View Full Version : hopper selection...

09-06-2004, 12:48 PM
ok i need a new hopper, my options are egg with zboard for 50, or a halo b stock for 80. this is going on my emag. does the weight distribution of the halo vs the egg make a big difference? any other supggestions are welcom. the reloader b is sweet but i dont want to spend 150 for a damn hopper

09-06-2004, 12:54 PM
Halo B will be your best choice. Better loader, looks much better. Evolutions are the worst loader on the market, I think.

09-06-2004, 12:57 PM
ya halos are so much more faster...ive never had a problem with mine..eggs on the otherhand..suck

09-06-2004, 01:07 PM
Halo B will be your best choice. Better loader, looks much better. Evolutions are the worst loader on the market, I think.
no, this is the worst loader on the market!!
but yeah, id say go with the halo.

09-06-2004, 01:26 PM
I've had a 45 ball BE hopper, VL 200, 12 volt revvy, egg2 with y board and Halo.

Halo rules hands down... the weight is easily forgiveable with its benefits. The spring tension is a godsend for the those 'off angled' bursts, the Rip Drive will let you play with DEAD batteries (requires prewinds). It fits the amount of balls to a pod perfectly,so you dont have extra size of plastic the pod never fills, thus, smaller hopper. It's very quiet and it feeds CONSISTENTLY at its top speed, the egg2 doesn't. The quality of the shells is amazing.. I've yet to even hurt mine.

The only few bad things.. are easily 'fixable'. The weight from the batteries... buy lighter weight batteries.. costs more, but atleast you can have an option that way. Sanding the feedneck.. buy an adjustable feedneck. Again, more expensive, but atleast you have the option. Burns through batteries, well, my only idea for that is the Victory board.. HEAR ME OUT FIRST! You can turn the speed DOWN... that saves battery life, and with the spring tension it still feeds fast as a mofo.

Get the Halo.. if you don't like it, you can trade for something else with cash on top.

09-06-2004, 01:30 PM
Wow that is a nice hopper man

H-h-h-h-halo Bu bu bu B

Slade xTekno
09-06-2004, 01:55 PM
no, this is the worst loader on the market!!
but yeah, id say go with the halo.


Do you make martinis with that?

09-06-2004, 01:56 PM
damn slade that hopper is pretty damn fugly.

thanks guys! :cheers:

09-06-2004, 02:09 PM
halo>apache>revvy>grav feed>egg, go with the halo

09-06-2004, 02:10 PM
dont get a egg , if ur dont want a halo get an apachie , i luv mine anf i got a emag also take a look at sum pics



09-06-2004, 02:58 PM

Do you make martinis with that?
what?? im not special anymore?... aww...

nope, im under 21... and its not my hopper anyway, i stole the pic from someone here on AO. i knew id find a use for the pic, since its the most ghetto hopper ever made... its held together with rubber bands for gods sake!!

09-06-2004, 03:25 PM
lmao that hopper is awesome weneed to mass produce it and somehow sell them

09-06-2004, 03:43 PM

09-06-2004, 04:48 PM
Apaches slow my fly down

09-06-2004, 05:07 PM
Apaches slow my fly down

...... :tard: :confused:

50 cal
09-06-2004, 05:26 PM
I use an Egg2 on my E Mag. Would rather have the Halo or Reloader B. It's on my wish list right now. Have too many firearms to fix up right now to get a loader.
The Egg2 is decent, it keeps up with my rate of fire. I don't hammer on it like some do. It's just the way I play. Got the Egg2 used for $40, so it does the job for now.

If you have the bucks for the HaloB w/Rip, get it.

09-09-2004, 07:00 PM
i think i will probably go with the halo, i just got my lowers in today, now im jsut waiting for my rail and ill get some pics. i think ill probably go with a halo, for looks and balance, plus the front profile is nice, and fills exactly with my dye locklids. ill go to the shop and borrow own to play with over the weekend, now all thats left is picking a color...not sure yet, my lowers are carbonfiber, black rail, black xvalve, nickel ule body and black barel with silver tip. ive narrowed it down to clear, smoke, or black. what to you guys think? i know its all personal preferance, but if it were your choice, what would you get? i think black would look the best but i kinda like being able to see how many balls i have left. i can always just get smoke and do some custom stickerage on it i gues..anyway, whatwould u guys do if it was ur choice color wise??

09-09-2004, 07:04 PM
Halo B. The is no comparison.

09-09-2004, 07:13 PM
ive narrowed it down to clear, smoke, or black. what to you guys think? i know its all personal preferance, but if it were your choice, what would you get? i think black would look the best but i kinda like being able to see how many balls i have left. i can always just get smoke and do some custom stickerage on it i gues..anyway, whatwould u guys do if it was ur choice color wise??

You could always get clear or smoke and dye them the color you want. Or just get black, and see how that goes. You could buy new shells if you dont like the black.

09-09-2004, 07:44 PM
i think ill get either clear or smoke, and either paint it or put on some stickers, and maybe carbon fiber accents or soemthing, i duno, im gonna put carbonfiber on the rail too so it matches the lowers

09-09-2004, 07:47 PM
I'd say Reloader B if you can get the $$$ together. They come stock with the Rip drives. I use one for the Emag and the Ecocker and they're awesome. The sound activation kicks much butt, and while shooting the Mag I never have to worry if the paint is too dark.