling an amazing gun for 450, Most scenario players are spending 400 dollars on tippmans which aren't nearly as consistent, with no anti-chopping features, or anything of that sort. They're selling Tac-Ones big time.

And they won't be making much money anymore, considering the WDP vs. SP lawsuit issue.

I've grown tired of this and don't care much more, I don't like SP products, not because of the lawsuit crap, but because they don't make quality products.

They never sued AGD... In-Fact SP had almost nothing to do with the ceased production of E-Mags and X-Mags...

They aren't sueing everyone in-site, They went after the weak first, AKA and ICD, they're smaller companies with small core owners group (Like AGD) Because of that, Smart-Parts attacked and won.

But in the end... the Banana is funny... :dance:

09-06-2004, 02:09 AM
So what would AGD push into speedball with?

E/Xmags? Let me ask you this... whats popular at speedball/tournaments right now? 2k4 Timmies, DM4's and Angel 4's among others... Which of these guns were designed 4 years ago? Oh right, NONE OF THEM! Why would AGD push into a market dominated by the new and updated with a gun that at heart, is 4 years old?

They can't develop a new one with all the SP BS... So they went with the Hair trigger among other things.

As for the rec/scenario market being filled with army wannabes well... seriously man, when was the last time you played a scenario event? Sure you'll get the guys with tippies that look like real guns, but at EVERY event I've been to they'll be slinging it next to guys with Highlander Vikings, or new Ebladed Cockers.

Where would most likely sell a new high end gun... at a tourney where EVERYONE already has one, or at a scenario where MOST of the people playing there are using blowbacks? Think about it...

09-06-2004, 02:20 AM
no money in rec/woodsball??? AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHAHHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA... oh my god i can not believe that was said...

where do you think the money that made this sport grow, and keeps it thriving came from? rec players make up a majority of the paintball population... and no market? have you ever been to a scenario, if you havent i'd suggest making a MXS game if they host any in your area, or find out some other big scenario host in your area and check out what your obviously missing.

the rec/woodsball market is probably bigger than the tourney market, i don't have any figures but i would put a good bet that its quite a bit bigger market, so why is it a bad idea to embrace this.

09-06-2004, 02:46 AM
For the record Idontneedaname, I really don't think you've made an educated statement here. Put down the facefull magazine and turn off the PB videos that are chaulked full of bunker moves & fights, there is A LOT more to Paintball than whats currently being publicized. The roots of paintball are Rec and Woodsball. There's a simple phrase that should be used here "Don't Believe the Hype."

I think a company like AGD is more about setting trends then following them. So they stepped out of the tourney seen for a while and went to scenario/rec, big deal. I think its a very smart move, the consumers in the scenario scene are more loyal to a company/product than say their tourney player counterparts. I mean lets face it most tourney players will buy or trade out guns just to get whatever is said to be the lastest and greatest. (in most cases anyway). But before making a generalized statement you may want to research the history of the game and the history of the company.

And now its time for the Banana Dance............... :dance:

Oh BTW, Welcome to AO.

09-06-2004, 07:04 AM
As has been posted by others, Rec/Scenario/Woods makes up the vast majority of paintball players.

But I will point out that those who think AGD made the move from Tournament play to Rec/Scenario/Woods was because they are a trend setter….. they may want to think again. There have been companies already supporting that market. AGD is not setting any trends, they are going to a market they feel they can better compete in.

They failed for the most part in the tournament market. Their production costs as well as other factors made it hard for them to go head to head with other manufacturers already firmly established in the tournament scene. And their sales showed this.

Does anyone think that if AGD was doing well in the tournament scene they would have made this move? Not likely. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But if it IS……

This was a good move for AGD, and one that I really wish they had done years ago.

09-06-2004, 07:44 AM
Let me Clarify something. When I said "trend setting", I meant "innovative". ie HPA, P/F, LX, ULT, Warpfeed, HES, etc.... ;)

09-06-2004, 08:32 AM
Let me Clarify something. When I said "trend setting", I meant "innovative". ie HPA, P/F, LX, ULT, Warpfeed, HES, etc.... ;)
ahhhh, thanks for the clarification.

09-06-2004, 08:48 AM
Tournament Ball = 2-3% of the paintball population. And Tournament players don't want to pay for their stuff, they want it all for free.

Recball/Scenario Players = 97-98% of the paintball population. And these players see an item they like and don't demand it free, they pull out their wallet.

Tom made the right move. You're just ignant.

09-06-2004, 08:53 AM
This post can accomplish nothing that hasn't already been said , done or gone over in the [several] other SP threads. This subject is tired. Please DELETE this thread.